Noticed anyone with a Windows Phone lately?

The only Lumias I see around me are 520s, about 5 last six months.
A week ago some girl was texting on old Lumia flagman and thats it. Almost no one around me uses any Lumia, everyone is with Android and IOs.
I saw three today, wait.....well two are mine and the other one I talked a friend into buying. But I'm not done yet!
Yes!! In my office all people use Windows Phone, Nokia Lumia and Microsoft. ;)
We believe in the future of Windows Phone and the security it gives us.
saw a white 930 exactly like mine yesterday at my classroom. Another student also swapped his 630 for a black 830. Not rarely i also hear WP notifications sounds around.

WP is really catching on in Brazil, especially with iPhones priced ridiculously high. If we had a Snapchat app (not essential for me, but insanely popular among young people here) i believe it would help turn any other OS into old news in no time.
Aaand saw another WP today, a 640 this time, at work. Looks really cool. The owner told me he was looking for good battery life for GPS and that it sounded good on this aspect.

A friend of mine (who i sold my old 925 to) bought his mother a WP too. I just caught a glimpse of it, but looks like a 430.

It's great to see these things everywhere 😁
There are now 4 WP users where I work. Two 640's and two 830's (one is mine) -- sold my other 830 to a co-worker (first smart phone for him).

Edit: Forgot to mention Paul (another co-worker) sports a Lumia 925. So that makes 5 Windows mobiles in the shop where I work. Also, got another one interested in buying my personal 830 (I'll use the M8 till I get ahold of a 950)
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I am am here at Disney World and have yet to see a windows phone. Samsung and iPhones everywhere. Wife and I are sporting 830s
Popped in to my local Carphone Warehouse yesterday and spoke to a sales rep about getting a cheap full-screen phone for my 70+ father. He did try pushing me to a dumbphone but when I said I wanted full screen keys, said he'd either recommend Windows Phone or iPhone for "their ease and simplicity". I asked about Android, he said they're too complicated for a basic user...

He promptly whipped out his Lumia 930 and a Samsung Edge, and said he used the Windows Phone for daily work driver and used the Samsung for games and other things that aren't on WinPhone. Though he did have a massive scratch running down the 930, which he blamed on his kid!

So nice to see a mobile sales rep understand a customer need and not simply push people onto a given OS based on their own bias or preference...

One of my managers, amber, has a Lumia 630 with the blue backplate. I have the 630 with the green plate. My fiance has a 520, and my friend has a 635. That's all I know haha.
Months before I ever had a WP, but after I had looked into them and decided to save up for one, I went to Busch Gardens on Halloween with my girlfriend and saw a random guy in one of the lines talking on a Lumia 1020. I also had a friend in another state who had bought a Lumia 520, but he switched back to Android because of an app that didn't work well on WP. Other than them, I convinced my mom and her now ex boyfriend to get Lumias when I bought my first one, but they both quickly went to Android after finding WP to be too confusing for them.
I've seen a few people with Windows Phones in my life but very very few. As many as i can count on my hands.

The market share over here appears to be something like

iOS 80%
Android 19%
Windows 1%
Other than my girlfriend, yeah, like one person every now and then. It's like being on a deserted island sometimes when I'm outside.
Saw a beautiful red Lumia 920 just like mine a few minutes ago! Also saw like 5 or more(can't remember) Lumias 2 months ago.
I saw one a few days ago, not sure the model.
The guy said his company just switch from Blackberry, and his IT department said Windows had the best security after BB.

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