Official 8.1/Denim for the Icon?

Patience? Are you freakin' kidding? I was preaching patience in October.

Now? Forget it! We've been lied to and mislead since July.

Ooookay drama queen :3 It's life man, deal with it. I don't think its necessary to be this upset over something like a smartphone, it's not like your phone doesn't work. I thought Lumia black was a great os.
So why did the 928 and 822 receive timely updates, aside from Cyan? (and those are 2-yr old devices, still getting Denim among the first)

There has got to be something wrong with the Icon. If it is Verizon at fault (not doubting they are at least partially to blame for a delay in updates, always has been that way), why did MS stop selling it in their stores?

Imo all signs seem to be pointing to a problem beyond vzw and ms control. Companies don't exactly run to tell those who bought their products that they messed up. I'm sure we'll see the update as soon as vzw and ms feel it can be rolled out. From what I see it was a little premature for 930s on a lot of carriers.
Imo all signs seem to be pointing to a problem beyond vzw and ms control. Companies don't exactly run to tell those who bought their products that they messed up. I'm sure we'll see the update as soon as vzw and ms feel it can be rolled out. From what I see it was a little premature for 930s on a lot of carriers.

And what exactly would be out of their both of their controls? Not looking for a fight here, but seriously, MSFT inherited this phone from Nokia. Beyond the length of time that VZW takes for all updates, this phone has gone well beyond that.

All signs actually point to a flaw somewhere in that phone and a whole lot of working around to try and fix it with software/firmware beyond what the other phones have required.

And believe it or not, I'd be fine with being told that. **** happens, but don't hide it. Fess up to it, tell us it's going to take quite a bit of time and give us enough info to make an informed decision about what to do.
I use my old 928 to stream music via nokia mixradio at my office, and the wifi signal alone in the same spot is at least 1/3rd less on the icon compared to the 928 in the same spot. Is it a hardware issue?...maybe, or a design issue with the phone case itself. I have noticed that if I take my incipio case off the icon, it improved the wifi slightly. I haven't had any other issues with my Icon, and I check this forum multiple times daily to get word on cyan, now denim updates.

While I'm as frustrated as everyone about the lack of updates (I have run DP for months), I don't think there's anything wrong with the phone itself. I just think that the cortana integration, and verizon's genuine hate/lack of enthusiasm for windows phone has caused the delays. We WILL get the update, they're just not in a hurry, as we're the minority. I'm in retail, and trust me, we push and stock what sells the best. We've all seen how they treat us windows phone monkeys in the stores.......we might as well have a cancer. I have not seen a lot of serious problems posted from users in this forum....actually very few. And we all know, people only post about the problems they've had with a product....NOT the good.
We're just the "red headed stepchild" for verizon. I honestly don't ever see them jumping knee deep into windows phone. They probably sell 500 iphones for every windows phone sold.

I love my Icon, and can't wait to see Denim. Maybe we can continue to influence family/friends to take a serious look at WP, but it's been a tough sell. WE will be the only ones to help turn the tides, cause the verizon store, NOR microsoft is really going to advertise these things.
So why did the 928 and 822 receive timely updates, aside from Cyan? (and those are 2-yr old devices, still getting Denim among the first)

There has got to be something wrong with the Icon. If it is Verizon at fault (not doubting they are at least partially to blame for a delay in updates, always has been that way), why did MS stop selling it in their stores?

there is a group on here that believes that the reason for the delay is hardware problems, there are others that don't believe there is hardware problems with the Icon

I am not going to waste 10 pages here trying to convince you and others of my point of view just like you don't have to waste 10 pages trying convince me of your point of view because it is a waste of everybody's time imho, believe whatever you want to believe and i'll believe whatever I want to believe and we will leave it at that
Interesting post today in Verizon Wireless Community Forum. I can't post links yet, but it's the last post in "Verizon has final Denim update for Icon - they won't release it" Taken with a grain of salt.
Change the 850090 to 850039 in your link and you'll find to last post now. I'm getting close to 10 posts :wink:
Grafixguy has seen the post. Basically, someone said they talked to a Verizon supervisor and got a 2/6/15 release date for 8.1/denim. I'll believe it when I see it.
Could this Verizon lady have that fake denim bug? The one going around that faked out so many people making them believe they had denim on their icons enough to post about it.
To quote Professor Farnsworth, "Good news everyone!" this is a quote from a guy in the Verizon forum above: I was told by a supervisor on Monday of this week that Denim for the ICON will be released this coming Friday, Feb. 6th.

I had been calling since July of last summer and each time asking for a follow up time.

This is the first time I've ever been given a specific date, and the individual kept me on hold about 5 minutes as they checked several data bases within Verizon for updates. He then read me a verbatim quote that basically said....."commercial availability of WindowsPhone 8.1 for ICON to be effective 2/6/2015."

I'm tired of waiting quite honestly. Hopefully the wait is over in two more days.
To quote Professor Farnsworth, "Good news everyone!" this is a quote from a guy in the Verizon forum above: I was told by a supervisor on Monday of this week that Denim for the ICON will be released this coming Friday, Feb. 6th.

I had been calling since July of last summer and each time asking for a follow up time.

This is the first time I've ever been given a specific date, and the individual kept me on hold about 5 minutes as they checked several data bases within Verizon for updates. He then read me a verbatim quote that basically said....."commercial availability of WindowsPhone 8.1 for ICON to be effective 2/6/2015."

I'm tired of waiting quite honestly. Hopefully the wait is over in two more days.

I certainly hope this is true.... That quote could indicate cyan tho.
Change the 850090 to 850039 in your link and you'll find to last post now. I'm getting close to 10 posts :wink:

Here's the post in question:

OldPirate Feb 4, 2015 9:02 AM (in response to primortal)

I was told by a supervisor on Monday of this week that Denim for the ICON will be released this coming Friday, Feb. 6th.

I had been calling since July of last summer and each time asking for a follow up time.

This is the first time I've ever been given a specific date, and the individual kept me on hold about 5 minutes as they checked several data bases within Verizon for updates. He then read me a verbatim quote that basically said....."commercial availability of WindowsPhone 8.1 for ICON to be effective 2/6/2015."

I'm tired of waiting quiet honestly. Hopefully the wait is over in two more days

We'll see...
Um...It took me to posts from back in November... What are you trying to say?

Weird. That's a permalink to a post I made back on January 16th. I'll just quote it here then.

Well, since my post may have gotten lost in the mix, let me explain where I was going:

I don't think Verizon has released a major OS update within the first year of releasing a phone. It may be some draconian practice that is just part of who they are, even if it makes no sound business sense.

So, because of that, I'm annoyed to think that we won't see this update before the 21st of February but that's where I'm leaning now.

For the record, though it could've been complete coincidence, this time last year during the Icon release delay, I had guestimated that it was due to some weird 3-month exclusivity on the 1520 and lo-and-behold the Icon came out almost 3 months to the day of the 1520's release on AT&T.

Coincidence? Definitely possible. But I guess my point is that there are probably completely, nonsensical business reasons why these things are happening that we are not and will never be privy to unless someone breaks confidentiality.

So, last week of February is my expectation now. Hope I'm wrong ...

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