Noticed anyone with a Windows Phone lately?

I do not know. If you have extra money, paid into my bank account, and I will then carry out scientific research and I'll give you an answer to your question.
I do not know. If you have extra money, paid into my bank account, and I will then carry out scientific research and I'll give you an answer to your question.

Give me your account information... I guarantee that you will see a change in your balance! lol
TBH, I have not seen a WP user ever, that is, until this past week I have seen and met 2 users.
My physical therapist has a 950xl and a band 2. I also met this guy in Nashville who bought both my Lumia 735's, he also had a band 2 on.
-Short answer.....NO! It's been like two years since I saw someone using a W-phone among friends, colleagues and in public here in Sweden.
I see a rare few people around, every now and then. I know a guy with a 1020, a girl with a 720, another with a 640/535, not sure really. And a few others. All in all, 5-10 people at the most, in my department, which is an early few hundred people odd at most in strength. Much smaller than the 2% market share worldwide obviously. :(

-- W
Yesterday I was in a minivan with people and 2 out of 14 people had a windows device. The person seated next to me had a 640 and I was really surprised to see her using onenote. That was the first time I saw anyone here using Onenote, and that on a phone
my brother in law!!!!
Moving from a battle-hardened Nokia N70.... now sporting a sublime yellow 720.... which was owned by my missus, then passed to me, then to her sister... now to him

I did a hard reset, and this darn 3-year old thing still works, it run like hot-knife thru butter on 8.1+Denim.
That's Nokia heritage - made to last ..
My first IT -ish gig I had which was only tier-1 help desk I sat next to the only other windows phone user in the department. A year and a half later I've crossed into tier-3 support/security projects and now I am a IT Security Compliance Analyst. All three locations and I've only seen one other windows phone user.

I've been at my current gig for 3 months and they're about to give me an iPhone or Android work phone come August... I am trying to convince them of the hp elite x3 lol.
I saw someone in an airport using a windows phone. I do not know anyone personally that has a windows phone. THAT IS PRECISELY WHY I USE A WINDOWS PHONE. Honestly, I love the operating system. Also I have never been a follower of the culturally popular thing to do, hence I do not flash an iphone or samsung to show that I am part of the crowd. I enjoy my phone (950XL now and 5-6 other windows phones in the past). I started with a Palm Pilot with a windows operating system probably about 10 years ago.

Don't be a follower. Be a leader and convince your friends of how great a windows phone can be. I will continue with windows, as long as they continue to support the format and brand.
Unfortunately the only windows phones I've seen in use are the ones I bought for myself and my immediate family members. They include 520's,a 925, and 640's.
Personally, I think the $30 640 is my best electronic bargain ever!!:excited:
The only windows phone users I've seen is me and my wife. Most folks don't even seem to know what a windows phone is. My local AT&T store doesn't even carry any windows phones.....we had to buy them online. Couldn't even look at one in person.
I am the only person I can think of that uses a Windows Phone. I convinced a buddy in the Army years ago (WP Mango era) to buy my Samsung Focus Flash due to it having mobile Office apps (don't know that any other platform had these yet so he was particularly excited about that.) But even way back then I only knew of myself, him and one other that used a WP. :\ Kind of a depressing realization.
Just me here. Most people state they didn't even know MS makes phones...advertisements and commercials matter

Microsoft isn't used to having to advertise, or send out a completed fully functioning os because they've never had to. That's what's hurt them the most in the phone business imo. Old dogs need to be able to learn new tricks.
Just me here. Most people state they didn't even know MS makes phones...advertisements and commercials matter

the problem was advertisements were done, money was spent, a lot of it but it didn't make as much of an impact as it could have. The two let downs when they were advertising was that some apps were missing and that some features were missing. Now that almost all features are present and some apps are appearing, the OS is a work in progress. I believe advertising will start again when all bases are covered and there is a solid product to advertise.
Yep. I agree but...if the surface phone is really going to be geared for business use, then a large marketing campaign w tv commercials is very unlikely. Commercials.are much more impactful for consumers and they work, evidenced by how the iPhone came from nowhere to destroy the old Windows Mobile 6. Slick consumer marketing.
I am a university students and recently I made a poll for the whole university to know what device they are using.
It turns out WP users are less than 1 percent.
you might have done the poll a couple of years ago and seen different results :winktongue:

Even then, maybe not. Windows Phone has been at the bottom of the barrel for a long time. After everyone grabs the cherry and the strawberry-kiwi CapriSuns out the barrel, don't nobody wanna reach all the way to the bottom to pick out the watermelon flavor :-( That's a bad analogy, but an analogy just the same. Watermelon is a great flavor, with merits of it's own. But nobody will give it the time of day due to the slight extra effort it takes to reach down and grab it...

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