Official 8.1/Denim for the Icon?

Yep, I'll be back too, when they get my apps. I just got back with my new iphone. Sorry guys. I gave them (WP) a chance. All of 2014. I feel like I tried harder than they did, though. And that, is ultimately the problem. I'm with PhreePhlyer and fredd on this one.
Alright so we've figured out Windows phone doesn't have all the same apps as ios and android. Denim and 8.1 won't do much for the app gap other than enable some apps that already exist to be used on your Lumia. Now Back to 8.1 and denim.

Any more rumors spinning in the mill about that and it's upcoming release for early 2015?

And this might be useful to those that are leaving the platform and would like for us to know about it.
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Unfortunately, I too have given up on the Icon and returned it yesterday on an EDGE re-up.

I really, really tried to love Windows Phone and the Icon, but this device was the poster child of how Microsoft and carriers can screw up a flagship device. I understand that Verizon does not guarantee updates to devices, but it's 2014 and these are no longer phones...they are computing devices that happen to make phone calls...updates are the single biggest way these devices stay relevant. These devices are far too expensive themselves ...not to mention the $80-100 monthly minimum to not expect your manufacturer to keep your device relevant. Apple users get this benefit because of their unique position in the iPhone bought today will receive updates at least as long as it's 2 year contract if not longer, all exactly when Apple releases them...not six months after Apple releases them.

The Icon is a true flagship's just too bad that Microsoft has not held up their end of the bargain by letting Verizon push them into irrelevance.

Microsoft: eliminate the 30 different models you make, make a killer flagship...put all radios in it and market it direct like the iPhone 6/6+...make it THE SAME FOR ALL CARRIERS. Then make another midrange phone...once it direct to consumers. Then make a '3rd world starter phone" and do the same thing....not this 520/521/530/535/730/735,etc. crap that they do now. OH...and give them NAMES NOT FREAKING BMW-ISH MODEL NUMBERS...THE "ICON" WAS A GREAT IDEA. Imagine if people were saying "Oh yeah...I want the Icon for Christmas"..."really, what carrier...AT&T or Verizon?"...what a wonderful world that would be :)
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My apologies in advance for sounding negative, but, I have to fully disagree with the overall nature an earlier statement. Sure, the phone makes phone calls, however, I could have done that with a feature phone on Sprint. However, I chose the Icon for what I believed was to be the best Microsoft had to offer.

As with many on this forum, we all have tried to support MS in it's roll-out of the Mobile first. We sacrifice functionality in hopes of a pure simplified ecosystem. However, I have started to believe, WP OS is not a MS priority. It is simply a bridge. For the best of MS, you have to go to other platforms - simply put. Office, Skype and even OneNote have been upgraded on other platforms. It's a business decision I know, but, to be told "It doesn't make calls, text or access the internet", I'm sorry, that view is na?ve and, in fact, condescending to some of us.

As a quick background so I am not confused as a "troll", I have pushed the company I work for to support MS, pushing the Surface Pro to staff (which I also own), and even choosing MS Dynamics over Salesforce (which proved to be in err, as MS recently announced a partnership with Salesforce - again an alternate platform - while their own wallows in minimal functionality - sound familiar?).

The App gap is real - and honestly, I can live with most of it. Losing American Airlines app hurt (but, I'll live), Games (I personally don't care), Security apps (would be nice), financial (I go to the website ala Vanguard). However, it's the lack of functionality of those available that are most troublesome. Office on WP is simply terrible compared to those on Android & iOS. Files that open on 3rd party apps, will not open with "Official MS Excel Mobile".

Personally, I've been waiting for 8.1 / Cyan / Denim. I have had a Fitbit for 9 months, (and the Icon for 10 months - day 2 of availability). I absolutely hate the idea that I have to run home to see my latest stats. Now, my family has upgraded me to the Fitbit Charge - and I still cannot use it. And, even if Denim does come to my beloved Icon, the Fitbit app is not full featured. In iOS / Android - Caller ID is enabled. on WP..... nothing (even though at the MS Store, it says it support CallerID).

I am committed to the MS ecosystem, but, I sure wish MS would get someone else besides Mr. Belfiore to come up with strategy. It's hard to continue to defend WP8 against iOS8 and Android 5.0. The benefits are being removed (hubs), while now rumors are we will see Android Apps (gosh I hope that's false).

Again, my apologies for rambling on, but, I just hate to see a condescending comment to those frustrated with the apparent lack of urgency by MS to support a $500+ device, claimed to be a flagship, and placed on the wait list behind even the oldest less capable 520.

Lastly, for those who continue to say - install the Developers Preview, thank you but, with seemingly many backtracking to 8.0 due to various issues on the Icon (which is likely the true reason why we haven't seen Cyan / Denim yet), I prefer to keep my phone stable - albeit heats up / freezes at times / and the photos are not optimal until Denim.

