Noticed anyone with a Windows Phone lately?

In my college I've only see one Lumia beside mine. But in my Internship company, most of the workers using Lumia ! iIt does feel great seeing fellow Lumia owner. :')
Actually yes, I've seen a few people with Lumia phones BUT most of them, if not all of them have a Lumia 520, I have only seen someone with a 620 (my cousin) but that's it... My dad owns a 520 too ... I have a 625, I would love to have a 1020 or one of the upcoming 8.1 Premium Devices :) I love WP
I live in Guatemala City btw :) ... Android is obviously #1 and then iphone but WP is making its way a little bit more noticeable! :)
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I do! ME :D My wife, my brother (and his wife), and my aunt just bought the 1520 after my recommendation. She was using an iPhone before and said it was too small, I told her to get the 1520, because it's bigger (and better). 1520 also comes preloaded with Slovene, a language that iOS still doesn't speak, and it had to be jailbraked to install 3rd party translation (I know right!) which was a big selling point for her. She's still getting used to it, but I think she likes it so far.
As for me, I'm sticking with WP until something better comes along (I also just bought mine last October, so no new phones for next year and a half)

Beside family, there's quite a lot of people in my uni with WPs, mostly WP8, but even some WP7 Lumias can still be found. HTC 8S is also quite popular in Slovenia, probably for it's price, it was the cheapest WP at the time, 520 came later (to carriers here).
I remember a couple of times I was walking trough the city I saw almost more Lumias then iPhones, or at least the same amount. It's definitely growing in Europe, Nokia still means something here.
So I think this lass that fancies me is now interested in something like the 620. She wants a small Windows Phone, not a giant one like I have (even though mine is technically small at 4.5" - big phone to me is 9001 inches)
Do you know anyone with a Windows Phone?

I know one dude at my work... Seeing his phone actually made me look into WP - so trying an Icon (929) right now. Otherwise NO one has WP phones in my normal circles.
I live in Chihuahua, Mexico (yes, like the dog).
Sales reports show great sales in my country but I haven't seen too many WP on the street.
IPhones and Galaxys are everywhere if you go to a mall. I have seen only budget WPs like the 520 and 630, mostly used by young teens (my first phone kind of thing). I have never seen a flagship Lumia, not even in my pocket... :( I bought a couple of 720's for me and my wife)
I was at a local AT&T Corporate store this afternoon. One woman who works there had a red 1520. One guy who works there had a red 920.
I know 12 people with Windows phones, ranging from WP7.x to 8, and see windows phones quite often, they're pretty popular in the UK :)
My College Computer Science Professor has a Windows Phone. Couldn't get a good look at it, but it looked like a L920 except flatter, and it was in a green skin case.
Someone at kinkos noticed my 1020 off the bat and we had a conversation about windows phone. He works at best buy and is on Verizon, he owns the 928. I told him I wanted the icon and he didn't understand why since I have a great camera. Interesting to see the interests people have in different areas of phones

Sent from my all seeing 1020
I convinced one coworker and he got a 920. Showed him my 1520 and now he wants one.
Only time I've seen one in public was at the airport while waiting in line.
Recently, 2-3 coworkers have jumped aboard and a couple of hardcore Android users.
I've recently seen a few out in public too at the gym.
A guy who works for my dad has a 520.

My Aunt and Uncle are also ditching their old blackberries for "real" smartphones in a couple of weeks after they were so impressed with my phone. My Aunt loves the live tiles and my Uncle really likes the OS in general.

I've seen a 3 or 4 around campus
Both parents now have wps. My Mom has a 928 and dad just got a 1520. My Mom loves it. My dad is coming from an iPhone so learning but really likes the size. I have an icon and for the life of me can't convince my wife to get a WP. A lot of that had to do with her parents both having iPhones for facetime, plus she is a white girl with Starbucks, Uggs, and a fleece.
Being a huge WP fan, I bought my mom and two brothers a windows phone to get them into it. They love it. I also had two Lumia 920's just laying around my house so I gave them to my friend's gf's. They love them also.

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