Noticed anyone with a Windows Phone lately?

I know many. All my close friends have switched to lumia specially l520.

Sent from my Lumia 620 wp8.1 RM-846_im_india_233 using Tapatalk
A bunch of 520s popping up at work lately... At least 3 or 4 people I know have them.. I've even talked one into doing the 8.1 DP update. Once he saw my start screen background and saw me use Cortana, he was all in!
I guess I never paid attention in my area. Since getting the Icon, I haven't seen anyone with a Windows Phone yet. However, I also rarely ever see an iPhone. Where I am at might be Android country.
Me? No, the U.S. By Android country, I mean that in my predominantly rural area in my state, Androids seem to rule. A small pocket of iPhones exist for those around the tween age.
I know several. And see them more often now. Was in the att store and watched 3 of them go out the door. One salesman tried to steer the customer to the S4, but the manager, who it's carrying a Lumia 1520, quickly stepped in.

Sent from my Nokia Lumia 1520, w/AT&T using Tapatalk
I can proudly say that I have successfully converted 4 people to WP, and since my girlfriend has had her Lumia I finally can have someone in my family room :amaze:
Yesterday saw a girl having two windows phone. One was 520 and second was 925. I asked her why is she using two windows phone on that she replied 520 is for calling and messaging and 925 is for gaming. 😉
Yes., I know 3 friends who have 520s, two of them got them because of my advice :) also in Transmilenio I've seen some people, girls in most of cases who use a WP. I have the theory that girls prefer the WP appearance over androids' and ios's and since they usually don't stick to things like the OS they choose wp
I've had 4 windows phones and during that time I've only seen 4 other people with one. Lol. That's sad :(
My latest wp sighting was a sub in my school who saw my 1020. He has a 920 and I showed him how to get 8.1 on it.

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