Noticed anyone with a Windows Phone lately?

There everywhere in Aussie now! Wen I 1st bought my 820 I only saw a few but I've converted most of my family n a few friends n I'm seeing em everyday now instead of every now and then:)

Really? I wish i saw some.

Nobody has one in my area, i've convinced three friends and two relatives to get a Windows Phone though. :)
Well, let's see. I convinced three people at my university to switch; also, my mother, my father... I also know of a handful of others at my university who own one (three happen to be WP devs). I'm working on getting my sister convinced. She seems to have some strange impression that 'nobody likes Windows Phone', contrary to all of the overwhelming evidence from the people who own them who absolutely love them. I will most likely convince a few more family members and friends once Sprint, T-Mobile, and other carriers really start getting the ball rolling (people also don't seem to notice that Windows Phone is only really just starting to hit the US carrier market - Sprint is awaiting WP arrival, T-Mobile is starting off, Verizon is starting off with its first true flagship, U.S. Cellular, etc.).
there are definitely more people I know who own a WP than a BB10 and I believe this is a sign that MS is doing a good job. Are they thriving in the mobile devices market? Not yet, but I'm optimistic.
I live in London and seem to have a bad habit of looking at what phone people have haha.

I've noticed a lot more Lumia's around in london recently. There have been quite a few 520's so I think that phone is doing well here.

Also when I was buying my 925 the other day the person next to me was buying a 520.

So yeah, things are definitely looking up in the UK.
Yeah i have the same bad habit, although i FINALLY saw someone with a Windows Phone device, and it was a Lumia 920 with a broken screen. :(

The guy told me he could throw it 10m and not one scratch...
I was surprised recently to see that my brother in law and his girlfriend both had switched to Windows Phones, an 820 and a 620. It made my day.
I literally do not know a single one of my friends/associates who owns a Windows Phone. Maybe a select few have one that I've just never seen them with before, but I can't say I recall ever seeing someone I know pull out a WP device from their pocket. Guess that makes me a hipster then haha.
When I bought my L620, none in my family, friends or colleagues had a WP. In a matter of 3 months, the count has increased to 6 :cool:
Last week, I took my Lumia 920 to my nearest Nokia Care Point. It was a relief to talk to someone who had a Windows Phone. It was like meeting a member of a long lost brotherhood.
Just had a text from a friend wanting to know my model number. She is seriously considering. Also, 3 co-workers with Windows phone. Two of them are 920's.
Me, my brother, my chief and one of our partners from USA. So I know 3 people using WP. And another one switched within a week from lumia 800 to android because of lack of front camera.

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