Noticed anyone with a Windows Phone lately?

Re: Seen a WP lately?

Not a one. Did see a surface in the wild though.

Sent from my Sony Xperia? Z Ultra
Re: Seen a WP lately?

They're everywhere around me now :)) In fact, even more than the Android, all I see right now are iPhone and WP (mostly Nokia).
Re: Seen a WP lately?

Well, being from Finland, I pretty much see more WPs than anything else :D
Re: Seen a WP lately?

Seeing a lot more on transit in the Toronto area. Usually smaller phones like 520 or 8S.
Re: Seen a WP lately?

Sadly, none. No windows tablets either. 90% iPhones, 9% android, 1% others. Not one windows product. :'(
Re: Seen a WP lately?

I've only seen 2 WPs in the wild, and one of them was a Verizon regional manager who carries a couple phones.
Re: Seen a WP lately?

A whole crapload on craigslist priced really cheap too! Might be time for a new toy....
Re: Seen a WP lately?

Saw one Sat night at a sports bar. Some people can't see them because they are too busy looking for android phones.
Re: Seen a WP lately?

Aye. Over the past month I've seen:
- Lumia 920
- HTC 8S
- Lumia 900
Re: Seen a WP lately?

No, of all the people I know everyone has an iPhone of some kind except for one person who has an android and me with my Lumia 920.
Re: Seen a WP lately?

I see WPs, Surfaces, Win8 tablets and ultras daily. I work in a tech building and it and Apple are the OSs of choice here. Of course out on the town, I see only a handful of WP8/W8 devices.
Re: Seen a WP lately?

I don't see a huge amount in the UK, every so often I do, but I'm always secretly happy when I do. However I was in Madrid 2 weekends ago and there were 920s everywhere I looked!
Re: Seen a WP lately?

On holidays in the US at the moment - only see one wp - a guy with a 1020. My wife and I have been taking heaps of holiday shots with our 1020's. Blown a few people away with the image quality.
Re: Seen a WP lately?

In Vietnam, WP/Lumia are everywhere, especially Lumia 520, more than iPhone or Android or anything :))
Re: Seen a WP lately?

I saw two on October 25th at the Testament, Killswitch Engage and Lamb of God concert. One guy near me had an 822 that looked red (probably was a case, though) and another up front who had a black WP that I think was an 8X. I initially thought it was a Lumia 920, but it looked a bit slimmer.
Re: Seen a WP lately?

I was in a local sports bar with my friends and we were waiting to pay after we ate and I heard a Nokia *ding ding* text message. I reached down to my pocket instinctively because I never hear it in public, then I realized I derped up. I looked to my left and this guys who was about 50 had, I think, a 920. I also saw another kid at my university having one, though it was between classes and I don't know who he is.

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