My Icon says I have Demin under Extras & Info...
Sorry, I'm totally kidding. Just trying to lighten the mood in this thread. ��
Hmmm.... I'm thinking that it'll get released on its one year anniversary.
Verizon support lasts two years. The 928 and 822 are well over a year and Verizon is still supporting them. The same goes for Android phones.
Also, I've seen a lot of international threads complaining a lot of bugs with the 930 with denim, maybe that's where we're stuck?
Some of you really need to relax, I'm sure there's a reason for all this. It's like all my customers suddenly own windows phones and this thread is my hell.
Patience, please, for your sanity and the sanity of the poor salesman you bought it from who you are now undoubtedly making his life hell!
Patience? Are you freakin' kidding? I was preaching patience in October.
Now? Forget it! We've been lied to and mislead since July.
I'm not looking forward to March. We may tear each other apart if Denim hasn't dropped by then.
Any chance on an early weekday release or does Verizon only release software on Fridays?
I believe both have flawed hardware, this is where we're stuck - but the Icon to a greater extent. The fact that Microsoft retired the phone shortly after Verizon just proves that theory. I am sure neither company will admit it, however, and ultimately there will be no compensation for buying the flawed device. It is really unfortunate.
Big Red will release updates during any weekday not just Fridays. At least that's my experience from my crapdroid days.
I don't care about Cortana. The rest of my family have iphones and I have never seen any of them talking to Siri--it's a gimmick.
If Microsoft could give me the camera improvements of Denim without the super-critical requirements of Verizon, I would happily run this windows phone into the ground. As long as I can get replacement batteries for the Icon from Microsoft and the updated camera--I am a happy Grampa.
Right. Lollipop started rolling out to the Galaxy S5 yesterday.
"flawed hardware" you must be right, I am sure any problems have absolutely nothing to do with the fact that our phones are running on a firmware with a build date of 4/23/2014 here in 02/2015
Trololo Song
"flawed hardware" you must be right, I am sure any problems have absolutely nothing to do with the fact that our phones are running on a firmware with a build date of 4/23/2014 here in 02/2015
Why would Verizon AND Microsoft both retire a flagship phone after 8 months? I would think there has to be something wrong with the device. Everyone complained about weak WiFi, laggy glance-less screen, battery drain. There could be other issues CDMA-specific.
You're missing the point.
WHY is this phone still on year old firmware?
this is not breaking news VZ has a long history of delaying updates
imho VZ's complete disinterest in the WP platform because it's not selling or a strained relationship with MS or whatever reasons has lead to this monumental delay