Noticed anyone with a Windows Phone lately?

my mom, brother and my control room operator, and the one Chief Financial Accountant are using Lumias. I have seen a few guests using Lumias, while onboard, to take pictures of sunsets and some of the glaciers while cruising.
When I first got my Lumia 900, I was the only one. About eight months ago, I had seen only 5 Windows Phones in the wild, and only one of them was at my school. Fast forward to today, my school has about 20-25 Windows Phone devices floating around (primarily 520s and 521s). Not enough to even make a dent in how many iPhones are floating around, but compared to before, a significant improvement. Also, two of my friends are upgrading to their first smartphones this January, and thanks to my input, they are pretty dead-set on Windows Phone.

I also have another friend who's tiring of his iPhone 4, and he's considering a Lumia 928 as a replacement. Plus there are many other people who've seen my Lumia 1020, I pitched it to them, and they walked away looking very interested. Plus I've already had a good 10 people walk up to me and ask if this was the phone with the 41MP camera, and who asked to see some photos.

We've got a long ways to go, but people are getting increasingly curious about Windows Phone and what it offers.
My wife and I after being long time iPhone users both switched to 928's. We really like the room's feature and the camera to name a few.
Following a course in healthcare management - so far I've seen a few professors using a Lumia 920 and a few HTC 8X's. When it comes to students, I'm the only one so far in the land of iPhones. Well, at least I'm not camping the power sockets like my fellow students. I did see a few other people in small business and retail management walking around with Nokia's, too! Not a soul with an Ativ S though.

Honestly I wish there was a way to make the OS more populair. People just scoff at me when I tell them I use Windows on my phone. "Who the hell would want Windows on their phone? You can't do anything with that!". Well, I managed to convince one of them! A friend of mine ditched his Xperia Tipo for a Lumia 520. So far he's been real happy with it!

Yeah, Windows branding still has some nasty baggage with it, which is probably helping to hold the platform back. People, when they think of Windows, still think of viruses, malware, Blue-Screen-of-Death, etc., even that just isn't true any more.

However, I do always feel smug when I see iPhone users, as you say, camping power outlets, then I glance at my phone and see I've got plenty of juice to spare.
so far, only two of my friend use windows phone. Lumia 620 and 820. I asked one of them, what do you think of the phone? he said with just one word..."weird"...haha...when I show off my HTC 8x, all my friends use it to take a selfie...and my phone is full with their selfie pictures...on the other hand, I think i'm the only one who use HTC 8X in where I live...when I want to buy a screen protector for my phone, almost all of the seller wondered what phone is stupid...the only people who knew about my phone is the people who work in Nokia shop...haha... they said, "you don't need screen protector, its already gorilla glass" the way, there is no HTC shop in my hometown...its quite a shame...
I use a Lumia 710, my brother owns an HD7 & my girlfriend rocks her 920!
I have been happy to see several windows phones in my city though, from 710's to 521's to numerous 920's. Always happy to see more!
Oddly enough I found out that someone at work I never would have expected to be interested in the WP platform is fully intending on getting a Windows Phone for their next phone at the first opportunity they can get!
I have something new I want to share; first off, I work midnights in retail. So, I picked up a couple Windows Phone lanyards off of eBay from some fellow in London and have been rocking my company required name badge on that. Almost nightly now from at least one person, be they customer or co-worker do I get asked something along the lines of "Windows Phone? So, what do you think about it" or "what's it like?" Etc etc. In this and in being honest, I explain how it lured me away from years of loyalty to BlackBerry, how both pretty and efficient I feel the interface is, and so on and so on. I don't know if its the right thing to do but I also tend to mention that if they think Windows 8 is even slightly cool they'd love the phone.
I have something new I want to share; first off, I work midnights in retail. So, I picked up a couple Windows Phone lanyards off of eBay from some fellow in London and have been rocking my company required name badge on that. Almost nightly now from at least one person, be they customer or co-worker do I get asked something along the lines of "Windows Phone? So, what do you think about it" or "what's it like?" Etc etc. In this and in being honest, I explain how it lured me away from years of loyalty to BlackBerry, how both pretty and efficient I feel the interface is, and so on and so on. I don't know if its the right thing to do but I also tend to mention that if they think Windows 8 is even slightly cool they'd love the phone.

Can you post a pic of the lanyard? Kinda curious.
Can you post a pic of the lanyard? Kinda curious.

Twould be my pleasure sir.

Also, if you want to buy one the guy ships globally. I actually purchased two so i'd have a back up. I'm not a big fan of the color orange but this lanyard is just so good looking in person, like I say, alot of people notice it and ask me about Windows Phone almost daily. Constant customer flow means i'll always see different people, so what the hey.

Here is the link to the fellows page on eBay. If you search for Windows Phone Lanyard, you can find it that way too. There is another one on there from an American seller that is white but i'd seriously recommend avoiding that little guy since it's only the width of a shoe string.
So far, I have 3 friends who uses window phone (lumia 920, lumia 925 and lumia 1020). I managed to convinced them :)

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