Noticed anyone with a Windows Phone lately?

I know a friend with a Radar who does not like it at all. To his surprise, I offered to buy it.
A lot of my friends are considering them to my extreme delight. Two of my friends have 920's, someone I have a club with asked me about my phone about a month ago. I think he's considering buying a WP8. And a friend who plays Ultimate with me asked me if he should buy a WP8. Guess what I said.

Yes, definitely. I leaned him towards the 928.
A lot of my friends are considering them to my extreme delight. Two of my friends have 920's, someone I have a club with asked me about my phone about a month ago. I think he's considering buying a WP8. And a friend who plays Ultimate with me asked me if he should buy a WP8. Guess what I said.

Yes, definitely. I leaned him towards the 928.

*thumbs up* for WP8 missionary skills and *high five* for fellow Ultimate player :)
My best friend has a Yellow 920 (upon my insistence), another X colleague bought a 920 (upon my insistence) and yet another person I met through another forums booked his Nexus 4 and then cancelled it and is now again buying a 920, again upon my insistence. Also, if you count family members, my wife and dad both have a 720.

ANd of course me, 820.
My best friend has a Yellow 920 (upon my insistence), another X colleague bought a 920 (upon my insistence) and yet another person I met through another forums booked his Nexus 4 and then cancelled it and is now again buying a 920, again upon my insistence. Also, if you count family members, my wife and dad both have a 720.

ANd of course me, 820.
I salute you for being the only one in your circle of friends who'll get the Sleeping Screen.

As for me, a couple of friends got Lumias because I kept bragging about the Facebook integration ;)
I know no one, all my friends/family are either iphone or droids, its very lonely here..........
I have one friend, my sister, and my uncle who use Windows Phone. I've seen a few around campus, but for the most part mine is the only one I see daily.
I know of one friend and his wife who have Lumia 920s. I bought his old iPhone 4 to give to my wife for her first smartphone (she had been using an iPod Touch so it was the most comfortable option for her).

I should be getting my Lumia 521 delivered in 4 days. It will be my first (and hopefully not my last) Windows Phone.
Well, I have an 820, one of my friends has a 920, another has an 800, another has an 820, another has a 610 and one of my teachers has a 610. I've also seen quite a few in the wild :)
Yea many here in India....a girl in my tuitions has a 510, then my friend has to 520s in his family, a schoolmate has yellow 620, my two friends and my sis hav a my besties nd his sis hav a 720...two whites one red, .my uncle and a batchmate hav got a 800....and two of my old frnds with black another 14 lumias!!!
Are you talking about the hammer? It's great outside if you can use it right :-P

yeah right, but depends on wind and team-mates greatly ;) I meant, for longer shots at least..

anyway, to stay on the topic before a mod throws us out, it's in our team, where I have fellow WP users (L620 and a L920) and a one enthusiast blown away by my L920's camera. :)
I only know one other person with a Windows Phone--a Samsung Focus, just like I had before I upgraded to the L920.

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