Official 8.1/Denim for the Icon?

I seriously doubt the Wi-Fi problems can be fixed actually. My Icon is so much worse when it comes to reception than everything else I have that it seems most likely a hardware issue.
So I'm guessing that will be the most common complaint :)

This is what scares me from getting an Icon free with a two year renewal. If Denim doesn't fix a seemingly common wi fi issue I'll be ******** about it for two years and I don't need that headache. But the odd thing to me is that the wi fi issue seems not to be 100% on every Icon and if that is a hardware issue that doesn't make sense.
The Icon (like the 930) will NEVER get glance due to hardware restrictions of the display. Sorry.
Ansel Adams, a very famous photographer. He used to talk nice black and white landscape pictures all over the American west. He used to shoot these images with a large format glass plate camera. It's said that he would "see" an image and proceed to set up his camera. Those lager format cameras are very time consuming, and took a long time getting the tripod and camera into position. After finally getting the camera into position and ready to take the picture, if the lighting would have changed and the "image" was gone. He would not take any pictures and proceed to packing everything up. However, when he did happen to capture an image they are all breathtaking.
Taking a picture is worth waiting for, and the best images are worth taking your time. In a way I'm still an old school photographer, and I have never been bothered by the shutter lag of the Icon,

I do know who Ansel Adams is, very amazing work, with all the filters he uses, it's just mind-blowing some of the photos he comes up with. They are also very valuable too. I would love to own one..

This is true on the delay of and I agree with this but, with a family and kids, there are just some moments that I feel I should get and that 1-2 second lag that sometimes happens on the ICON, there are many moments that I missed that I would like the chance to be able to get.

My wife has a iPhone 5, she takes the pictures at the same time, she gets 90% of the moment, I don't but, my pictures come out far better than hers but, what is the point if I cant get the moment I need to get ?

Denim should be able to help with these.
I rolled back to 8.0 in anticipation of Denim, and I have to say, I forgot how snappy 8.0 is. I hope Denim is as quick with everything as Black is.
This is what scares me from getting an Icon free with a two year renewal. If Denim doesn't fix a seemingly common wi fi issue I'll be ******** about it for two years and I don't need that headache. But the odd thing to me is that the wi fi issue seems not to be 100% on every Icon and if that is a hardware issue that doesn't make sense.

WiFi on my Icon has been just fine, no problems, but I'm using the stock 8.0 OS.
WiFi on my Icon has been just fine, no problems, but I'm using the stock 8.0 OS.

when I used 8.0/black I had no problems with WiFi also

when I switched to the DP was when the WiFi started acting a little flaky so that seems more of a firmware/driver problem that hopefully will be addressed with Denim than some defect with the WiFi antennas in the Icon imho
My apologies, there's nothing wrong with the Icon camera and any perceived fault is simply my inability to appreciate the slow, uh, I mean, "deliberate" shutter lag "feature".
I rolled back to 8.0 in anticipation of Denim, and I have to say, I forgot how snappy 8.0 is. I hope Denim is as quick with everything as Black is.

I did as well. My wifi was starting to act funky with my home wifi where I had to turn it off and on or reboot every time I got home because it wouldn't reach the internet. I hope it's fixed in Denim. Wifi would be fine when I first install 8.1 DP but over time it gets worse. I just don't like that a lot of apps are 8.1 now and I can't install them until we get the update. I'll hang on to 8.0 through the first half of January, I really think we'll have it by then.
Hey I'm sorry and I'm not trying to say that anyone is inept in working with the Icons camera. There definitely is a lag problem, but it can be worked with. The lag comes from the camera needing to focus. That's because with it being a "real camera" there really are lenses that need to move to get the image to become clear. With some of the other cellphone cameras they are fixed focus cameras, and there lenses are set for a certain focal range. So anything with in that range and the camera takes almost no time to achieve focus. That's one of the problems with working with a "real camera".
Hey I'm sorry and I'm not trying to say that anyone is inept in working with the Icons camera. There definitely is a lag problem, but it can be worked with. The lag comes from the camera needing to focus. That's because with it being a "real camera" there really are lenses that need to move to get the image to become clear. With some of the other cellphone cameras they are fixed focus cameras, and there lenses are set for a certain focal range. So anything with in that range and the camera takes almost no time to achieve focus. That's one of the problems with working with a "real camera".

There is noticeable lag when opening the Nokia Camera app, before ever getting around to focusing when using the DP.
There is noticeable lag when opening the Nokia Camera app, before ever getting around to focusing when using the DP.
Hey my music player is slow to open also, some apps just take time to open,
Even if it was a real camera, high end or just a low level point and shoot camera, those too are not instantly on and ready to take a picture.

i feel that we are just grasping at straws now...
WiFi on my Icon has been just fine, no problems, but I'm using the stock 8.0 OS.

If you do a test where you put the Icon against another device (I used the Lumia 520 and the 635) on the fringes of a Wi-Fi network, I can almost guarantee that you'll see how much weaker the reception on the Icon is. It is the same no matter which OS version I use.
This is what scares me from getting an Icon free with a two year renewal. If Denim doesn't fix a seemingly common wi fi issue I'll be ******** about it for two years and I don't need that headache. But the odd thing to me is that the wi fi issue seems not to be 100% on every Icon and if that is a hardware issue that doesn't make sense.

I think some of us just notice it more, honestly. But it's definitely on enough Icons with enough OS versions that if it is software related it is a firmware issue not an OS issue.

Also, I think we're talking about two issues. The problem with dropping Wi-Fi connection and/or not being able to connect might be a software issue. The poor reception is IMO more likely a hardware design flaw.
If you do a test where you put the Icon against another device (I used the Lumia 520 and the 635) on the fringes of a Wi-Fi network, I can almost guarantee that you'll see how much weaker the reception on the Icon is. It is the same no matter which OS version I use.

The Icon works as well as all my past BlackBerrys, and as well as all my wife's iPhones. The only thing that has weak WiFi connectivity at times is my Surface RT tablet.
I seriously doubt the Wi-Fi problems can be fixed actually. My Icon is so much worse when it comes to reception than everything else I have that it seems most likely a hardware issue.
So I'm guessing that will be the most common complaint :)

Dang. I was just reminiscing on 2014. Who remembers the the original Official Cyan thread?

No complaining back then. Mostly speculation.
Then one month passes. Then another. Then the 3rd, 4th and 5th months. Janruary 15th marks half a year.

The general tone has transitioned laterally from pessimistic, impatient, curious, impatient, angered, vengeful, culminating in the current state of calm indifference.

It seems everybody has stopped caring about whether the FW actually works. The official FW threads have become a kind of support group for the most dejected Lumia owners on planet Earth.

It has been helpful hearing everybody's gripes and sharing disdain for the way Verizon - and to a lesser extent, Microsoft - have conducted themselves. Thanks fellow ICON owners. Hopefully 2015 brings about better support.
Merry Christmas all, now I'm ready for New Years, a lot of football, and hopefully Denim in the first couple of weeks of January :excited:

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