Noticed anyone with a Windows Phone lately?

I'm not someone who really recommends tech to anyone. I always tell them to go and try things out and see what suits them. I've never recommended a Windows Phone to anyone and i never will.

I have however passed on my L620 to my gf. She seems to enjoy it. I set it up the tiles to things she might enjoy.

My mother also has a L620, she got that on her own accord.

L620 was a nightmare for me. Always "resuming" boke
I have a 920 and my girl has a 520
I've seen:

3 co-workers (teachers) - NL820 , NL920 and NL1020(he's always showing off his pictures)
1 student - NL720
1 bball teammate with NL620
Mom and 4 friends all use - N520
In the wild I've seen a dozen or so 520s and 720s
There are lots of friends and family members with NL800s. These are all people living in a 10 mile radius
I live in Trinidad and Tobago W.I and the strange thing is that it not aggressively sold by the service providers either. I figure people genuinely like the damn phones.
Only 1 person I know has a windows phone.
His wife got him a Lumia 520. I helped him with some setup.
Amazing phone for the price.
Unfortunately I have not seen anyone out and about using WP :eck:
my classmate had htc, and have seen few people with it. and one dude had 920 with cracked screen at my work my family 6 people have Lumia 620 , one L625, i own a 820 and my mom is thinking to take 920 ;) Windows Phone rockss..!!!
I have a 1020, wife and father-in-law have 920 and my mother-in-law has a 900. It was easy converting them all ;)

That being said, I randomly see a few 920's and 928's in the wild on public transit.
I have a 920, a friend of mines owns a 620 and another friend recently got a 520 as a birthday present. People have commented on it at my work too saying how nice they thought my 920 was but the draw back was specific apps that WP just didn't have. I can't really blame them. Look how long we've been promised Flipboard and it still has yet to materialise.
I have an 822, and my mom has a 928. I saw someone from our tech department the other day respond "sent from my Windows Phone".

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Met a colleague who uses a Note3, and he just picked up a 1520. Already he's experiencing slowness & lag in his barely 4month old Note. His L1520 is darn zippy, although he does find it "not so friendly".... Give him a few months, and we'll see if he ditches android..
In the last few years I have seen android android android. The maybe a small shift to iPhone. I have not seen any one of my family, friends, co-workers with WP. I just recently traded a Sony xperia z for a BlackBerry z10 which left me yearning for something new. I used my At&t next and got the Lumia 1520. Glad I jumped ship. WP phone is great.
I just gave my buddy my old 920 cause his phone was really outdated and broken. Other than him, a couple FB friends and my mom.
Was at the bank earlier today and heard the alert for calendar events on someone's phone without even looking. felt like home
I got a WP7 HTC Mozart back when WP7 first come out and i am just about to soon move onto my 7th Windows Phone and during that time i managed to get my:


All using Window's Phones rather than iPhone or Android, They all still are apart from my brother who went back to android and my dad who is no longer with us :(
A person in School has 625, I have 625 and 620, in our Class there are 2 lumias, 925 and 620. Another in School has 720, and My father has 720...

Sent from my lumia 625 using Tapatalk

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