Noticed anyone with a Windows Phone lately?

11 out of 32 people in my office have Lumias. In addition to this, I see at least 5 people using Lumia every day while travelling by bus. I have even seen many people using Nokia X.
I think that Nokia X could have been more popular in India, had MS supported it.. At the time it was released, I saw so many people excited about Nokia's Android... Nokia had really strong brand image in India..
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For the first time in real life, I saw someone with a Verizon Lumia 735 and also at work again. I recognized the sound Lumias/Windows Phones make when pulling up the screen and then I noticed the phone's shape.

Edit: Yesterday (1/12), I met a guy who has the 640xl and I made a comment about it to him, and he said that he noticed that I have the smaller one! :love: (not really, but there's no heart emoji here) This is the first time this has ever happened..and also the first time I have seen that phone in RL. So sad.
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Met a couple last week and they had a Lumia 1020, HTC One, and the Nokia 2520. They were still on W8.1. I showed off my L830 with the latest build of W10M on it and told them it's nice so far but still not ready for everyone. Still it was nice to see other WP's out in the wild. They liked them too. There's hope for us yet!!
Yes I have, where I work at office depot, somebody had a Lumia 640 that was pretty banged up, and an old guy with Lumia 925. A friend of mine has a Lumia 1020, and I've seen other people out and about with a Lumia 640. Oh and my coworker has Lumia 640 xl
Noticed a Lumia 520 while visiting a friend. I was shocked because Android is the common platform in here. I also have a friend using a 540 and my Aunt have my old 630.
Yeah, one of my sister's very close friends is rocking a Lumia 521. I wish I asked her about it.
A few days ago,I saw a Lumia 620 like mine and I was like,OMG!! but there wasn't time to chat with the guy so . . . . 😞
Oh I live in Hungary, and the list is surprisingly long: grandparents: 2x l532 :Friends: 2x l535(including me), 1x l640xl (changed from l625!!!), 2x l640lte, 1x l930, 1x l735, and one I couldn't figure out. That's 10 devices, and I often also see others walking on the streets with WPs.
Michael Brown appears to have had a Lumia 920. Not trying to be political -- just something I noticed.

Just to update: Where I work (machine shop, around 45 workers on the floor) there are 6 Windows phones ... myself, one with a Lumia 925, 2 people with 640's, and 2 with 830's. And we all like them very much. Carriers are AT&T, Cricket, and T-Mobile (for those curious).
My colleague has L950 XL. I bought my dad L520. My college friend has L720. My cousin bought L720 and he sold it shortly afterwards.

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