I do! ME

My wife, my brother (and his wife), and my aunt just bought the 1520 after my recommendation. She was using an iPhone before and said it was too small, I told her to get the 1520, because it's bigger (and better). 1520 also comes preloaded with Slovene, a language that iOS still doesn't speak, and it had to be jailbraked to install 3rd party translation (I know right!) which was a big selling point for her. She's still getting used to it, but I think she likes it so far.
As for me, I'm sticking with WP until something better comes along (I also just bought mine last October, so no new phones for next year and a half)
Beside family, there's quite a lot of people in my uni with WPs, mostly WP8, but even some WP7 Lumias can still be found. HTC 8S is also quite popular in Slovenia, probably for it's price, it was the cheapest WP at the time, 520 came later (to carriers here).
I remember a couple of times I was walking trough the city I saw almost more Lumias then iPhones, or at least the same amount. It's definitely growing in Europe, Nokia still means something here.