OFFICIAL Nokia World 2011 Thread.


New member
Dec 6, 2010
That looks pretty good with the matching tile theme. With matching back covers, I can see this selling. Looks like a phone that's been sent in to colorware.

i love the colors of the phone


New member
Aug 31, 2011
I hate to be negative butt unless Nokia has some stellar mystery devices yet to be shown, I think everyone that was hinging everything on Nokia to be WP7's knight in shinning armor can let out a sigh of disapointment. I was hoping to wake up this morning and see something awesome on the front page of wpcentral. I've never been a Nokia fan but was interested in seeing what's around the corner.


Active member
Nov 14, 2008
Surprised to see such negativity. I think what's being expressed here is the typical "better hardware make a better phone" mentality when previously hardware was discounted when compared to android phones. Maybe its the American viewpoint, but I can see the 800 selling gangbusters because of the Nokia brand, excellent camera, fantastic screen and build quality, marketing and most important, price. These are going for free on contract and personally compared to the other Mango handsets the 800 really stands out. There also seems to be a substantial amount of support from European carriers which has not been seen with any other WP7 device, which is also vital. E.G.:

The 710 at 270 Euros, replacable back covers will sell to those looking for a cheaper, colourful phone, but also wanting a quality Nokia camera device. Probably wont have the expensive data plan required to to all that video calling so FFC wont be missed.

Crucially though, this is only the start. HTC and Samsung have laid out their stalls for teh next year, we wont see anything else from them but Nokia will continue to release devices with different form factors, reaching new markets and all that combined will do exactly what Nokia and Microsoft want, to increase sales. Once that goal is achieved and mindshare and marketshare picks up, then even more goodness will be unleashed.
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New member
Aug 31, 2011
For me, its not so much better hardware make a better phone. First and for most I go by the phones and OS's appearance. If I'm gonna be looking at this phone for the next year I want an attractive phone. All Windows Phones are gonna have similar specs. The phones that Nokia have shown just didn't have the wow factor that set em apart from others. But for the past 6-8 months people have been hyping up that Nokia is the game changer. Just didn't see that with these phones. But for others, they might be great.


New member
Jan 17, 2011
I think that many of us in the U.S. that are WP7 fans where hoping for a Nokia phone that is full featured in specs and also beautifull to hold and show. It's hard to convince your friends to jump on the WP7 bandwaggon when your phone has a smaller screen, no front facing camera like most of the top of the line Androids have. Forget the iPhone peeps. They are so deep rooted in that ecosystem it would take an act of God to make them switch. But I was hoping for a phone that was the Bugatti of smarts phones. Instead I saw a couple of Volkswaggon.


Active member
Nov 14, 2008
What exactly would provide the wow factor? I dont consider the 710 as anything special but the 800 is basically an N9 and that has been praised for its design and build. Nothing so far from any other WP7 OEM has been as well received so I wonder what exactly it is that is lacking.


New member
Sep 28, 2011
I can't speak for everyone, but my issue with the announcement is that the phones seem like devices that could've come out earlier this year, or late last year and been awesome. The thing is, these phones won't even be hitting the US until next year, and in the case of the 800 that is a maybe. So now add an additional year on top of the year behind it already is, and we've once again got a new WP7 device that doesn't feel very new at all.

I have an HD7s, the 800 isn't a whole lot better in terms of functionality or specs. If I were going to upgrade my device I would want a stellar phone that will be able to take advantage of Tango/Apollo (**** use all the functionality of Mango which, without a front facing camera, these don't) without needing to upgrade in another year. These phones, are not the phones I was looking for.

Color me slightly disappointed. Only slightly because I've seen Microsoft employees playing with these phones on the bus for a couple weeks now, so I knew they weren't stellar...I was just hoping there was a third phone in the wings that they were going to knock [my] socks off with.

At this rate, I'll be waiting till Apollo to update my device, which is fine I guess. I'm happy with my HD7s.
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New member
Dec 6, 2010
Right, that's all it was. A 710 and a N9. So for WP7, which Nokia said they are betting the house on, all they did was release a WP7 N9. Nothing new. I think that's what people are disappointed in.
What exactly would provide the wow factor? I dont consider the 710 as anything special but the 800 is basically an N9 and that has been praised for its design and build. Nothing so far from any other WP7 OEM has been as well received so I wonder what exactly it is that is lacking.


Active member
Nov 14, 2008
Right, that's all it was. A 710 and a N9. So for WP7, which Nokia said they are betting the house on, all they did was release a WP7 N9. Nothing new. I think that's what people are disappointed in.

Remember, this is their first release. Look at the reception from operators in Europe, Xbox deals, good pricing, coupons - none of this has been done for any other WP7 handset. This is likely their foot in the door release, I doubt in 6 months time these will be their only WP7 handsets. They are leveraging their brand and carrier connections now, and seem to have met with the best reception yet of any WP7 OEM.


