Official 8.1/Denim for the Icon?

Well, I keep posting on this thread that Verizon won't push the updates to the ICON. Just won't happen ever. Not this month, not next not ever. Now, why do I say this? It is just a gut feeling that I have. After all this time, I just don't see why Verizon will bother. We all know they hate Windows Phone, and probably not a fan of Microsoft either. We can probably forget about a Flagship Windows 10 phone on Verizon as well.

You talk about Verizon like it is a person with emotions.. Its a corporation and its actions are not based on petty things like "Not liking Windows" all of their decisions are based on profit.. If company's held grudges over profits Samsung would not be making processors for Iphones..
Well, I keep posting on this thread that Verizon won't push the updates to the ICON. Just won't happen ever. Not this month, not next not ever. Now, why do I say this? It is just a gut feeling that I have. After all this time, I just don't see why Verizon will bother. We all know they hate Windows Phone, and probably not a fan of Microsoft either. We can probably forget about a Flagship Windows 10 phone on Verizon as well.
You must be right! If there's one thing Verizon hates, it's keeping customers!
You talk about Verizon like it is a person with emotions.. Its a corporation and its actions are not based on petty things like "Not liking Windows" all of their decisions are based on profit.. If company's held grudges over profits Samsung would not be making processors for Iphones..

+1. I hope it'll do this Friday. I asked a representative and they said it'll come on Friday. At least I can hope
Patience is the level of endurance one can take before negativity.
I am right there with you but I don't think Joe Belfiore from Microsoft would be tweeting that Verizon and them are working on a update together.
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Well, I keep posting on this thread that Verizon won't push the updates to the ICON. Just won't happen ever. Not this month, not next not ever. Now, why do I say this? It is just a gut feeling that I have. After all this time, I just don't see why Verizon will bother. We all know they hate Windows Phone, and probably not a fan of Microsoft either. We can probably forget about a Flagship Windows 10 phone on Verizon as well.

the problem with your statement is that Joe Belfiore corporate VP at MS has publically stated we will be getting Denim and he is putting his reputation on the line with public statements about the Icon because otherwise we would get zero info from Verizon, if we were talking about some random blogger or some other unverified rumor stating that we would be getting Denim your guess would hold more weight imho
Well, I keep posting on this thread that Verizon won't push the updates to the ICON. Just won't happen ever. Not this month, not next not ever. Now, why do I say this? It is just a gut feeling that I have. After all this time, I just don't see why Verizon will bother. We all know they hate Windows Phone, and probably not a fan of Microsoft either. We can probably forget about a Flagship Windows 10 phone on Verizon as well.

I think he found it in Revelation somewhere.
Ok, I did not want to tip my hand on this one, but I'll risk it for the sake of clarification of why I have been posting what I have on this thread. I am always wrong about things like this. So, if I come out with firm conviction and I believe that I am right, then I'll be proven wrong when the update comes out. So, you see it is a kind of reverse logical psychology on Verizon here.

However, after saying all that, and the fact that Joe B has stated publically that Verizon and Microsoft are working together to get the update done in "early 2015" who knows how truly motivated Verizon is about doing the update and are they worried about Joe's reputation? I don't think so. I also know I attribute Verizon as having "feelings" like a person. I can see that point. Lets look at it at another way. As a large company, do I worry about a small group of customers (Windows Phone Users, all 12 of them) or do I pay attention to the vast majority of my customers and make sure they are taken care of first and foremost (I-Phone and Android all 25 bazillion of them). It is easy to see who you'd want happy and who would maybe not really care to much about.

Time will tell, but I am still betting on a no show for any updates in February, again, just my gut feeling based on what has happened thus far. But this is a forum, you don't need to logical!
the problem with your statement is that Joe Belfiore corporate VP at MS has publically stated we will be getting Denim and he is putting his reputation on the line with public statements about the Icon because otherwise we would get zero info from Verizon, if we were talking about some random blogger or some other unverified rumor stating that we would be getting Denim your guess would hold more weight imho

Joe B. is on a "very successful FAST TRACK" at Microsoft and there is NO WAY that he will be proven wrong ... IMHO! Joe Belfiore is already a Corporate VP, works directly for Terry Myerson who is an Executive VP + Joe "HAS" overall responsibility for WINDOWS 10 and Windows Phone 10 !!

If he said recently "what I meant was Feb 2015, probably NOT March" ... I sure wish that someone would "estimate" HOW MANY Verizon ICONS are in the market to date?
I think he found it in Revelation somewhere.

That explains Joe B's latest tweet: "I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. I will give the Denim update freely to anyone who thirsts. But the cowardly iOS and Android users will burn in the lake of fire!"
Ok, I did not want to tip my hand on this one, but I'll risk it for the sake of clarification of why I have been posting what I have on this thread. I am always wrong about things like this. So, if I come out with firm conviction and I believe that I am right, then I'll be proven wrong when the update comes out. So, you see it is a kind of reverse logical psychology on Verizon here.

However, after saying all that, and the fact that Joe B has stated publically that Verizon and Microsoft are working together to get the update done in "early 2015" who knows how truly motivated Verizon is about doing the update and are they worried about Joe's reputation? I don't think so. I also know I attribute Verizon as having "feelings" like a person. I can see that point. Lets look at it at another way. As a large company, do I worry about a small group of customers (Windows Phone Users, all 12 of them) or do I pay attention to the vast majority of my customers and make sure they are taken care of first and foremost (I-Phone and Android all 25 bazillion of them). It is easy to see who you'd want happy and who would maybe not really care to much about.

Time will tell, but I am still betting on a no show for any updates in February, again, just my gut feeling based on what has happened thus far. But this is a forum, you don't need to logical!

So you post multiple doomsday posts on a "gut feeling."

Then post this with your thinking/logic that backs up your speculation/conclusion. Which, by the way, i find perfectly plausible. I don't think it's going to happen that way, but it's possible.

Then you say "Just my gut feeling. This is a forum, you don't need to be logical!"

What did I even just read? If you're going to post speculation on a gut feeling, state as much and keep it short.

If you're going to speculate based on research, history, and logic, then by all means - post away! But don't do both. It's tom foolery.
Hope ya'll get your update. Seriously tho with Verizon's track record and how many Verizon employees have said this is it, I'd be inclined to use my Missouri heritage and pull a " show me". Proof is on the pudding as they say.
If he said recently "what I meant was Feb 2015, probably NOT March" ... I sure wish that someone would "estimate" HOW MANY Verizon ICONS are in the market to date?

What he said was "less likely March." Hardly a convincing statement.

As for the number, I had one VZW call from the executive offices blurt out something about 300,000 but don't take that as gospel.
Hope ya'll get your update. Seriously tho with Verizon's track record and how many Verizon employees have said this is it, I'd be inclined to use my Missouri heritage and pull a " show me". Proof is on the pudding as they say.

I like pudding
That explains Joe B's latest tweet: "I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. I will give the Denim update freely to anyone who thirsts. But the cowardly iOS and Android users will burn in the lake of fire!"

LOL I love it. It's blasphemy but I still love it. +100
Denim pudding with cyan on top. Only 8.1 calories ;) it will have you saying "Hey cortana!" coming Soon in your nearst gorcery stores. Offer only valid sometime. Early 2015. This offer will be avalibale to you january febuary or march! Pre order now. Call now. 1800fukuverizon.

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