Noticed anyone with a Windows Phone lately?

I got my mum on to an 820 as she liked my 920. Apart from that, nobody I know has a WP. Pretty much all my friends do really like my phone and some in the market for a new one have said they're going to jump on board. I don't really encourage people to get a WP though because there are alot of drawbacks to the OS for those who are used to iOS and Android. I don't want to be the one to blame when they realize they can't play candy crush on their phone.

I have to add that I have never had so many people come up to me and say 'wow, what phone is that?' while I've been using it.
I am in a band, and got my guitarist and vocalist to try mine out. Within a couple weeks, they both got a WP phone, and ditched android. I asked them a while back if they would ever go back and they both said hell no. They love it. Of coarse, I help teach them all the baked in little things that work good for peeps like us. Our bassist got an S3, and he moans everytime he sees my lumia 925 haha. I think he will switch soon.
Oh, I do a lot of socializing at our shows, and people ask about my phone all the time. I think I have sold a couple that way. Hey Microsoft! Where is my royalty yo?!
I have a friend..he got his Lumia back during the trying to convince him to upgrade to the 1020 cause he liked messing with my 925
I have one co-worker and one other business associate that has a Windows Phone 8. Other than this, I see them in the wild from time to time (about once or twice a month).
Friend of mine has been waiting for his upgrade on Verizon. He told me Sunday he was ready but wanted to get it for a good price. Texted him Monday that the 928 was free. He went and picked one up that day. So one more white 928 is out in the wild.
Me, myself, and I. My brother-in-law has one. It seems like 90% of the people I work with have iPhones. Everytime I fly and the plane lands, all I see are iPhones being whipped out. I will eventually get an Android as my primary phone, but so far, I do like my 520.
Everyone I know has either Android or iPhone. Currently, I carry a BB Q10 and Lumia 925...I'm a bit of a contrarian.
I'm the only one I know that made the switch. I'm glad I did, and I may have two or three folks ready to switch as well.

I'm digging this new windows phone setup, especially on the Lumia with all the effort Nokia has been putting into it.

I'm not really hoping Windows Phone will turn into the biggest thing ever (would be nice, though), I just like having something different than everyone else, especially something so clean and refreshing.

Sent from my Nokia Lumia 920 using Tapatalk for Windows Phone 8
My sister has the Lumia 822 on Verizon. My cousin has the Lumia 900 on AT&T. Another cousin has the Lumia 920 on AT&T. A friend has the HTC 8X (8GB model...) on AT&T. I personally have a black Lumia 920 on AT&T.
Everyone asks me about my Lumia 1020 (I had a HTC Titan with WP 7.5 before this), but no one has brave enough to drop their iOS or Droid and go Windows Phone. Us early adopters do so much positive advertising/selling for the WP platform...
Both of my brothers had Windows phones. One had an older W7 phone that he let me borrow. I was convinced within a few days that my next phone would be a W8 Lumia. Did some quick research and upgraded to a L928. I have no regrets.
A co-worker and I both have Lumia 920's. Some guy that played in a golf outing I was in earlier this year had a Lumia 900, but he seemed to think it was a 920.
My roommate at school just got a new phone over the summer and he ended up getting a Lumia 822. He said he's very happy with it. Now my other roommates have an HTC DNA and an iPhone. They said while they were looking at phones, the guy in the store said windows phones were complete junk when they were looking at them so they won't even consider one anymore. Forget the fact that they haven't even used one, they just tell me its crap and I should get a new phone because the salesman they talked to said it was junk. I bet the salesman never even used/had one before either.
I've got a 521, but have seen two 8x users and a few people carrying 920s while traveling. Seems like everyone has an iPhone, and the only Android models I see are the Galaxy S2, S3 & S4. I'll be curious to see if more 52x models start to pop up more given the recent release on AT&T at a great price.
1 person... and one Microsoft Store marketing booth at a sporting event showing off Lumias (while that doesn't count, as least it gets the word out). I think more iPhone and Android users would honestly be happier with the simplicity and security of WP if they realized there was another option.

Most people see I don't have an iPhone and instantly think I have an Android, even after seeing the tiles.

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