Noticed anyone with a Windows Phone lately?

I have a NL920, and I bought a Samsung flash to my mother. I know one colleague with one blue NL920. I tried to convince my wife to switch from iPhone, but no luck. I had convinced my sister and her husband to buy the NL900, but they exchanged them for iPhones after one week. I still have my iPhone 5.
I have 2 colleagues with 8s and hd7 also 3 friends with lumias + my sister uses my old hd7 now. I have 8x. Most my friends have Android and 3-4 have iPhones. Actually iPhones are less than WP. In the office (10 people) 3 WP, 3 Androids, 3 iPhones, 1 doesn't have a smartphone
My mother has my old Omnia W, a friend has my old Omnia 7, a coworker has a Lumia 920, a friend's boyfriend and another coworker have both a Lumia 800, I have a HTC 8X, that's it.
Oddly enough my grandmother was recommended by Rogers to get the 920 because she was looking for a phone with a good camera. I didn't know she was getting a new phone so I had nothing to do with it. I just thought it was so crazy that my own grandmother got a 920. Maybe this signals WP's turning point as far as popularity. Heh.
Oddly enough my grandmother was recommended by Rogers to get the 920 because she was looking for a phone with a good camera. I didn't know she was getting a new phone so I had nothing to do with it. I just thought it was so crazy that my own grandmother got a 920. Maybe this signals WP's turning point as far as popularity. Heh.

Good heavens, a phone salesman actually recommended the Lumia! When I was looking for them around launch they did not have a clue. I walked in to one store and the guy mentioned some phones and I informed him that I was not interested in them, I was looking for the Lumia 920 for the camera ability. He then pointed me to a Motorola and said "don't worry most cameras are 8 megapixels now so they are all the same". In the distance I heard Stephen E slam his fist down on his Nordic desk. Now I couldn't be bothered explaining why he was wrong, and in any case, the Lumia is 8.7 megapixels so I still win.

Kudos to your Grandmother.
I see plenty of 'em around work these days. Then again, I work for a carrier, so I dunno what that info is worth to you.
I don't know anyone with a Windows Phone, but maybe I shouldn't expect to at the moment, because WP (8 at least) is so new. Most folk I know are on contract and midway through, so they're not going to change for a time. I know quite a few teenage girls who are quite happy to have some old rubbish phone and are quite happy to upgrade to some slightly less old rubbish phone because that what their mates do, and they don't do OSs anyway. I know old die hard iOS and Android fanboys who will never change. However, I'll say this, when I've shown my 820 to non WP users, without exception, the reaction has been "Wow", with perhaps the caveat that a few have commented that "It looks very complicated". Make of that what you will.
I had a comment last night that my phone was pants, because it was a Windows phone. I just couldn't be bothered arguing, there were kids about.
I have a friend who's an android user (and owns a macbook pro but really doesnt want an iphone o.0) who wants to switch to a windows, but he's waiting for Windows to get instagram to switch :P

I own a MBP too but never thought of having an iPhone. I was a staunch Nokia (symbian) user before I got my very first L610 before upgrading to HTC8X.
I discovered that one of my co workers has a Lumia 822. He works day shift and leaves his wireless charger at work, so I've been using it a night.
A coworker had a Titan II and then an 8X. This dude's an addict, but it's kinda cool. He got the DNA in December and has pre-ordered the new HTC One. An Apple-hater, I even caught him with an iPhone 5.
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Just me and one other girl that is a semester ahead of me in the nursing program have WP8 phones. I have the 822 and she has a 920. Everyone else has an iPhone; only one other girl has an android. Out and about, I never see windows phones, ever.
My brother and some colleagues. Even my hard-core apple ****** friend with a iP5 have started to ask questions about which apps are available.
Sent from my Lumia 920 using Foroplex
I know a lot of people who Windows Phone. to many to count. :)
Sent from my Windows 8 device using Board Express Pro
I know between 15-20 people who bought L920s and 8xs only about 3or5 still have them due to no instagram and windows phone 8 battery killing flaws, basic features missing from wp8. Its said because everyone lived their hardware just no wp8 due to it basically being a beta. Now they are back to iPhones and androids .

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