Noticed anyone with a Windows Phone lately?

I'm the only one in my IT department with WP8 (8x), there are 4 iphones and 8 androids, but in other departaments I saw one girl with a lumia 920, another user just ordered an 8X and I will make the setup of that phone when arrives...
Two friends of mine from church now have them. One has a 8X, the other a 822. Both of them said they'll never go back to iPhone or Android again. Both of these guys work in IT. My wife has a coworker in her clinic (10 total people work at there) and one has what she described as a blue phone like mine, but the tiles were different sizes than mine (I have a Trophy). I take it she was describing a cyan 920 as she's not very techy.

What's cool though, is that these are all W8 phones so they're starting to be noticed. I asked my wife how she even noticed it and she said it was the cyan color that caught her eye then asked her coworker about it. My wife now wants one for herself and doesn't like her Incredible 2 nearly as much as she used to.
It seems like a lot of the people who own an WP live in Europe and Asia. I live in the US and seeing someone with a WP is like seeing a unicorn. I have seen plenty of ads for them all over the place, so its not a matter of marketing (unless their marketing is just bad). There is a stigma around microsoft in the US, mostly caused by some combination of internet explorer and Windows Mobile. People just assume its going to be crappy or uninventive (or both). Is it kind of the same everywhere else?
I am the only one in my circle of friends that is using a WP8. Most are using iPhones. I did see an HTC 8x in the wild last week though. I have a feeling we'll be seeing more over the next few months.
I know one person that has one. But I've still never seen one in the wild. It's starting to get depressing.
I used to be the only WP user in my project which has around 14 people. Now there are two others having WP also.
When I am outside on smoking break, I do sometimes see a few people in my company also using Nokia 920.
I've seen two people at school in the hallways with some type of WP7 device (I couldn't really identify them because all I noticed was the screen). That's it. I hope they upgrade to WP8 and don't switch!
2 coworkers
1 brother
2 friends
> 10 random people at Costco
> 10 random people at the Microsoft Store (not employees)
6 random people at AT&T who bought it on the same day as I
I've spotted several university students with Samsung Focuses and a man with the Lumia 710. I also know one person with an HTC HD7, one with a Lumia 710 and one with a LG Quantum (zero influence from me). I thought I saw 2 Lumia 800s but both turned out to be Nokia N9s :O

I haven't seen any wp8 devices, strangely enough.
I know three people with last generation Lumias(800 and 900) so converting the Android users continues;).
My brother is using my old WP7 -Now 7.8-
Two friends of mine bought Lumia 920. And i saw four 920's in public i think. Great numbers for Turkey because WP7 never officially launched in here.
Do you know anyone with a Windows Phone?

My friend switched to Lumia 900, other friends are mostly Android users, and I've seen a Lumia 820 in public. Otherwise there aren't so many WPs outside, Slovenia isn't so stuffed with WP.
A friend of mine has one. Although I dont think she wants to stick with it.
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I have an 822 from Verizon and am quite pleased with it. It still needs a few more features added but overall I love it. I miss notifications and something has to be done about the volume controls. I don't know of anybody in my circle of friends who has one.
My wife and I have 920s. A friend and his wife have 920s.
An ex-coworker of mine has a Focus 2.
My mother-in-law has my wife's old Focus.
I used to go buy a lottery ticket if I see someone using a Windows Phone, until this guy who works on the same floor as I do got a Lumia 900. Now I actually know someone else who has an 8X.
Other than two of my students, I have not seen any person with a Windows Phone. I am always on the look out for the 920, but not yet....I feel lonely :(

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