Noticed anyone with a Windows Phone lately?

I know plenty of people my mother, my father, my sister and a friend of mine. Here in Argentina there are no iPhones so is basically Samsung, Nokia and bb but they're becoming rare.
Do you know anyone outside of your immediate family who owns a Windows Phone? I have only seen one WP out in the wild and that person traded her Lumia 900 for an Android phone in like a month. Otherwise I have not seen a single person who owned a WP, but apparently there are a few million of them out there. It makes me wonder where these people are who own them. I assume more people here have a WP, so they must exist, right?

"a few millions" ?? During last quarter (3 months), 7.4 million Lumia sold ONLY. Now think about, all the time since 2010-2011, and windows phones other than nokia. Get your facts straight man, you sound silly.
I have a Red 920. Wife have Cyan 920. Dad has Black 920. Friend has White 920. Beacuse of me one of my Coworker bought Lumia 928(she likes it as well) Rocking with Amber Update. I sold my White 900 to cousin in Canada. my Sister in Law is using Wife's Old Lumia 900 in India.

All 920 are in US in AT&T. Waiting on Amber update. I am from Charlotte, NC, USA.
Two of my best friends (brothers) both have the lumia 800, one girlfriend of theirs has the 920. One other friend has the 820 and two other friends have the HTC 8S. I'm the only one I know with an 8X. Just did some Facebook stalking through my news feed and have noticed about 6 other people using Windows Phones. I was surprised that I saw so many. I suggest to everyone to scroll down their news feed a while and then do a search for the word 'Windows' and see how many come up, I think you might be surprised.
My hubby and I are the only ones I know with a WP. Im kinda excited because my BFF is supposed to be getting one in a month or two when she upgrades. I think MANY more people need to give it a try, more would love it than think they would!

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Anyone who is an app person will definitely get disappointed. That's well known. All the famous and especially new apps go straight to android or iOS. Wp is next, numbers will improve over time.. Hopefully by 2014 all the good apps will be in wp market and also windows phone becomes a true competition.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using WPCentral Forums mobile app
I have 2 that are retired since comiXology said bye...bye and Msft screwed me on my zune/xbox video purchases with WP8.
Other than that all of the Msft contractors I work with have the phones and surface RTs.

So I'm back to Android (LGOGP) and don't see any reason I'll need to move to a new phone for a long while. Phablit's + ChromeCast rock!
I feel like more and more people are picking up Windows Phone each day. Atleast three co-workers of mine have Lumia devices, and a friend of mine owns an HTC 8X. And just the other day I was at the deli waiting for a sandwich to be made when I heard that unmistakable windows phone notification sound, so without any hesitation I went to grab my phone upon realizing that I had no messages, I then looked around only to find to find a man looking down at his black Lumia 920. I feel like more and more people are getting turned on to Windows Phone 8, and it no doubt that Nokia is a big part of it.
"a few millions" ?? During last quarter (3 months), 7.4 million Lumia sold ONLY. Now think about, all the time since 2010-2011, and windows phones other than nokia. Get your facts straight man, you sound silly.

Actually, you need to get your facts straight - the 7.4 million Lumias sold WORLDWIDE. I believe the number in the US is around 600,000 for the first quarter. I live in a small resort town (around 20,000) and even with a lot of visitors have yet to see a single Windows Phone in the wild. By the end of year the number of Android devices (phones/tablets) will pass the number of all Windows PCs (around 1.4 BILLION) worldwide. I think the number of iOS devices (iPods, iPhones,iPads) is over 500 million (as reported by Tim Cook at Apple).
Let's see. I have an 8S, my wife a Radar, my son a Lumia 610, my nephew an 8X and my boss has a Lumia. My Eldest son is waiting for his upgrade date with his carrier to get either a 920 or an 8X to replace his Galaxy S2.

So, yep, plenty out there.
I've seen 2 in public places here in Trondheim, Norway and I have two friends of mine as well. Frankly, I like that we're kind of unique!
A better question might be, do you know someone who purchased a Windows phone without your input.
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I had my second sighting of a WP in the wild recently. It's actually a guy who sits next to me in class. He's got a 920, and it's the first WP I've seen at my university, so that's cool (though, sad at the same time).
Well, i'm the only one. Never saw someone or know someone with a windows phone, the stats are like 90% Android, 9.9% iPhone and 0.1% WP (that is me).
There are many cheapest Android phone than windows phone 3x less,,only few have wp can't afford.
Im the only one.

I have seen a couple in the wild though (older samsungs, some HTC's, lower end Lumias).

My friends are all about 'the best' phone so its either HTC one or Galaxy S4. Another friend of mine recently picked up a Nexus 4. Can't go wrong with that, its a helluva value for what it is. Although, the LG factor scares me.....
Iphone is well..iphone.
They don't seem to care what they use as long as its universally praised which is usually the flagship Androids. They don't seem to know much of Windows, but they seem to look down on it lol.

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