I can't speak for everyone, but my issue with the announcement is that the phones seem like devices that could've come out earlier this year, or late last year and been awesome. The thing is, these phones won't even be hitting the US until next year, and in the case of the 800 that is a maybe. So now add an additional year on top of the year behind it already is, and we've once again got a new WP7 device that doesn't feel very new at all.
I have an HD7s, the 800 isn't a whole lot better in terms of functionality or specs. If I were going to upgrade my device I would want a stellar phone that will be able to take advantage of Tango/Apollo (**** use all the functionality of Mango which, without a front facing camera, these don't) without needing to upgrade in another year. These phones, are not the phones I was looking for.
Color me slightly disappointed. Only slightly because I've seen Microsoft employees playing with these phones on the bus for a couple weeks now, so I knew they weren't stellar...I was just hoping there was a third phone in the wings that they were going to knock [my] socks off with.
At this rate, I'll be waiting till Apollo to update my device, which is fine I guess. I'm happy with my HD7s.