ODB II app Dash in Windows Store

I got the same vgate ELM 327 adaptor. I could not get it connected...

first settings --> bluetooth and pairing needs to be done there. that is in windows-side, not in program.

after pairing --> open program and so on.
disconnect one of the cylinder coils connectors or wires and turn the car on. That should turn the check engine light on after a few minutes.
first settings --> bluetooth and pairing needs to be done there. that is in windows-side, not in program.

after pairing --> open program and so on.

Done but still not working. It connects bluetooth right but crashes everytime trying to do anything in program...
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Surffari, that is what I am doing, it will not connect. I'll try with another adapter soon.
first settings --> bluetooth and pairing needs to be done there. that is in windows-side, not in program.

after pairing --> open program and so on.

Done but still not working. It connects bluetooth right but crashes everytime trying to do anything in program...

When the app starts it should connect to your Bluetooth device. Is your car running?
If you have any other Bluetooth devices connected, remove them and see if it makes any diffrence. It shouldn?t matter though. The app is looping through all bluetooth devices and tries to make a socket connection and the sends the ELM init commands to figure out which Bluetooth device that works.
nice to have also this kind of software for windows phones! seems to be stable and so on. very easy but no adjustments.

with lumia 920 there's scales on both end, as the backround is basically a picture, also very non-adjustable, for example RPM to 10000, and diesel does only about 4000RPM... anyway, this info is also on dashboard. but perhaps variations diesel/bensin? and fuel consumption scale upto 50 l/100km with car that does less than 5 as average... some instuctions for calibration, gives wrong (but visual) results.

anyway, one major info is missing, catalysator temperature. that tells that burning of particle filter is ongoing or not. for the same screen also coolant temperature would be needed, as burning starts only after engine is hot =above 70C (no temp gauge on car). to get burning done properly, higher than normal RPM:s = one gear up and perhaps a little extra driving...

for diesels also engine timing advance... well, non-existent. however, recirculation of exhaust gases might be interesting. one can see if car is trying to heat motor or not (outdoor/indoor/engine temperature dependent) and this affects how fast car is slowing down with gear on. as does the charging voltage...

also voltage levels, as there's"smart charger" so mostly charges battery when slowing down with gear on. and at stop, how does it go with time when engine is not running. at winter car tries to keep battery full...

Thanks for the feedback!

Well, we have loads of ideas and functionality that we want to implement in the app. Custom dashboards where the user can choose layout, ecodrive, logging, etc etc.
We even have a professor in mathematics that?s gonna help us out with the statistical models.
But in this first release we wanted to keep it quite simple, that?s why we made a GUI that could work on all car models. We didn?t even know if anyone was interested in this app :)
When the app starts it should connect to your Bluetooth device. Is your car running?
If you have any other Bluetooth devices connected, remove them and see if it makes any diffrence. It shouldn?t matter though. The app is looping through all bluetooth devices and tries to make a socket connection and the sends the ELM init commands to figure out which Bluetooth device that works.

When the app starts it connects to bluetooth device properly. But when i click anything else than Fault codes or settings it shuts down. No matter that is car running or not.
Then i have to start the app again.
Looks like a great app and thanks for doing it. I will be getting a BT adapter soon so I can use this ODB in my cars.
When the app starts it connects to bluetooth device properly. But when i click anything else than Fault codes or settings it shuts down. No matter that is car running or not.
Then i have to start the app again.

Send an email to support@dabit.se with your car model, Bluetooth device etc. and we will try to help you in any way we can.

Nice to find an OBD2 app for my WP8 phone finally (been waiting for one since I got my Lumia 920). I havent tested it yet, but will test later today.

Some functionality I'd like to see in future:
- Screen rotation. I usually use my phone mounted sideways in my car. I hope I can use the app both vertical and horizontal position.
- Custom dash (you already mentioned this will be done if app gets popular and you see it worth the time).
I tried the Dex app you mentioned but it loses connection all the time... Max time I had it up was maybe 30 secs. Also crashes a lot.

I am very willing to pay few euros for a working product, that's why I like Dash. Usually, when the makers are getting a small reward for their work the end result is also better :)

I was able to try Dash (like I said in my previous post I had not tested it yet). Everything worked fine, and during my 20 minute test drive Dash didnt lose connection at all. Also 0 crashes.
I just received my ELM 327 today and promptly bought the app. I've only tried it once and results were varied. It connects to my HTC 8c, but sometimes loses the connection when I enter one of the app areas, notably the Fuel and Temp windows. The main window seems to be reasonably stable but doesn't always show all the information, I drove it tonight and the RPM was showing but the road speed was not, although it had earlier. I'll be able to give it a better workout tomorrow.
I can't connect my Lumia 820 with ELM327 connector and dash app. It says I must enter some kind of code. With my N8 and OBDautoDoctor I haven't problems.
I can't connect my Lumia 820 with ELM327 connector and dash app. It says I must enter some kind of code. With my N8 and OBDautoDoctor I haven't problems.

Well, its standard functionality. To pair a bluetooth device to the phone you are required to enter the pin code. Most certainly the code is 1234 or 0000.
So pair the device and then start the app and everything should work.

Well, its standard functionality. To pair a bluetooth device to the phone you are required to enter the pin code. Most certainly the code is 1234 or 0000.
So pair the device and then start the app and everything should work.


Thx, the code 1234 is right and now I have another problem. Phone connect with ELM and than after ten seconds it loses connection.
Thx, the code 1234 is right and now I have another problem. Phone connect with ELM and than after ten seconds it loses connection.
It?s also standard functionality. The connection is not open all the time. When you start the app it should connect automatically and start receiving data.
Have you tried the app after you paired the device?
/ Jonas
I've had a better opportunity to try this out, a 45 minute drive on the highway.
The major problem is that when the app starts up it doesn't always read all of the PID's. It lists about 5 or 6. I have to shut the app down and try it again until it connects properly, then there's about 2 screens of PIDs listed and I get more information displayed.

In the Standard window I get RPM, km/h, Throttle, Engine temp and Engine Load displaying when fully connected, otherwise it's just RPM and Throttle showing.
It usually take a few tries to get it working, I would guess around 5-10.

In the engine section everything works except for Intake Air Temperature and Air Flow Rate, but, there had to be a but ;) there's another number between Intake Manifold Pressure and Air Flow Rate, it's not AFR because that shows n/a. This number varies a lot, anything from in the hundreds to several thousands, all over the place.

I get nothing at all from the Fuel side of things and there was a couple of times that the speed graph or maybe it was the rpm graph, I forget, but it seemed to lose it's function and went into a long slide down as if the speed or rpm was slowing, which it wasn't.

I like the app and when the bugs are worked out it'll be a great tool.

Bit of info: 2002 Dodge Caravan 3.3, Interface is an ELM 327 and Windows Phone HTC8x

I hope this helps.


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