ODB II app Dash in Windows Store

I've had a better opportunity to try this out, a 45 minute drive on the highway.
The major problem is that when the app starts up it doesn't always read all of the PID's. It lists about 5 or 6. I have to shut the app down and try it again until it connects properly, then there's about 2 screens of PIDs listed and I get more information displayed.

In the Standard window I get RPM, km/h, Throttle, Engine temp and Engine Load displaying when fully connected, otherwise it's just RPM and Throttle showing.
It usually take a few tries to get it working, I would guess around 5-10.

In the engine section everything works except for Intake Air Temperature and Air Flow Rate, but, there had to be a but ;) there's another number between Intake Manifold Pressure and Air Flow Rate, it's not AFR because that shows n/a. This number varies a lot, anything from in the hundreds to several thousands, all over the place.

I get nothing at all from the Fuel side of things and there was a couple of times that the speed graph or maybe it was the rpm graph, I forget, but it seemed to lose it's function and went into a long slide down as if the speed or rpm was slowing, which it wasn't.

I like the app and when the bugs are worked out it'll be a great tool.

Bit of info: 2002 Dodge Caravan 3.3, Interface is an ELM 327 and Windows Phone HTC8x

I hope this helps.


Thanks for the info Ray!
We have also noticed that the app doesn?t read or get all the supported pids from some car models in the initial reading. Seems like it?s totally random when it works or not. We have updated the reading functionality and hopefully this problem is solved in the update we are submitting within a day or two. We are in the final testing stage at the moment.

The problem you have with the other views are affected by the supported pid list. We check every value against that list to make sure that your car supports that value. So if the list is not populated correctly you are only going to see a few values.

The manifold pressure had to many decimals. That?s why it looked like a new value as it was shown on 2 rows. Fixed in next version.

We have also added views for volt, sensor view that shows g-force etc. and a timer for 0-60 mph and 0-100kmh with best times in the next release.

/ jonas
Hi Jonas,

great to hear that you continue to evolve the app:-) One further suggestion: could you increase the font sizes of the different meters? They are very difficult to read when the phone is in the cradle (of course that is where it should be:-))
Hey all,

We just released an app called AutoGaugeX. It's $3.99 and has trial download. I'd love for you guys to give it a try and provide feedback. It should work with your existing Bluetooth OBD2 adapters assuming they worked on previous apps/phones. The BAFX one on Amazon has worked consistently everytime. I've tried cheaper ones and they just send back scrambled messages.

I've added a screencap as a preview. You can click the AutoGaugeX link above or search for it in the app store on your phone. Thanks!

We're already compiling a list of new features to add, so if you think of anything, please let me know. I've added a screencap
Hi Jonas,

Any news on the updated version of Dash.

So far I have tried it on an UK Audi A4 2.0d SE and a UK Honda Civic 2.2d all successfully.

Hi Jonas,

Any news on the updated version of Dash.

So far I have tried it on an UK Audi A4 2.0d SE and a UK Honda Civic 2.2d all successfully.


Yes, we have implemented a lot of more features.
We will submit the app within a day or two. Gonna do some final testing tonight of all the new features.

Some of the features in the next version are:

- Timer 0-60 mph / 0-100 kmh
- Lap timer and average speed
- Volt view
- Oxygen view
- Adaptive timing (formula for faster refresh rates and reading from the adapter)
- Protocol support (it?s now possible to choose what kind of OBD2 protocol that should be used). The app automatically identifies what kind of protocol that should be used but some models/cars support more than 1. If there is a communication problem from the adapter to the ECU in the car it?s possible to manually change the protocol in the app to solve the issues.
- HUD (Head up display) Information can be projected on to the windshield when the phone lie down in the front of the windshield.
- Live tile with timer info
- And some bug fixes.

/ jonas
Can't wait for the update.

Any info on being able to create logs? This is huge as trying to watch my phone and the road/track is not the best thing to be doing.
Can't wait for the update.

Any info on being able to create logs? This is huge as trying to watch my phone and the road/track is not the best thing to be doing.

Yes, we have started to look at that but we didn?t manage to implement it in this update. Had some problems with the GPS accuracy and sensors that we need to investigate further.
The plan is to store and save the logs locally in the app as well as to export the logs to a standard format that you can open up and analyze in external software.
Just ordered my adapter, looking forward to getting one of these apps next week!

Are there any plans for either Dash or AutoGuageX to release an app for Surface RT? That would make my decision a lot easier :)
Just ordered my adapter, looking forward to getting one of these apps next week!

