Official 8.1/Denim for the Icon?

The point I was making on this, and I can see that it was not as clear as it could be, is that I really do want the updates to come out this month and hopefully they will. I am hoping that I am wrong that they will never ever come out.
Denim pudding eith cyan on top. Only 8.1 calories. after your done eating it will have you yelling "hey cortana" thi. Pudding is pecificaly desighn for our customers. Coming soon to the neast grocery store near you on jan or feb or maybe march!!! Call now!!! Hurry! Call now at 1800fukyouverizoncantwait till my contract is up and switch to att.

Yeah, cause att is pushing denim lol
Did you all see the article about VZW reducing rates on share everything plans? I know this is not related to this thread but saving money does make the wait not as painful.
The point I was making on this, and I can see that it was not as clear as it could be, is that I really do want the updates to come out this month and hopefully they will. I am hoping that I am wrong that they will never ever come out.

if Joe B hadn't made any mention of Denim and we had just continued to get the usual wall of silence from Verizon I would agree that we would not get any update and VZ would have abandoned the Icon months ago if it was their choice

even with Joe B's tweets saying that Denim is coming I am still not 100% positive we will get the update till I actually see the "update available" message on my phone because I have absolutely no confidence in Verizon to come through for us Icon users after months of disapointment
What he said was "less likely March." Hardly a convincing statement.

As for the number, I had one VZW call from the executive offices blurt out something about 300,000 but don't take that as gospel.

AN ABYSMAL number like 300,000 Icons "would actually be logical" ... anybody else have something they read?

THIS "could be the answer" that known of us were aware of = CRAP!
Well, I keep posting on this thread that Verizon won't push the updates to the ICON. Just won't happen ever. Not this month, not next not ever. Now, why do I say this? It is just a gut feeling that I have. After all this time, I just don't see why Verizon will bother. We all know they hate Windows Phone, and probably not a fan of Microsoft either. We can probably forget about a Flagship Windows 10 phone on Verizon as well.

^This guy is the original negative Nancy.
Some guy on a Verizon forum is claiming that he talked to a supervisor who told him Denim arrives tomorrow. Not so sure I believe that, but the timing would be great since I have tomorrow off work.
if Joe B hadn't made any mention of Denim and we had just continued to get the usual wall of silence from Verizon I would agree that we would not get any update and VZ would have abandoned the Icon months ago if it was their choice

even with Joe B's tweets saying that Denim is coming I am still not 100% positive we will get the update till I actually see the "update available" message on my phone because I have absolutely no confidence in Verizon to come through for us Icon users after months of disapointment

Whats sad is it's almost a year of disappointment lol.
Some guy on a Verizon forum is claiming that he talked to a supervisor who told him Denim arrives tomorrow. Not so sure I believe that, but the timing would be great since I have tomorrow off work.

I think he's right, and I'll tell you why.

Everything fits! Seriously, denim arrived for the 822 and 928 on a Friday. Which wouldn't really mean anything, if it weren't for the fact that several people now have heard it's coming tomorrow, Friday, from Verizon. Mix in JB's comments about early 2015 (Sorry guys, but February is still fairly early in the year), and other reports of February. I'm very hopeful for tomorrow, and I'd be willing to bet on it. Not too much, mind you, but some😁.
For those of you who would like to avoid the familiar feeling of crushing disappointment, please review the brief history below.

This 75 page thread dating back to July of 2014:

Or you could simply review this 72 page thread that we're currently posting in, which dates back to October 2014:

There have been many false alarms and speculative dates that have fallen through the cracks. I'm not saying that we definitely won't get the update tomorrow. I'm just saying... brace for impact.

Come on Verizon!

PS - If we do get it tomorrow, it'll be when Verizon releases it. Not exactly at midnight or anything like that. That's not really how it works.
I won't be disappointed. It's one of those things where it will be cool to have if it arrives, but even without Denim, the Icon is the best phone I've had to date and is still better than many phones on the market right now.
but even without Denim, the Icon is the best phone I've had to date and is still better than many phones on the market right now.

When it comes to hardware, I totally agree. But when it comes to software/firmware - the stuff that really allows us to capitalize on the solid hardware - we're missing out tremendously. And we have been since the get-go.
When it comes to hardware, I totally agree. But when it comes to software/firmware - the stuff that really allows us to capitalize on the solid hardware - we're missing out tremendously. And we have been since the get-go.

Maybe to most of you guys it seems like that, but for the average phone user like myself, it doesn't make a difference.

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