I have several coworkers who have picked up WP8 devices: the L920 in white and red specifically. Plus more and more customers I see come through, are sporting WP8 devices. Among them, I see quite a few HTC WP8X . . . of course those things are easy to spot a mile off. I will give HTC props on one thing, they certainly do know how to design a gorgeous phone that sticks out in a crowd. They may have copied some ideas from Nokia with the colors and the polycarb and all that, but HTC's implementation of said ideas, just makes the all-polycarb Lumias look clunky and ugly by comparison. Thank goodness Nokia made the L925 (my current phone) with aluminum trim, of all the Lumias, I like the look of the L925 the most. Hope Nokia/Microsoft does likewise with the T-Mobile variant of the L1020. Anyway, gonna be a sad day when (by necessity) HTC finally calls it quits on Windows Phone. I love the gorgeous design and transitioning colors of the entire 8X, 8S, 8XT line, and I even love what they did with the One. If only they could compete against Nokia on a software level (give people a reason to be excited about a HTC Windows Phone), they may have actually stood a chance on Windows Phone . . . well that, and produce a line of phones aimed at every price level, and not just the higher end.