Noticed anyone with a Windows Phone lately?

My coworker has a lumia not sure wich one , but AM sure she doesn't know what is Android or WP or anything
Don't know a single soul, personally, that owns a Windows Phone, outside of my family. Seeing one in the wild is also a VERY rare occurrence.
I only know one other with a WP. I still get excited when I'm on the train and I hear the windows message tone from somebody elses device. Then I look around looking for the other 'cool' kid.
One of my friends has a Lumia 710. That's it aside from me with my Lumia 810 and 920 and my mom and her Lumia 620.
My friend who is a police officer just got a 920 along with the entire force... He loves it.
I've gotten my wife to switch from her iPhone to an HTC 8X, and my mother-in-law has a Lumia 820. One of my class mates saw my 920 and got himself a 822. My sister is curious but she's a android fan. I've seen a few customers with WPs at my family's restaurant so I think its catching on...
I teach High School and while most of the kids are still packing iPhones, I saw a few of them on campus with Windows Phones. In fact it was one of my students who persuaded me to give Windows Phones a shot.
A girl in my college class told our IT instructor how she can easily manage her Excel and Word docs from her phone and then held up her Lumia. Funny, she didn't even know what model Lumia it was when I asked her.

It's just good to at least see another one in the wild.
Once I saw a girl with a Verizon HTC Trophy. It was 2 years ago I think lol. Anyway, I haven't seen another person with a WP :( It's always Droids or iPhones... But hey... It's growing... We just gotta wait (;
I saw a guy with an HTC Radar today at the parts store. I hear the text tone quite often.
Lot's of my friends have. About 4 in my group on studies. And also my mother has one and my brothers wife ;) WP is quite popular in Poland. Maybe because of iPhones prices and fact that lots of Polish young people think that Android is very low auality system which works very slow after few months ;)
My best friends brother has a Lumia 710. Still Windows 7.0.. He's not a techie so he doesn't know anything about FW upgrades, etc. But his camera took more stunning pictures than my 920. x_X Maybe it's because I don't know how to use a camera, period. Haha.
A girl in my college class told our IT instructor how she can easily manage her Excel and Word docs from her phone and then held up her Lumia. Funny, she didn't even know what model Lumia it was when I asked her.

It's just good to at least see another one in the wild.

What model was it? ;p
Do you know anyone outside of your immediate family who owns a Windows Phone? I have only seen one WP out in the wild and that person traded her Lumia 900 for an Android phone in like a month. Otherwise I have not seen a single person who owned a WP, but apparently there are a few million of them out there. It makes me wonder where these people are who own them. I assume more people here have a WP, so they must exist, right?
my friend just bought one. he was looking for a Z10, but when he saw the price VS specs with a 2 years contract he went for the 920 and he told me that so far he loves it despite the lack of apps.
I have nine or ten friends that all have WP and that's outside of my family, which a couple of them have it too. But most of my family are pretty pumped about Android.
I attended a Linux User Group meeting earlier tonight. I had been the only group member with a Windows Phone until tonight. One guy in the group had a new black Nokia Lumia 928. He said that he likes it and got it since he always liked Nokia.

Another guy at the meeting had a Samsung Galaxy Note 2, but he mentioned liking Nokia devices too. The guy with the Note 2 mentioned that he liked the 928 and my 900. I said that I'll be keeping the 900 until next year, due to AT&T's contract changes (need to wait full 2 years for upgrade). I did mention that I want the EOS next.

Both of those guys liked Nokia and Windows Phone. Both also mentioned that they especially liked Nokia cameras.
My whole family (4 of us, 2x Lumia 920, 2x Lumia 820), 2 friends with Lumia 920, 1 friend with Lumia 820, 2 friends with HTC 8S, 1 friend with HTC 8x, 1 friend with Huawei W1. I only have 1 Room, and that's for me and my friends to use such as arrange hangouts, share photos, and contribute to calendar events and see when each one of us is free or busy. We also use it to share our notes. Take that to gaming, we just play turn-based games like AlphaJax and Skulls of the Shogun. NOVA 3 multiplayer is ok, but controls aren't great.

Windows Phone in public? LOTS. Although it's hard to tell sometimes because they don't stand out. Most I've seen either has a black or white Lumia phone or a purple HTC with a black cover on it. They're too shy to stand out, that's why I like the song Express Yourself from the Windows 8 ad, hence why I have a yellow 920.

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