Noticed anyone with a Windows Phone lately?

A friend of mine on my research project for my masters just got the 1020... said he was inspired by me (I have a 920)...and I never talked about WP to him! He had an iPhone before which got lost...this shows that iPhones and android users have wandering eyes when we pull out our windows phones!

Haha, awesome! Yeah, I know several friends who, before I came along, they were totally vested in iPhones, and when I first came on scene, they mocked Windows Phone.

Now, after the iPhone 5S and 5C announcements, they've decided they're bored of Apple, and are considering something fresh. They still aren't sold on it, but many are interested in and considering Windows Phone. It stands out for sure. :)
I live in Finland.

You can see nowadays see WP's (only Lumias though) everywhere. App coverage of national services like banks is also almost par with iOS and Android.

This is WP country.

agree with u on that, i see lumia everytime, out of 10ppl,maybe 5 or 6 of them have lumia... I know maybe 7 ppl who use Nokia lumia.haven't met anyone with other window phone.
I know around 7 people...when people generally see my phone, they know it's a lumia and it has a beast of a camera (even android/ ios fanboys think so) :D
My boss has lumia 720. He purchased it due to my recommendation. 😄

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I live in the Redmond, WA area (Microsoft headquarters) and I occasionally see people with WPs. When I ask, they undoubtedly work for Microsoft. So, I haven't seen many people with WPs and when I do they seem to all work for Microsoft.

Having said that, I changed positions within my company recently and noticed a person in my group using a WP. Most professionals I come across have iPhones, which in my personal opinion is primarily for the status of owning a very high-end device and having something extremely simple to use.

I wanted something that I could easily write apps (for my use), so I went with Android. But.... I really like the WP interface and unique style, so I'm leaning towards switching over to WP8. Anecdotally, I heard that some city and state government groups are switching off Blackberry to WPs, so you might see more of them in the future!
I've converted four people I work with to WP. I think another two shortly. Other than my convertees, I've met/know five or six other people with WP. I consider that a good sign considering I live in the Bay Area (iPhone zombie town).
in my college I have seen around 11 Nokia Lumia 521's ,3 Nokia Lumia 810's 1 Nokia Lumia 920 , 1 Nokia Lumia 1020, 3 HTC 8x's. so I can tell the windows phone user base is growing :cool:
At dinner the other day at a table of 5 there was 1 HTC Titan, 1 Lumia 520, 1 Lumia 920, 1 BB9700 and a Samsung Galaxy xcover. Not bad stats :)

Sent from my Lumia 920 using Tapatalk
I share a lab with a guy who has a Lumia 520. Really quite a decent bit of kit given the price.

I've got an LG Optimus 7 (hopefully soon to be replaced by something better). I've seen two other people in the wild with them - one riding the subway in Calgary, and another in LAX. I've never seen anyone with a 920 or similar device.
I share a lab with a guy who has a Lumia 520. Really quite a decent bit of kit given the price.

I've got an LG Optimus 7 (hopefully soon to be replaced by something better). I've seen two other people in the wild with them - one riding the subway in Calgary, and another in LAX. I've never seen anyone with a 920 or similar device.

I've got several friends with 520s who've let me play around with them (which they find odd since I've literally got a Lumia 1020 in my pocket whilst I do this, but I'm well known to be a tech nerd, so people just roll with it), I'm always impressed with, like you said, how much punch it packs for it's size (well, price rather). Still somewhat sluggish compared to my Lumia 1020, but it still chugs along, and it's very comparable to the two old Lumia 900s I've got sitting in a desk.

I feel the 520 was Nokia's greatest idea ever. It's just exploded in popularity. It's perfect for people looking for a decent smartphone on a budget, or maybe as like the iPod of the Windows realm (actually, better in some ways, since it's cheaper and you can always dial 911 in a pinch, even without a SIM card). The 520 is a charming little device, and great for getting new smartphone buyers hooked on Windows Phone. The 520, and future iterations of it, will likely hold the key to Windows Phone gaining significant market share.
Do you know anyone outside of your immediate family who owns a Windows Phone? I have only seen one WP out in the wild and that person traded her Lumia 900 for an Android phone in like a month. Otherwise I have not seen a single person who owned a WP, but apparently there are a few million of them out there. It makes me wonder where these people are who own them. I assume more people here have a WP, so they must exist, right?

I've made 3 of my colleagues to buy Windows Phone :wink:. And, they're really happy about it. :grin:
I've got several friends with 520s who've let me play around with them (which they find odd since I've literally got a Lumia 1020 in my pocket whilst I do this, but I'm well known to be a tech nerd, so people just roll with it), I'm always impressed with, like you said, how much punch it packs for it's size (well, price rather). Still somewhat sluggish compared to my Lumia 1020, but it still chugs along, and it's very comparable to the two old Lumia 900s I've got sitting in a desk.

I feel the 520 was Nokia's greatest idea ever. It's just exploded in popularity. It's perfect for people looking for a decent smartphone on a budget, or maybe as like the iPod of the Windows realm (actually, better in some ways, since it's cheaper and you can always dial 911 in a pinch, even without a SIM card). The 520 is a charming little device, and great for getting new smartphone buyers hooked on Windows Phone. The 520, and future iterations of it, will likely hold the key to Windows Phone gaining significant market share.
I agree with you completely. It was a very good move by Nokia. I've heard of people even buying them and a big MicroSD card, and using them as a portable media player. For the price it really can't be beat. I can't imagine Nokia is making a lot of money on them, but perhaps its the gateway drug principle - the first hit is free, and once they are hooked on the ecosystem and hardware, they are much more likely to buy another Lumia device.

I'd be curious to know your opinions of the difference between the 900s and the 1020.
At dinner the other day at a table of 5 there was 1 HTC Titan, 1 Lumia 520, 1 Lumia 920, 1 BB9700 and a Samsung Galaxy xcover. Not bad stats :)

Sent from my Lumia 920 using Tapatalk

AND no iPhones!!! :-D
Re: Seen a WP lately?

There is a thread somewhere dealing with this very topic :)

I am starting to see them EVERYWHERE. At least a few a week. Right after I got my 920 last year, They were far and few between

Anyone spotted one in the wild as of late?

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