Other than my brother and his family, I know a few Microsoft employees.
I have seen a few more around in public though. I heard an alert that was clearly from a Windows Phone on the DC Metro last week and it wasn't coming from my pocket..
yes, my housemate has just got a 920 after I demonstrated my 820 to him and hes usually an Iphone kind of guy. Its almost as good as my 820, but not quite :winktongue:
3 friends from school (I believe all have the Lumia 610), 2 friends from uni (one has the Radar, not sure about the other), my cousin (Lumia 800), his best mate (Lumia 610), and my dad (Lumia 800).
I have the cream of the crop though, the Lumia 920. :grin:
Nope. No one. I saw a few being sold at store when I was there. Most People I deal with have never even heard of WP and, in current form, I can't recommend it either. Have to see how quickly the updates start rolling out.
Yes. A couple of friends from my last job have 920s, one person I work with now has a 920, and I know someone that recently picked up an 822 on Verizon.
No one in my immediate family, acquaintance or colleagues. I saw a Lumia 900 in the wild while crossing the street. The guy saw me too, when we passed by each other, we were looking at both our screens, when we realised were were both checking each other's phone we just gave a thumbs up (I have an HTC 8X
One time I was inside a bus and a girl sat beside me with a 820. I think she saw me texting. The bus was almost empty.
Well I got my twin hooked on WP and switched him off his iphone. Otherwise, some people I work with have some, about 4 employees, the rest have android or iphone. Its okay though, I expect to see WP growing. Anybody I've shown mine to that have android want to switch because WP is so much easier to use and works much better too.
i own a lumia 920 and my friend has an 810 and a couple of my friends are gonna get 2 920s red and white mines is black and 2 friends own 710s my brother owned a 900 and a few colleagues at work have 8xs and 920s and 900s