Noticed anyone with a Windows Phone lately?

I created my own thread for my fellow WP users countrymen. And finally I feel that I'm not alone.
Unfortunately my country has 1% of WP users. Anyway I see them from time to time, my bf has one and other female friend. But Android (Samsung, LG, Huawei) and iPhone are much more popular then WP.

I am using only WP.
I used to be alone here in Jordan (in the ME) but now its everywhere! In ads,in universities,with alot of my friends! I mean literally everywhere!
The last few weeks I have seen several people with Windows Phone. Just saw a guy at a sandwich shop with a Lumia 830.... Which is the "highest" end I've seen, the others have been 521 and 635. Saw a 920, but that was right after it came out.

I also went to Best Buy yesterday, and lo and behold for the very first time they had a Windows Phone display!! I was shocked. Sure, only three phones, all from AT&T (530, 635, 830) and the setup was tiny compared to the iPhone and Android displays, but hey, better than nothing...

So a few months later, this is what the WP displayed looked like. Oh well, it was nice while it lasted.
At a coffee shop inside a mall. Daw one guy fidgeting with his Lumia 1020. Rate sight indeed for me.
Have seen a couple this week.

Firstly went to a restaurant and the bloke opposite whipped out a bright yellow phone, the 1020. Didn't get chance to speak to him.

Went to another restaurant, and I noticed a women (in her 50s) with a phone that I thought was a 930, but wasn't sure as it had a case. However when my mothers 530 went off, the women thought it was hers. I had a little chat after that, she likes the phone. Her friend who had a iPhone 5S kept quiet...

Sadly, now I'm without a phone as she's poorly and has gone back to MS for a repair/replacement... Hopefully not too long...

Also, my partner (who's an iPhone fan, was a 920 user) got my father-in-law to buy a 635. The T-Mobile staff apparently did try to steer him towards either an Android or iPhone, my partner said the iPhone was too much, and Android was too confusing for a new smartphone user, which the staff member agreed.

More annoying was that they didn't have any in stock, so they ordered one from another store, so was charged $10! Shocking!!
Granted it worked to his favour, as it was then delayed so he complained and T-mobile reduced his monthly contract down by $10 a month, so he got his money back plus some!

He seems happy with it so far...

I work at the restaurant but I've only ever seen five off them. I myself used to own a Nokia 928 but the battery was horrible do I bought the HTC M8 (WP) I love it!
I thought Normal people with Windows phones was a myth.

But then I saw almost every other person in my country having one. So...
I've got to admit, in the last 12 months I've seen a noticeable increase in the number of Windows Phones in the wild...
A few I'm told are due to it being a work-issued phone, so seems the enterprise are picking up Windows Phone... All good news!

I only knew one person with WP. He was using L530.

But now he had ditched it and bought some Android phone.

So now in my social network I am the only one using WP.
This is the status now
1 WP user
1 iOS user
And lots of Android users.
Well this is just an update on two office colleagues.

One, who had a 930, went back to his iP6+. His 930 had screen issues and faulty buttons which could not be resolved (can't be repaired.) He wasn't convinced enough to give WP another go.

The other colleague had sent away his bricked 720. Nearly fours months later it came back, repaired. Just as well too, for the Xiaomi M2 he acquired as temporary replacement, died on him. Talk about timing!!!

So its one out & one back in.

The WP universe is still hangs in precarious balance...
Had an interesting day. Started with the builder I've got working on my mothers house has a 530, and was really happy with it, loved Xbox Music & Here Drive. Showed him features of Cortana he didn't realise!

Then was reading an industry magazine and there was about 20 ads in there for business mobile solutions, and every one mentioned solely Windows Phone (mostly the 640, one mentioned the Acer Liquid [didn't know it existed]) saying they were 'best for business' and highlighted that it has Office built-in.

Then about an hour ago, I looked on my Twitter feed to a business blog showing that Cortana is a 'must have' app to filter important calls during meetings.

Either Microsoft have been paying off the telecoms industry or there's a sea-change here in the UK for business.

Saw a 1020 yesterday. The guy had bought it recently. He studies in the same college as I am in and I met him when I was about to leave for home. We only talked for a minute or two before he had to leave. I showed him some of the denim features(he had cyan). I was unable to meet him today, maybe tomorrow.
I have 5 friends in my town of 30,000 people that are on WP. 3 of them have a black Lumia 830 just like mine. The other two have the Samsung Ativ S, just like my last phone. I sold it to my ex-wife. So I know 6 people in total that have WP. ;P
I have 2 close friends and a lot of college/university friends that use WP as well as a lot of FB contacts that use one.

And I see about 2-3 person each day in the bus or at the subway. WP it's quite popular here, suppressing iPhone sales for the first time last summer and and it still is so far.

I also noticed many people interested in WP. Yesterday I went to take at some laptops and phones in a local showroom and while I was playing wit a Lumia 930 (I'm actually thinking on getting one since now it seams to be getting cheaper), some guys approached me when they noticed I had a Nokia phone. In a few minutes there were about 7 guys around me asking for WP details, telling me how tired they were to keep hearing the store reps preaching about iPhone and Samsung. That felt good, knowing some are actually ready to try something new.
My brother, who lives in another city, knows my 830 camera consistently trumps his 1+1. Makes him quiet irritated. Last week, he managed to tracked down a used 1520 online.
I met the seller last night who lives coincidentally, in my city, and took the phone on his behalf. It cost a bit more than half the price of a brand new 1520. Spent the whole night setting it up, giving it a good going over. Everything checked out fine so it looks like a good deal.
It will be a couple of months before I visit my brother, so I have something new to paw over before the handover..!!
I'm not so sure that he will be totally won over. I'll chalk this one up as a partial-conversion !!! ... but watch this space...

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