Are there any plans for either Dash or AutoGuageX to release an app for Surface RT? That would make my decision a lot easier :)

Well, we had plans but apparently the API for store apps does not support Bluetooth communication. So at the moment it?s impossible.
My contact at Microsoft said it will hopefully be implemented in a future update of win RT.

/ Jonas
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Well, we had plans but apparently the API for store apps does not support Bluetooth. So at the moment it?s impossible.
My contact at Microsoft said it will hopefully be implemented in a future update of win RT.

/ Jonas

Thanks for the prompt reply, I appreciate it
Your Windows 8 app could be a companion app to the Windows Phone app, in that you can analyze the data that the phone has collected.

Look at injector duty cycles vs. throttle position, intake temps vs. boost, there's all kinds of stuff you could show :)

And with the lap timer functionality, you could use Bing maps to overlay your session on the map with braking/acceleration sections, RPM on the overlay too, see if you need to adjust your shifting patterns.

I could spend hours in an app like that, hahaha.
Any updates on the Dash update? Thanks!

I've got a track day in the next few weeks, would like to try it out :)
Looking forward to trying Dash 1.1. I've used Dash, Engine Link, and DEX, and Dash is the best.

My only complaint with Dash is that it loses connection with the ELM27 after about 30-60 seconds.

Engine Link doesn't work at all, and DEX will see the device but never make a connection.

I'd like to see a Fuel Efficiency panel to let me know my MPG instant.

Looking forward to trying Dash 1.1. I've used Dash, Engine Link, and DEX, and Dash is the best.

My only complaint with Dash is that it loses connection with the ELM27 after about 30-60 seconds.

Engine Link doesn't work at all, and DEX will see the device but never make a connection.

I'd like to see a Fuel Efficiency panel to let me know my MPG instant.


Have you tried the adapter with any other obd2 software on your car, so you know that it works correct? Ebay adapters from china is not that known for quality and stability in the communication.

With the 1.1 update you can choose protocol manually if you are having problems with the communication. But then you have to find out what protocol your car is using.

Regarding fuel effiency it has been implemented since release. In the fuel view you can find instant MPG.

Yes, we have implemented a lot of more features.
We will submit the app within a day or two. Gonna do some final testing tonight of all the new features.

Some of the features in the next version are:

- Timer 0-60 mph / 0-100 kmh
- Lap timer and average speed
- Volt view
- Oxygen view
- Adaptive timing (formula for faster refresh rates and reading from the adapter)
- Protocol support (it?s now possible to choose what kind of OBD2 protocol that should be used). The app automatically identifies what kind of protocol that should be used but some models/cars support more than 1. If there is a communication problem from the adapter to the ECU in the car it?s possible to manually change the protocol in the app to solve the issues.
- HUD (Head up display) Information can be projected on to the windshield when the phone lie down in the front of the windshield.
- Live tile with timer info
- And some bug fixes.

/ jonas


more suggestions:

alarm/notification feature, basically could put catalysator temp (in my case, BMW 116d, bank1 sensor 1 as there's only one catalysator) to notify that car tries to burn particle filter and when it stops. not so interested what the temp is except in these times (about 10 minutes at a time)... and perhaps change gear-sounds (not irritating, perhaps user could put/change this) could be nice for economic/lap. modern cars are so silent that driver might not hear when it would be good to change gear. humm like happy munks, as Clarkson put it... perhaps also notification when engine is warm (Duke Nukem sounds would do nicely in this :-) ) and if engine load goes too high (in 116d acceleration load remains constant, but turbo kicks in, so for economic acceleration load needs to be risen over 80% to avaken turbo, and then wait a second and then off you go) this might be done visually somehow.

voltage: system voltage =obd voltage (is basically about 1 volt less than battery voltage (measured) as obd-bluetooth adapter is consuming electricity thus voltage drop) probably is the same in all cars. then there could be only one. most of the new ...well more expensive cars have intelligent charger that rise the voltage when car is slowing down with gear on. and operate with less voltage when battery is full and are varying this with time. so this kind of time graph as in fuel consumption might be best graphical way to show it. perhaps no-one is interested about voltages less than ...10V (about 11 in reality)? perhaps voltage as a number somewhere?

turbo "boost": as most of the modern cars have turbo, diesels pretty much all.

hmmm.... what else. yes, the font size: looks good if phone is in hand, but on windscreen... at least doubble size, please! Perhaps this white number where it is, and engine load for example somehow shown where are the limits (0 and 100%) as one can only see the white bar.

economic driving screen? what migth be in it... load%, turbo, fuel consumption, speed (very accurate to see are if you are accelerating in wrong place, perhaps some visual arrow etc (very bad efficiency if accelerating very slowly)), some voltage (to know if battery is full/warm), trip distance with average consumption, engine temp (just a number), EGR error...

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