Well, since my post may have gotten lost in the mix, let me explain where I was going:
I don't think Verizon has released a major OS update within the first year of releasing a phone. It may be some draconian practice that is just part of who they are, even if it makes no sound business sense.
So, because of that, I'm annoyed to think that we won't see this update before the 21st of February but that's where I'm leaning now.
For the record, though it could've been complete coincidence, this time last year during the Icon release delay, I had guestimated that it was due to some weird 3-month exclusivity on the 1520 and lo-and-behold the Icon came out almost 3 months to the day of the 1520's release on AT&T.
Coincidence? Definitely possible. But I guess my point is that there are probably completely, nonsensical business reasons why these things are happening that we are not and will never be privy to unless someone breaks confidentiality.
So, last week of February is my expectation now. Hope I'm wrong ...