Noticed anyone with a Windows Phone lately?

I have a girlfriend who has the HTC 8X and saw a random colleague having a Nokia 920. I never saw her again after that day...
My wife and I both have a Lumia 521. A friend of mine has a Lumia 521. Another friend has a Lumia 520. And a cousin of my wifes has a friend with an HTC 8s. Targeting the low end is definitely helping Windows phone market share.
I don't know anyone! Haha I always get excited when I see someone with my phone in public.

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I noticed one of my classmates had a WP (I think it was a Samsung WP7 device) so I asked him about it. He was like "Yeah, I prefer Windows to iOS". At that moment I requested the highest of fives.

I've also seen a few other WPs around campus. I know I saw one guy with a Lumia 520 walking in front of me one time.
I have a 1020, my partner has a HTC 8X. His boss has a 928. At his IT firm they took a poll for the BYOD policy and 40% are using WP8. And they just announced Surface Pro 2 will be the only supported tablet by 2014. Love it!
I was in a birthday party few days back, and I saw a lady using her 820 to take some snaps.
I was really happy to see someone using a Windows Phone.
I am from South Asia.
Still only know one person... even after I talk up WP to people. The belief that there's either iPhone or Android, and nothing else, is just too ingrained... :unhappy:

I wish there were more WP users so I could actually find accessories in stores like Walmart, etc. Even Best Buy doesn't carry cases for a lot of the WPs THEY SELL!
Just before I bought my first WP, I found out my cousin had a 710. He later upgraded to an 8X. I have classmates with an 822 and a 928. I've actually seen quite a few out and about.
My girlfriend has a 820, my sister a 800 and 3 of my friends got 920 :)

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My friend had a 920, but her contracted ended recently and she wanted something different so got a htc one boo

So annoying cos could have used the rooms feature 😢, she liked wp but there she didn't want the 1020 and the 925 was basically the same, she never fully explored her phone though i show her stuff on my 1020 and im like your phone done that, yours had that etc lol,
Following a course in healthcare management - so far I've seen a few professors using a Lumia 920 and a few HTC 8X's. When it comes to students, I'm the only one so far in the land of iPhones. Well, at least I'm not camping the power sockets like my fellow students. I did see a few other people in small business and retail management walking around with Nokia's, too! Not a soul with an Ativ S though.

Honestly I wish there was a way to make the OS more populair. People just scoff at me when I tell them I use Windows on my phone. "Who the hell would want Windows on their phone? You can't do anything with that!". Well, I managed to convince one of them! A friend of mine ditched his Xperia Tipo for a Lumia 520. So far he's been real happy with it!
Aside from family, last week I finally found someone else using a wp.

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I know a few people that use a Windows phone 8 however they are associated with Microsoft in one way or another. I get lot's of questions about my WP8 (was 920 in Red but just bought a 1020 in Yaller (That's southern for Yellow)) but I'm not sure if I've persuaded anyone. The sales guy at the store yesterday was asking why I like Windows products, said he really like Apple hardware. I suggested loading W8 on his iMac.
Just one guy in the office, he's the one who dragged me from BB to WP. He has a 720.

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