EDIT: Response was to the earlier comment by 11B1P:
You're phone doesn't work without an "update"? It doesn't make calls, text or access the internet?

App gap? Good grief, here we go again
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I didn't mean for my previous post to sound negative either. Because I still do like windows phone. I'm thinking of sticking with my icon longer since I saw a post on twitter about how the note 4 isn't completely compatible yet for the fitbit app in terms of syncing, so I don't know if it will sync my fitbit one or not, I could find out by trying to do so on a note 4 but I don't know if I'll bother. The icon will be fitbit app and syncing compatible in early 2015. Plus I do like the sound quality of the icon through Bluetooth and headphone jack compared to the note. It could be just a few more equalizer tweaks on the note to make it sound just as good but i don't know about that either. So I don't know what's going on with what I'm going to do lol
Unfortunately, I too have given up on the Icon and returned it yesterday on an EDGE re-up.

I really, really tried to love Windows Phone and the Icon, but this device was the poster child of how Microsoft and carriers can screw up a flagship device. I understand that Verizon does not guarantee updates to devices, but it's 2014 and these are no longer phones...they are computing devices that happen to make phone calls...updates are the single biggest way these devices stay relevant. These devices are far too expensive themselves ...not to mention the $80-100 monthly minimum to not expect your manufacturer to keep your device relevant. Apple users get this benefit because of their unique position in the iPhone bought today will receive updates at least as long as it's 2 year contract if not longer, all exactly when Apple releases them...not six months after Apple releases them.

The Icon is a true flagship's just too bad that Microsoft has not held up their end of the bargain by letting Verizon push them into irrelevance.

Microsoft: eliminate the 30 different models you make, make a killer flagship...put all radios in it and market it direct like the iPhone 6/6+...make it THE SAME FOR ALL CARRIERS. Then make another midrange phone...once it direct to consumers. Then make a '3rd world starter phone" and do the same thing....not this 520/521/530/535/730/735,etc. crap that they do now. OH...and give them NAMES NOT FREAKING BMW-ISH MODEL NUMBERS...THE "ICON" WAS A GREAT IDEA. Imagine if people were saying "Oh yeah...I want the Icon for Christmas"..."really, what carrier...AT&T or Verizon?"...what a wonderful world that would be :)

The US carriers want exclusive devices. The only exceptions tend to be the iPhone and the Galaxy S series. Those are the two best selling phones by so far that the next best selling are Lumias. Unless you are one of those, you can't overcome the exclusivity demands of the carriers.

The US carriers have to approve all updates before they are pushed. This is the case with Android phones too. iPhones are the only devices that are coordinated to release at once because the demand for them initially was so great that Apple had more leverage to make demands such this. Unless you have that kind of leverage, you can't overcome the update preferences of the carriers.

So, again, how is this Microsoft's fault ...?
In approximately four and a half hours starts the "early 2015" window for updating our Icons to WP8.1/Denim. Me, I think it will start rolling out around Monday at the earliest; and I think we will all have it no later than Jan 15th. That's a ten day window for them to get it to us.
iPhones are the only devices that are coordinated to release at once because the demand for them initially was so great that Apple had more leverage to make

This is less about leverage and more about how Apple works. Apple still needs the carriers' approval before pushing out the update. What Apple does is waits until ALL of the carriers hack off on the update BEFORE they announce the update. Once they get the approval from all carriers they announce the update and then send it out a few days later to all iPhones (both carrier branded and non-carrier branded). This gives the perception of quicker updates. What Google and Microsoft do is announce that the update was released to the carriers, then the carriers send out the OTA for carrier branded phones. Because of the diversity of manufacturers for both Android and Windows phones, doing it the way Apple does is impractical. However, what Microsoft can do is work with the carriers on its Lumia branded phones (ala Apple process) and once all of the carriers are on board pump out the update to all Lumia branded phones. Then let the non-Microsoft manufacturers deal with the carriers individually. Will that tick off the OEMs? Probably, but as somebody mentioned either in this thread or another, Lumia is 3rd behind Apple and Samsung. So would this really hurt Microsoft? Probably not.
Love how this turned to a "Denim status" to confessions about leaving or disliking Windows Phone.

A few posts on carrier exclusives. Yea, in a perfect world, it would be nice but, in the US, this will NEVER happen accept for a few models (normally lower end models), Carriers do this to pull users their network, the iPhone (was AT&T exclusive for the start of it's life) but, now every carrier has it. There has to be different devices to get users to their network. Carriers PAY for this exclusive device and this trend in the US is not slowing down. It's a hated thing but, you need to get over it.

So, Early 2015 is here but, that also could be till May or June, all I hope is we see Denim before the end of Jan....

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