Noticed anyone with a Windows Phone lately?

I'm in Toronto and, not including my Mom and sister who get whatever phone I get, I have only ever seen one. On a more positive note. I was at a friends over the weekend and a few people saw my phone on the table......"is that a windows phone??" of then grabbed it, a small crowd formed and all I could hear were murmurs of " cool". <------ a far cry from when I first got the phone and people seemed shocked and downright confused as to why I wouldn't get an if nothing else exists haha.
I once saw someone on a bus with a L800. I think the word "Windows" puts people off. Understandably really!
I had a comment last night that my phone was pants, because it was a Windows phone. I just couldn't be bothered arguing, there were kids about.

I've been told my BlackBerry Curve 8520 is better than my HTC TITAN (and heck, if she saw my Nokia Lumia 920, she would say the BB8520 is still better), just because the latter runs Windows and the former doesn't. She also said her HTC Wildfire was better than the HTC TITAN, again because the TITAN runs Windows, the Wildfire doesn't... I'm like "Seriously, you're saying your old budget phone and my old budget phone both run better and have better specs than my new FLAGSHIP device..." And despite the phone running smooth as anything (thus debunking the running better argument), she still insisted that her Wildfire was better, just because it wasn't a Windows Phone. I gave up at this point, because I really wanted to punch the university building down in frustration...
Probably half of the people I know have Lumias, but I guess I don't count cos I live in Finland :D
My phone doesn't use a windowing UI environment. They should dump the name Windows Phone. It's seriously putting people off by association.
me, then my boss got one the same as mine (920), mine was red, her was yellow. after play with mine for a few minutes, dropped her android and got WP8 :)
3, one random colleague at work with 800, and two converted friends, one of them has my previous 800, the other one just recently bought yellow 920, still suffering from the Android-withdrawal though ^_^
I seen a best buy employee with one today, a white 920 but honestly I never see any out there and that's not good.

I think BB10 is gonna pull through and take that third spot.
I've been told my BlackBerry Curve 8520 is better than my HTC TITAN (and heck, if she saw my Nokia Lumia 920, she would say the BB8520 is still better), just because the latter runs Windows and the former doesn't. She also said her HTC Wildfire was better than the HTC TITAN, again because the TITAN runs Windows, the Wildfire doesn't... I'm like "Seriously, you're saying your old budget phone and my old budget phone both run better and have better specs than my new FLAGSHIP device..." And despite the phone running smooth as anything (thus debunking the running better argument), she still insisted that her Wildfire was better, just because it wasn't a Windows Phone. I gave up at this point, because I really wanted to punch the university building down in frustration...

Just who is breeding with what? Where do they come from? I suspect that General Zod was not the only person to be cast out from a home planet and then to land on Earth. Seems to me that some far off planet was kicking out some scum and they landed here.

My last phone was the HTC Desire, and it wiped the floor with my friend's Wildfire. I kept my Desire and use it to listen to podcasts in bed. Let me tell you, it is painfully slow compared to my 920. Wildfire owners therefore need to keep schtum, and shut their cake holes. They do not have the high ground. As for BB owners, if ever I need a ship building in a bottle I will ask to borrow their tiny hands. Seriously, those tiny keys might be fine in Lilliput, but not in my town, not in my hands. Look in the Guinness book of records for the guy that can write the Lord's prayer on a grain of rice. I reckon even he would squint to try and read a Word document on a BB screen.
I just found out today that my science club advisor has a Nokia Lumia 822. You have NO IDEA how happy I was to find another WP8 in the wild.
I'm still on a contract with TELUS here in Canada. My wife and I have HTC Desire phones. I rooted mine as soon as I realized HTC and TELUS were not going to support it past Android 2.3 just to get an updated OS. After multiple ROMs I stopped and asked myself, "Why in the world am I hacking this phone just to get it to stop force closing apps and crashing Facebook?" That's when a good friend of mine introduced me to Windows Phone. I had heard a number of horror stories in the Windows Mobile days with Qualcomm's phone so when my contract was up for renewal, I didn't give Windows Phone 7 a chance. I wish I had back then. Luckily, my buddy had a spare LG Quantum (C900-B) that he unlocked for me to try. It's a 2 year old phone, same vintage as my HTC Desire and it recently was updated to Windows 7.8. Although Microsoft has had some issues with support their own products in the past, its nice to see them do something right for once.

I've been using it for the past year and a half and I love it. My wife wants a Windows 8 Phone when our contract is up at the end of the year or earlier if she doesn't run over the phone with her van first.
Amongst the sea of idevices, I did observe a Lumia 920 in the hands of a fella showing off to his lady his cinemagraph skills on the A line..
1 person but he just uses it as a phone and to see emails...he looked completely confused by the thing,its wasted on hin
Mother in law (shudder) just flew into town toting a 822. She used to have a POS mid-range Android and she's in love with WP.
4 people from my school, 2 with HTC 8S, 2 with Lumia 800s. Saw another guy from somewhere else in the school, had a red Lumia 920. Other than that, my father has a Lumia 820, I have a Lumia 710
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