Official 8.1/Denim for the Icon?

Well, I think I'm gonna go back to iphone. I've had this Icon for almost a year. I hate to say it, because I really like having the control over my files, and office. Live tiles are superior to iphone. But the app gap is killing me. And this massive delay on "the update" is really making me angry, and that's not how I want to feel when I pick up my phone.

I championed my Icon to everyone I saw that asked me "what is that?". I showed them Cortana, the beautiful screen, pocket file manager, which can access my OneDrive, dropbox, music, ringtones, and documents. I showed them how Data Sense works to keep me under my data limit each month by comparing a progress bar of how much data I have left with how much month I have left. I was proud. But there are exactly 3 apps that I can't live without, (financial, financial, and hobby) available on Android and iphone. I contacted the makers of these apps, and offered them $100 to convert the apps. I told them I would even beta test it. I showed them where to go on the Microsoft website to become a developer and get the easy tools to convert. None of them took me up on it. One of them was even a small independent programmer. He was my best odds. But no.

When others were saying, "if Cyan isn't here before Thanksgiving, I'm leaving." I said, I'll give them the rest of the year. I thought that was MORE than generous. And yet, here we are. You have two days Verizon and Microsoft. Two days. Then I'm gone.
I suspect the app gap disappears completely with Windows 10. I hope.

It will not do so instantly at any rate, and only as a side effect.
W10 has the advantage of making it more attractive for developers of some apps to devote time to it, if the app they are creating is not focused on mobile use, and isn't particularly concerned with location or spur of the moment use. Financial apps might very well see a boon, for example, or apps like Netflix might get more timely updates.
But for developers of apps that are primarily for mobile use, like WhatsApp, Snapchat, etc, W10 means virtually nothing until the share of W10 users on mobile increases. This share MIGHT increase if the other apps make it more attractive for consumers to buy a W10 device, but the cross-device appeal of W10 itself is pretty much irrelevant for these apps.

And it's a long way until W10 anyway.
Well, I think I'm gonna go back to iphone. I've had this Icon for almost a year. I hate to say it, because I really like having the control over my files, and office. Live tiles are superior to iphone. But the app gap is killing me. And this massive delay on "the update" is really making me angry, and that's not how I want to feel when I pick up my phone.

I championed my Icon to everyone I saw that asked me "what is that?". I showed them Cortana, the beautiful screen, pocket file manager, which can access my OneDrive, dropbox, music, ringtones, and documents. I showed them how Data Sense works to keep me under my data limit each month by comparing a progress bar of how much data I have left with how much month I have left. I was proud. But there are exactly 3 apps that I can't live without, (financial, financial, and hobby) available on Android and iphone. I contacted the makers of these apps, and offered them $100 to convert the apps. I told them I would even beta test it. I showed them where to go on the Microsoft website to become a developer and get the easy tools to convert. None of them took me up on it. One of them was even a small independent programmer. He was my best odds. But no.

When others were saying, "if Cyan isn't here before Thanksgiving, I'm leaving." I said, I'll give them the rest of the year. I thought that was MORE than generous. And yet, here we are. You have two days Verizon and Microsoft. Two days. Then I'm gone.

I'm with you on this one. Except for me I'm going to the Note 4 in January. Then after a year if windows phone is moving forward instead of a standstill I may be back. I don't have any plans on leaving windows central though. The app gap doesn't bother me on windows phone, its the lack of updates for the phone in a good time frame that gives me more features on my phone.
Hmmm... What brought you to that estimate? Just curious.

Because he's hell-bent on the update being released on a Tuesday. And he, like many of us, has had his heart broken by Verizon enough times to not gamble on it being released in the first two weeks of the year.
Well, I think I'm gonna go back to iphone. I've had this Icon for almost a year. I hate to say it, because I really like having the control over my files, and office. Live tiles are superior to iphone. But the app gap is killing me. And this massive delay on "the update" is really making me angry, and that's not how I want to feel when I pick up my phone.

I championed my Icon to everyone I saw that asked me "what is that?". I showed them Cortana, the beautiful screen, pocket file manager, which can access my OneDrive, dropbox, music, ringtones, and documents. I showed them how Data Sense works to keep me under my data limit each month by comparing a progress bar of how much data I have left with how much month I have left. I was proud. But there are exactly 3 apps that I can't live without, (financial, financial, and hobby) available on Android and iphone. I contacted the makers of these apps, and offered them $100 to convert the apps. I told them I would even beta test it. I showed them where to go on the Microsoft website to become a developer and get the easy tools to convert. None of them took me up on it. One of them was even a small independent programmer. He was my best odds. But no.

When others were saying, "if Cyan isn't here before Thanksgiving, I'm leaving." I said, I'll give them the rest of the year. I thought that was MORE than generous. And yet, here we are. You have two days Verizon and Microsoft. Two days. Then I'm gone.

