Noticed anyone with a Windows Phone lately?

One of my brothers in Leeds has a Lumia 800, one of our friends we haven't seen for years but found us on Facebook has L800, her daughter a L900. Yet another friend we haven't seen for years but found us on Facebook has a L800. One of our branch managers rung me with a query and said he had turned to the darkside. He's now got a L920 after having Android. Last week just as I was leaving our King's Lynn branch people, one of the staff pulled out a pink L800, she said her partner had a L900.

In a chip shop in Spalding a girl in the queue pulled out a blue Lumia. Yesterday I took my wife to the Pilgrim hospital in Boston, I saw a woman speaking on a blue L800. A couple of weeks ago I saw a customer in one of our branches with a black L800.

All quite recent, I've had my black L800 for over a year and bought my son one in the middle of last year on a good deal with Tesco mobile.

Although until recently I'd not seen many or knew many people with them. I've had a lot of people in our branches asking me if my phone was one of those Lumias, so people certainly seem to be aware of them.
I know three other people who have a windows phone. I was playing tennis and heard the Nokia text message sound. I thought it was my phone but turned out one of the guys on the other team had a 900, too. The second is a student who goes to the same church I do. The third is another tennis guy. This one is a .net developer and is planning on creating an app. I keep telling him he needs to build an instagram client. He reads this board. Hey, Durga!

Incidentally, yesterday i whipped out my red.... L920 in the elevator and a woman from accounting recognized it said she loved it, had wanted to get one, but let her daughter talk her into a $.01 ip###e 4.
Do you know anyone with a Windows Phone?

I know two people my brother and a colleague at work that about it :smile:
My friend from school , she has a focus flash. I don't know if she swapped it for a WP8 device or not tho. Someone I talk to on Facebook also recently had her 900 swapped for a 920 after it's screen shattered. When I was in school I used to see several WPs in the wild, I also even saw 2 girls with them one loved how integrated everything is while the other complained about the lack of apps.
My brother's ****ty friend's brother has a WP7. And I saw a WP7 at the movies, and a WP8 at a local H-E-B. : )
A former colleague moved from an Android phone to a HTC 8X. He emailed me and told me how happy he is now because his HTC 8X is head and shoulder above his previous Android phone.
One of my cousins is the only person I know with a WP. He also got the Lumia 800 a couple of months after me after trying my one out.
In the team I work with there's a majority of Windows Phones actually. (3x WP7(800/710/Titan), 2xWP8(820), 2x GS3, 1x iPone, 1x Nokia e72)
Besides my family I have introduced around 10 persons to windows phone. I have seen only a few people with WP on the street.
Do you know anyone outside of your immediate family who owns a Windows Phone? I have only seen one WP out in the wild and that person traded her Lumia 900 for an Android phone in like a month. Otherwise I have not seen a single person who owned a WP, but apparently there are a few million of them out there. It makes me wonder where these people are who own them. I assume more people here have a WP, so they must exist, right?
My friends sister and her husband both have L900s. That's one of the reasons I went to WP. Since they aren't the techiest of people and they loved it, it made me think twice about getting a WP.
There's one person at work with her OG Samsung Focus. I did introduce a few folks to WP though, including a coworker to the 8X...she now likes telling stories of walking around with it and having people instantly recognize it.

In the wild, I see only 920s so far. On the NJ transit trains and MTA subways especially I see mostly iPhones, S3s and Note 2s. like having my 810 because people will ask about the UI. I know we all want the OS to be popular, but I like the feeling of not having the same stuff most people have...
So far I am the only one I know. My brother is still laughing at me for me jumping ship from Android to WP. One of my friends from high school that I haven't seen in forever actually has one. I noticed she posted on Facebook and saw it was from WP, I was all excited lol
I know three people, though one of them is immediate family; my mum, after trying out my Omnia 7, decided to get an HTC Mozart (she wanted a smaller handset). After seeing my Lumia 920, she immediately wanted one, so she's since upgraded to one. A friend of mine bought an Omnia 7 because he liked mine, and is going to upgrade to a 920 next month. Another friend bought an HTC 8S as a second phone so he could earn extra achievements (he's mad for bloody achievements!).

I've not seen any out 'in the wild', but then I never really notice what other people are carrying.
I can confirm more than 5 of my friends are using a WP device and all of them are Nokia. Here in Malaysia, they're slowly getting some attention and even at the shopping malls, I can see some people using Lumias but never yet seeing anybody using the Samsung ATIV or HTC 8X/8S...

EDIT: My sister and her friends are switching over to Lumia anytime soon after they played around with my phone. Yeah, they were a serious BlackBerry user.

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