Following a course in healthcare management - so far I've seen a few professors using a Lumia 920 and a few HTC 8X's. When it comes to students, I'm the only one so far in the land of iPhones. Well, at least I'm not camping the power sockets like my fellow students. I did see a few other people in small business and retail management walking around with Nokia's, too! Not a soul with an Ativ S though.
Honestly I wish there was a way to make the OS more populair. People just scoff at me when I tell them I use Windows on my phone. "Who the hell would want Windows on their phone? You can't do anything with that!". Well, I managed to convince one of them! A friend of mine ditched his Xperia Tipo for a Lumia 520. So far he's been real happy with it!
My wife and I after being long time iPhone users both switched to 928's. We really like the room's feature and the camera to name a few.
I converted nearly everyone I know...!
I have something new I want to share; first off, I work midnights in retail. So, I picked up a couple Windows Phone lanyards off of eBay from some fellow in London and have been rocking my company required name badge on that. Almost nightly now from at least one person, be they customer or co-worker do I get asked something along the lines of "Windows Phone? So, what do you think about it" or "what's it like?" Etc etc. In this and in being honest, I explain how it lured me away from years of loyalty to BlackBerry, how both pretty and efficient I feel the interface is, and so on and so on. I don't know if its the right thing to do but I also tend to mention that if they think Windows 8 is even slightly cool they'd love the phone.
Can you post a pic of the lanyard? Kinda curious.
I converted nearly everyone I know...!
Same, atleast 7 people. Though two of them are not happy.