Official Lumia 820 Amber Update Thread

Battery drain is even worse with Amber. With the same apps installed it went from an idle rate of ~1.5 to ~2.2...very disappointing :(
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Touch screen not responsive after Amber update

Hey guys,

It's been problems since I got this mobile. Now the latest entrant is this. I just updated my phone to Amber today. Everything was okay until I got a call. After I was done with the call the screen wasn't responsive to touch. I tried everything but the touch doesn't seem to work. The only workaround is I've to remove my battery and restart my phone again. I got half a dozen calls from morning and I had to remove the battery 6 times. I have even tried the reset but that doesn't work too. Have no Idea what is happening? Anyone has this problem?

Regarding the loudspeaker problem on my nokia lumia 820, I just found out that this happens when i insert my sony headset( had to use a diffrent one because the free headset was obviously a 1$ headphone) . Think the unit thinks that it still has a headphone on. And when i remove the headphone, everything is in silent. But when i out the headphone back in, its working fine with the headphone. I think its a software problem because it gets fixed with a reset. Havent used the headphone since yesterday morning, had no more problems with the loudspeaker. Nokia is not to blame i guess, its the OS devs
Amber is still buggy. Especially on the audio and unresponsive screen after calls. And there are no updates yet.
@ Vistaus and Rogonso: Finally, i solved the problem with the Nokia Software Updater. Link: Manually Update GDR2 On Nokia Lumia 920 and 820 - GadgetspostGadgetspost
After install this app, you only have to do, to connect your phone to computer, it automatically recognizes it, download and install the newest proper firmware to your phone.
Important: It deletes all user data from phone but if you let switch on the backup to cloud it restores almost the original state.
Recommended to remove the micro SD card before the update process.

- contacts
- sms'
- installed apps
- accounts
- account based user data (example: game scores by Xbox account, skydrive)

- Internal storage data (downloaded Here maps, media etc.)
- Application datas and custom settings (ringtone, lockscreen backgroud, main screen tile settings changes to default, etc.)
- mail and other accounts' passwords (the accounts restored)
Another few days, another no updates for my mums 820. Nokia and T-Mobile seriously suck at this point. I wonder why Nokia is so stupid to announce an update is "available" for almost a week yet there's still no update available when checking for updates.

You must have never used Android uhhh. You are lucky if your top end model gets a update within 6 months after a announcement. Apple is the only company that can do same day since they started the whole updating software thing but now the carriers are playing circle jerk with everybody else. For it to be announced and them say all models by end of September I think that is pretty good actually.
Battery drain is even worse with Amber. With the same apps installed it went from an idle rate of ~1.5 to ~2.2...very disappointing :(

If you have double tap on you will burn through more battery just as a side not, also if you have high sensitivity on it will drain quickly.
No 3g/4g after Update

Updated my Lumia 820 on sunday evening (I suppose the Amber update) and until that moment everything worked well all the time. However since the moment the update completed successfully and my phone had restarted it only connects to 2G (Edge). However in the cellular options it clearly shows 3g as maximum speed (if I swtich to 4g it is the same problem). My carrier can't be the problem because the place where I live has full 3g coverage and as I said it worked perect until I made the update. I also switched the automatic network search to manual and put the carrier by myself with exactly the same problem. The most bizarre thing in the whole story is that this evening I was able to get a 3g connection for one or two hours then it switched again to 2g (which is nearly worthless for my needs...). As I said the carrier can't be the problem also because my data plan allows for a lot more usage as I did so far. And in Data Sense the download volume is "illimited".
I just hope that is not the stuff where you have two options: live with it or dump the phone (cause it only has 9 months).

Re: GDR2/Amber Lag and Performance Issues

Problems after Amber update in lumia 820

1) Battery life reduced dont know how...
2) Lag can be seen which is frustrating.
3) screen freezes sometime when call comes.
hello, im from India.. i successfully updated my lumia 820 to 8.0.10328.78 and today i was browsing the internet about the update.. i went to a page in wikipedia (Windows Phone version history - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia) which said the below:

1. Xbox Music. Easier to select, download, and pin music. More accurate metadata and other performance improvements.
2. FM radio. Possible to listen to FM radio from the Music+Videos hub. (Not available for all phones.)
3. Data Sense. Possible to set a limit based on the data plan (already included since initial release for Verizon subscribers)
4. Skype. Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) apps like Lync and Skype features improved stability and performance.
5. Internet Explorer. Better browsing experience with improved HTML 5 compatibility.
6. Camera. Set favorite Lens so it opens automatically when pressing the camera button. (Not available for all phones.)
6. File Picker & File Manager included
7. Other improvements. Includes many other improvements to Windows Phone.

I would like to stress on point 6 cos i dont really see any file manager or file picker in my 820.. did the update really bring a file manager?

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