Noticed anyone with a Windows Phone lately?

Yes. Honestly there are not a lot but I managed to convince two office mates. One is using Lumia 520 and the other Lumia 620. So far they are happy with it. I think the lure of Windows Phone is that once you use it, it will surprise you because it is that good. Too bad people in the media bash at it because of one reason alone -- they hate Microsoft why? Because no matter what they do.. the darn thing keeps going and going and going....
I know a bunch. Mainly because I was working at mobile carriers shop (Sonera, Finland) when Lumia 800 came out. I fell in love with its design and with WP7 at the same time. So I sold almost all my friends one :) Yeah I was pretty good at what I was doing at the time..
I saw a 900 in the wild tonight. And my mom raves about her 820 all the time!

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So my employer now of 39000 people will only offer Windows Phones. Anything else is BYOD, where u foot the bill 😃
My brother used to have a 920 (but switched to the HTC One). I'm quasi surprised how many I've seen at work, besides myself two other developers and a project manager. Granted I'm a developer in a .NET shop so it would be more likely to see more there but the project manager having one was a nice surprise.

Another nice surprise recently, I went to my cousins wedding, when I got there my aunt stuck her phone in my face so I could Skype the ceremony for the grandmother back in New Jersey that couldn't make it, the phone was another Lumia. Funny thing about that, somebody told me to turn the volume down so grandma wouldn't come through the speaker, I accidentally killed the screen just as the bride was about to walk down the aisle, thankfully I got grandma back online in time :)
I have seen a few. The woman at AT&T who sold me my 920 had a Lumia (810?). A sales rep I talked to at Best Buy had an 8X. Recently I saw a guy with a bright yellow 920 at my bus stop. And now 2 people in my department have them: one 928 and not sure about the other. I think that is finally enough sightings to post here.
I saw a 920 at a baseball game last night! And earlier in the year the PA said "We'd like to welcome employees from Nokia to the ball game tonight." So I'm guessing there were at least 10 that night as well.

My younger sister, my Mom, and my girlfriend have wp' you can imagine, they got them because I have one and they want the same as me in case they have any problems so I can help out....but they all love them. My older sister is now dead set on getting the 1020. Her iPhone died before her contract was up and I lent her my old 900....fricken loves it but wants the 1020 camera.

....and actually was just on my way to the grocery store and saw some dude pull out a black 920.

Me thinks wp is starting to catch on.....
Three guys on my shift at work have them. The younger fellow who started recently has a Lumia 521, the other two are my age, one has a white Lumia 900 and the other has a black 920. I myself: Ativ S Neo.
We know we're the only fellas with Windows Phones and jokingly call ourselves "The Brotherhood"
Answering this Q a year ago i would say 1, now i would say 10, all from the middle east region.
I know one colleague with an 8x, I have a Nokia 1020. I'm in Texas and all you see are mostly iPhones and some Androids. (I got my Nokia because I was tired of seeing every 10 year old with an iPhone.) But I do know that Windows is gaining ground at work. Especially when companies go to W8, I think more business users will switch. Email is so much better on it.
One newbie.. an ex-collegue just got a aluminium 925 two days ago
One possible convert... a colleague getting itchy for a either a 520 or 620
Strangely, both are long time BB users,
Not strange at all. I've been a loyal and loving BB customer for several years myself and I'm a recent convert. One, alot of us (read "BlackBerry faithfuls") might be giving in to the agitation or worry of BlackBerry ending its handset division.

Two, it seems from my time at CrackBerry that in the event of BlackBerry's handset demise should things continue in a steady decline post Z30, Windows Phone is the popular choice/alternative. Reasons vary, I think some consider WP to be a little more reliable or professional than Android or iOS, maybe some like the easy MS protocol integration and so on, who knows. Either way, if you dig around their forums, WP seems to garner more preference, so nah, seeing BB converts, not too strange :)
I have several coworkers who have picked up WP8 devices: the L920 in white and red specifically. Plus more and more customers I see come through, are sporting WP8 devices. Among them, I see quite a few HTC WP8X . . . of course those things are easy to spot a mile off. I will give HTC props on one thing, they certainly do know how to design a gorgeous phone that sticks out in a crowd. They may have copied some ideas from Nokia with the colors and the polycarb and all that, but HTC's implementation of said ideas, just makes the all-polycarb Lumias look clunky and ugly by comparison. Thank goodness Nokia made the L925 (my current phone) with aluminum trim, of all the Lumias, I like the look of the L925 the most. Hope Nokia/Microsoft does likewise with the T-Mobile variant of the L1020. Anyway, gonna be a sad day when (by necessity) HTC finally calls it quits on Windows Phone. I love the gorgeous design and transitioning colors of the entire 8X, 8S, 8XT line, and I even love what they did with the One. If only they could compete against Nokia on a software level (give people a reason to be excited about a HTC Windows Phone), they may have actually stood a chance on Windows Phone . . . well that, and produce a line of phones aimed at every price level, and not just the higher end.
My sister own a Nokia Lumia 520 and my neighbor just saw him to carry the Lumia 1020 i noticed because is yellow and the black hump in the back of the phone... My eyes of envy...
A guy who works in my office just got an Android smartphone. It looked old, so I asked him about it. Apparently his friend just got a "huge Windows Phone" and gave the old Android away.

Edit: And I just met a guy at my bus stop with one of the entry level Lumias, the 520 I think.
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I do not know anyone or ever seen a WP in the wild. Im in the Northeast, but when I do I will hug them and thank them.

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