Noticed anyone with a Windows Phone lately?

know about 3 people with them, 2 with lumias bought them for the Nokia name, and 1 with a HTC bought it for xbox features he loves his xbox
I've actually seen quite a few in public and I'm in the U.S which is a surprise. Just the other day I saw a women snapping photos of her children in apple bees using a 822. I believe that's what it was called, the Verizon exclusive. Not to mention plenty of folks I know have the 920
Though it wasn't highlighted, I believe that in the new film terminator they were using lumias. Anyone else noticed?

I don't think MSFT paid for placement in Terminator as only fanbois would be able to see the rear of the phone and go "hey, that's a Lumia xxx".
However MSFT are clearly marketing in TV shows like Agents of SHIELD and House of Cards to name a couple.

2 co-workers have the Cricket Lumia 640 now (they really like them), my local bank customer service lady sports an at&t Lumia 1520. Last May at a Rush concert a girl in front of us at concession was on a Lumia 925.
The only Winphones I know of in use are mine and the ones I have given away to other people.

Actually I never notice what other people are using.
Frankly it doesn't matter to me.
I have seen some here and there. I have also seen them used occasionally on Pretty Little Liars.
We went to the hospital one night, then I heard lot of Lumia sounds all over the place, there were 6 of us using Lumia on the waiting line.
Wow, this rapper (R Prophet) on Catfish has a Lumia! It's cool to see that not all people in the industry have iPhones. (in season 4, episode 13)

I'm not going to post each time this happens, but it's interesting.
Given how often I see them on television you'd think WP had a 20% share of the US market.

IRL, I've seen three folks in the office with Lumias. One guy had a 1020 that he replaced within a year because of the app situation. One girl who had a 920, then replaced it with a 520 after it broke. Now there is an intern with a 1520; he loves it and wants to get a Surface Pro 3.

I've also seen Yammer posts from several colleagues asking about support for their Windows Phones. Most of these folks are in India or Europe.
I’ve seen/met quite a few people working for big German companies that has recently changed from BB to WP.

They are not positive to what they got or the development of WP (talked to like 30-50 people out of 250.000+ so I do not have any statistics)…

Common judgments: "We went from one dead system to another" and "there are no apps at all".
One quite high level IT-manager was so angry that I had to change subject.
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