You're phone doesn't work without an "update"? It doesn't make calls, text or access the internet?

App gap? Good grief, here we go again.
As much of a Microsoft fan as I am, I do think the app gap is real. And it sucks. Luckily my financial institution has a great WP app, but I know my girlfriend's bank doesn't have a WP app and it sucks. I would consider leaving WP if my bank stopped supporting it's app. And financial apps are almost daily drivers.
can you not just pin the banks website?

Often ive found that websties work better than apps in many situations.
can you not just pin the banks website?

Often ive found that websties work better than apps in many situations.

I agree with this (I use mobile websites even if there are apps in most cases as long as they work well), but it's beside the point for most. When this happens over and over again, finally there's a straw that will break the camel's back.

The wait for this Denim update is just another in a seemingly never-ending line of waiting for updates to everything, or for apps that may or may not ever come. It's understandable that many finally have enough.

EDIT: I came across this article when doing a Google search for Nokia Treasure Tag just now, by the way:

The good news is if you did buy the Treasure Tag, you’ll only have a few weeks (or months?) to wait until the proper Windows Phone 8.1 update with Lumia Cyan firmware arrives
That was back in May... :)
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can you not just pin the banks website?

Often ive found that websties work better than apps in many situations.

Yea, no. My bank has the check deposit via the app. I can't do that online. This is a fantastic feature. Sometimes the apps are better, and developers are still slow to support WP.
Because he's hell-bent on the update being released on a Tuesday. And he, like many of us, has had his heart broken by Verizon enough times to not gamble on it being released in the first two weeks of the year.

Ah. I thought so. I never understand why people are hell bent on this Tuesday update fetish for Windows Phones. Yes, Microsoft has "patch Tuesdays" for Windows and Windows servers, but Microsoft is not responsible for updating carrier branded Windows Phones. The carriers are.

I'm not holding my breath for ANY update... Though, I won't complain when it does come. Whether it is the first two weeks of the year or not.
I was at a Microsoft store tonight and noticed that none of the Verizon WP8 display models were out, including the Icon.

I asked one of the store managers why the Icon wasn't on display and she said that "it was in the back being updated."

I said,"updated?"

And then she smiled and said, "Just the demo software."

I said "Aw, bummer..."

Then she told me to download the developer preview, it's worth it.

So, we probably shouldn't read into that... I'm still going to take it as promising that the demo software is being updated...
No matter what anyone says there is an app gap. It may be small but its there. Here is a couple of examples. First My wife has an Iphone and my Daughter an a galazy. They both have the dish anywhere app can control recordings and the DVR etc. Also they can both view our security sytem which is swannview. They sell these systems in every Walmart lowes etc you would think Windows would have a working app. There is the app but it only works on windows 7. Just a tad bit outdated. Also my bank etc etc etc....
I am also going to another platform until windows get it together. Hate to but it is what it is. believe me when they get the apps I need Ill be the first to jump back to windows
Yes, App gap. It is real. But let me clarify, before you get all worked up.

The app gap doesn't refer to just "a bunch of apps that are just as fun and useful as what you can get on iphone or android". It refers to the lack of SPECIFIC apps.

Just because WP has a huge amount of apps, they don't have the exact same apps I need. For example, Oanda is an online Forex trading clearing house. I spend my spare time making real money trading in forex. Oanda has no plans to make their app available on WP, which is available on android and iphone. Now, don't tell me to just switch banks. Another forex app, which is the leader in forex charting, is Metatrader. Not on WP.

Another one, EZ budget is a budgeting app that allows my wife and I to both access the same budget file (kept in a dropbox account). She is on iphone. You can use the app in android or iphone, and both platforms use the same data file kept in the dropbox. But WP doesn't have the app, so I can only use dropbox to go look at the file. Sitting there. But I can't open it.

Another one, Amazon Instant Video. I pay actual money to be an amazon prime member. While my wife and kids are streaming to their devices, I have to go sit at the computer. Because WP doesn't have the app.

Ultimate Guitar Tabs. This is the coolest little guitarists app out there. But the WP version doesn't have the Pro features. No plans in the works for it, either. The basic features that the WP version has is like a huge step backwards.

So yeah, there is an app gap. Now, you'll probably say "that's just a few specific apps, that most people don't even care about." Sure, my list of specific apps may not be the same as your list of specific apps, but EVERYONE has run into at least one or two apps that they wanted to get but aren't on WP. So, that is the app gap. Pleased to meet you. End the denial.
You're phone doesn't work without an "update"? It doesn't make calls, text or access the internet?

App gap? Good grief, here we go again.
Yep the phone does work without the apps I would like but so does Android and Iphone with those apps that they have that windows phone dont. And since the bill will the the same I dont blame people to jump ship until they get the APP GAP taken care of

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