Noticed anyone with a Windows Phone lately?

My co-worker has a Lumia 900. That means I'm no longer the lone Windows Phone user here. :cry:

I've actually seen several of the last couple of weeks, I've just been too lazy to say anything. :grin:
Around my school, I count:
-A lone HTC Mozart
-A Lumia 610
-A Lumia 800
-Four Lumia 620s (five if you include mine)
-A Lumia 920

All in all, that's 8 I've seen in my school alone.
My friend and his wife have a 900 and a 8X, respectively. The IT guy that comes to our business has had a 920 for a while now, primarily for Xbox integration I think.
Yes. Just under 10 I know or seen. I could name who or what, but that wouldn't prove anything.
I am starting to see them more and more. I am up to at least 20+ since I purchased my 920 in Dec. I saw at least 4 today at church. Several were Nokia's the rest HTC's
I saw what I believed to be an 8X hanging out of a girl's back pocket. Didn't want to look like a perv by asking her about it. lol
I'm the only person I know with a Windows phone. When I tell people I have a Windows phone, they don't answer. They just look at me as if an extra arm was growing out of my forehead.
Hmm outside of my immediate family, some of my cousins won't count so a friend and a client.. but i have seen some people on the train. Wanted to speak to them but we all know the unspoken code! never ever speak to anyone the train other to say "Excuse me" when getting on or off lol... if you do try to make conversation your just greet with a glare "how dare you make conversation!"... man working in the city is such a drag. Its eerie, the platform is full of noise but once your on the train everyone becomes lifeless dolls - zombies wouldn't be appropriate as they have an incomprehensible vocabulary with a spastic twitch.
The good news is I have known a whole list of people.

The bad news is most have moved on. Really, they were all WP7 users and have said they would move back to WP8 if the right devices were out.

Also, at work one of our electrical engineers say my WP and loved it. Several iPhone users were very impressed, especially when they found out how much less expensive XBOX Music is compared to the iTunes store.

I am excited for the future of WP, myself.
Three co-workers have them 2 920's and a 820? One customer is a head of IT and he has a 920. i think thats it. Another customer just told me his buddy had to buy a lumia not sure which one because it was the cheapest option when he lost his uninsured iphone5... ouch!
I am the only person with windows phone (1020) and n9; none of my friends or family uses windows phone. I'll try to convert them once at a time.
I've seen a few customers come into my job with a few of them. One was an 8X. Forgot the other ones
Only me. All other ppl around is sh!t, bad, bla bla android is best...but never tried WP. Even the T-mob. cust. service wanted me to buy android but I said: NO WAY MAN....I don't want to own a buggy, laggy, cheap material bullsht, with problems like: syncronising, laggs, wifi, battery draining, and even a "farting app" is gaining acces to my intimate sphere...since I have wp I like smartphones.

Why so few ppl have wp, or have bad opinion? Cartel of the andro market/service providers
A coworker had the Lumia 900 but exchanged it for an iPhone 4s. I'm not sure why he didn't like it. My had the Focus 2. He changes phones like he changes socks, so it didn't last long.
Saw someone with a focus 2 today, but was also carrying an iPhone

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