New member
Jun 22, 2011
What exactly would provide the wow factor? I dont consider the 710 as anything special but the 800 is basically an N9 and that has been praised for its design and build. Nothing so far from any other WP7 OEM has been as well received so I wonder what exactly it is that is lacking.

I think that's just it - it's the N9. They didn't do anything new, but they DID have a long time to get where they are, they had special access to MS, and the phones still won't be out until 2012 in some markets. The question that no one has asked yet but you can almost see hanging in the air is "Is this it? What have you been doing for the last year or so?". If some people think the entirely new guts, new OS version, standout new feature iPhone 4S is a disappointment, how's a rehash of a phone chassis from another OS coupled with an OS we all already have with very few additional features above and beyond a year-old HTC Mozart look? The unavoidable answer is, not Earth shattering.

It's not that the 800 is a bad phone - it looks lovely. And it's great that there are deals to be had, and a cheap entry-level device (even if I think it looks like a dog's dinner). I think the negativity is coming from the fact that (so far), this really is it, and that that in itself is a surprise given Nokia's decision to go all out with WP7.

When the iPhone 4 came out, there was a real *wow* because of its looks (and that glass and steel form is still pretty wow today). The new Razr is a beast of a phone and as thin as a promise. The Galaxy Nexus is, well actually I hate it. But it's still a striking new design, and the inevitable Galaxy SIII is bound to be a head turner. The N9 though, as a design, has been knocking around for 6 months plus - an age in the mobile phone world for a "new" model. If today was the first time anyone had seen it, there would be a *wow*. But it isn't, so there's more deja vu than anything else. I think that's a little harsh, but I'm not sure that it wasn't inevitable without a new (or even tweaked) hardware appearance.


New member
Oct 10, 2011
There is no FFC on the 710? Looks like there is one to me. What is the circle next to the ear piece? Wont affect me though. Just solidifies my Titan purchase.

Where is my damn Titan???


New member
Jan 9, 2011
There is no FFC on the 710? Looks like there is one to me. What is the circle next to the ear piece? Wont affect me though. Just solidifies my Titan purchase.

Where is my damn Titan???
That'll be the proximity and light sensor (for auto brightness) me thinks. :)

The place is awash with Titans here power5. Fed up looking at them. ;)


New member
Dec 6, 2010
Probably the sensor to cut the screen off when it's up to your face.
There is no FFC on the 710? Looks like there is one to me. What is the circle next to the ear piece? Wont affect me though. Just solidifies my Titan purchase.

Where is my damn Titan???


New member
Dec 4, 2010
I'm onboard with 1jaxstate1, Pronk and Bodega_Bay (hey, I've been to Bodega Bay). Nokia has released ho-hum devices that don't scream "superstar." Yes, the 810 is pretty but it's not leaps and bounds above what is out there. I'm not even talking specs. Nokia really needs to get a design game changer out there and pronto. Like Pronk said, the 810already looks old.


New member
Aug 14, 2011
From a design perspective, the 800 is pretty darn cool. There isn't anything like except for maybe the Fujitsu WP. For the first punch thrown from WP/Nokia, not bad.

If the Justin Beiber 14-19 year-old female demo gobbles up the 700 by the truckload, that will begin to build a legion of WP users. That's a good thing.

Might not be a bad call to go after a younger audience they only have to pry away from an iPod touch, those don't have 2-year contracts, at least mine doesn't.

This actually makes sense. They introduce a younger demo to the "cool colorful phones," release a tablet/blue tooth keyboard combo that is a natural progression that they can use for homework in HS and college and next thing you know TOTAL WP WORLD DOMINATION!!!

I'm up for a new phone in March, right around the time the 800 is rumored to bit att. Should be a good spring!


New member
Jan 3, 2011
There has to be another device in almost positive I mean how did everyone say there would be three devices the ace has to be there somewhat big surprise. How could you drop the ball with your company on the line like this? Why not go all out with hardware and design the 800 has the design but they took away so much and didn't add anything but a camera button and the 710 looks terrible its nothing like there design concepts that looked amazing! This is suppose to be there main os why not come with a bang? iPhone 4s gave them the opening I dont understand hardware makers the only phones that are even considered competition to the high androids and the iPhone 4s are the titan and the focus s which are way nicer then both of these devices. But they even suffer from no expandable memory lack of a wow factor like c'mon ms! Its like they don't want to gain any market share. At this point the exclusive Nokia apps should just be released to every wp7 and ms should be working on the next big thing for Apollo not dual core but quad or whatever comes next front facing cams that do more then take pics and powerful back cams with the ability to edit the photo built in, a better way to navigate through the os, the support of better screens, update the native apps excessively with better useful features and cloud support and voice controls through out, bigger batteries, and give people the ability to customize! set better specs that hardware partners have to follow and have a wow factor! Something to make people go "oh I want that"! Like siri for ios or the face unlock for ics! I'm loosing faith in ms at this point. Looks like I'm destined to be a isheep lol greatttt
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