[Official] Verizon Touch Pro give away thread

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Would love a Verizon Touch Pro!

I have a BB Storm right now, but still love to jump over here from Crackberry.com because Windows Mobile intrigues me.

I would love to give WinMo a try and become a huge ****** of WMExperts and WinMo!

Free verizon tp 2!!

Touch Pro Phone I Need
Cannot Live Without This Phone
Windows Mobile Rocks!

Figured Id throw a lil poetry in :)

EDIT: Title of post should be "Free Verizon Touch Pro" sorry, please dont flame me....
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Verizion Touch Pro Entry

From what I read I'm guessing that I need to make a post here about how awesome the HTC touch pro. So here I go:

The 2.8" gorgeous 480x640 screen. It may not be the largest screen, but I think it has to be one of the highest ppi screens on any phone; 287 pixels per inch!! Just look at the competition:
Samsung Omina: 240x400 145 pixels per inch.
Dare I say it: Iphone 3gs: 320x480 163 pixels per inch.

As you can see, those screens can't even come close the HTC Touch Pro.
Another unique aspect of the HTC Touch PRo is the LED Flash, very few phones have it. The new Iphone 3GS doesn't have it, the Touch Dimaond 2 doesn't, and most other smartphones.

Another reason to get the Touch Pro is the amazing modding community, people have hacked this thing to even run the new HTC HD2(or Leo) manilla 2.5 Touch flow software. That's how dedicated the community is.
This phone also feature a 16GB micro sd slot which is tons of room for any phone.

Another unique aspect of this phone is the gaming capabilities of it. Most phones with touch screens don't even bother to have any d-pad or anything. But on this phone you can actualy classics like Age of Empires 1 with the d-pad and stylus! You can also use the accelerameters as well in some games.

Another great thing about this phone is the battery life, unlike the its Touch Dimaond symbling, this battery can easily last longer than a day's work.

I personally am interesting in this phone because I don't have much money to spend on a new cell phone at the moment, but on the family plan I'm goign to have 3G so I would like to get a phone that can utilize it.
I love HTC phones and I think the touch flow interface is amazing.

Thank you very much for hearing me out.
-Phillip Davis
I would love to upgrade to Verizon Touch Pro. In fact I desperately need it. Currently, I have .... Cingular 8125, if anyone still remembers it. It is basically grand-grand parent of Touch Pro but served me for the last almost 4 years perfectly. Getting touch pro will be upgrade in all directions, in hardware and software. I am a big WM fun because it is most versatile and established mobile OS. Android and Palm Pre's OS yet have to prove themselves. Finally, my girlfriend threatens to break up with me if i do not get a new phone coz she says she can hardly hear me. And she likes to talk a lot....
Need Verizon Touch Pro

I would love to upgrade to Verizon Touch Pro. In fact I desperately need it. Currently, I have .... Cingular 8125, if anyone still remembers it. It is basically grand-grand parent of Touch Pro but served me for the last almost 4 years perfectly. Getting touch pro will be upgrade in all directions, in hardware and software. I am a big WM fun because it is most versatile and established mobile OS. Android and Palm Pre's OS yet have to prove themselves. Finally, my girlfriend threatens to break up with me if i do not get a new phone coz she says she can hardly hear me. And she likes to talk a lot....
Free Touch Pro Please

I am just a poor cowboy from Wyoming:( I have been looking at your website which is the best by the way:thumbsup: from my mountain top ranch on top of the Big Horn mountains. Wanting a new phone but not having the money sucks. I still have my bag phone that no longer works and I also have an LG flip phone that is on its last legs. My closest neighbor is 30 miles away:eek: A new reliable phone in my case would not only be cool but it could be a life saver. The pic is me in my front yard with a late bull calf. His name is Bull Ownie. Winter came early this year. Our first snow hit October 7th with temps hovering around 4 degrees during the day:cry: So if you would consider me for your "Fall Freebie: Original Verizon Touch Pro Give Away" It would sure make Bull Ownie and me happy:) Thanks for reading my post.

Free Verizion Touch Pro Entry

I'm guess I just have to write about why its so awesome and why I want it.
So here we go.

VGA 2.8" screen. It may be small, but it has to be one of the sharpest, if not the sharpest touchscreen on a phone of all time. It has a whopping 287 pixels per inch. Compare this to the Iphone 3GS that has just 163 pixels per inch.

This phone features a d-pad,stylus, and accelerometer that does great for gaming. You can play classics like Age of empires 1, or use the accelerometer for more modern games.

3.2 Megapixel camera with LED flash.
The orignal Iphones can't come close to the 3.2 megapixel camera that can also record video. It even has an edge on the new iphone 3gs with its LED flash.

Unlike the touch diamond, the touch pro features a keyboard that is great for text messaging and typing up quick emails. No more whipping out a stylus to try to type on a small virtual keyboard. Another feature it has is the extended battery compared to the Touch diamond. With the Touch pro, you dont have to worry about your phone not lasting a day's work.

And the best feature of all is the just the fan base. They have already made VGA versions of manilla 2.5 and several other custom ROMs that make the phone so much faster and enjoyable.

To conclude, I'd really like the Touch Pro because its a great phone that is affordable and can still give the new expensive phones like the Imagio and Iphone 3gs a run for their money.

Thanks for hearing me out,
Touch Pro Party Fiasco!

So I got really excited when I saw the Fall Freebie. I thought the best thing I could do was throw a party, just like Microsoft and their 7 parties. I invited all my friends and one of my buddies, Touch Pro. Everything was going well until Ken Griffey Jr. started going nuts about getting VIP. Then the other Touch's started pushing chairs and leaning on eachother to get up to VIP with the Pro. As you can see by the image below, things got a little out of hand. Since I was dressed in white and don't have any hardware inside my shell, I just tried to blend in. By the end of the night, VIP was ripped down and Griffey's leg was caught between the slide out keyboard and the wall. That Touch Pro sure is something with it's WiFi, Bluetooth, GPS, oustaded Junior in a wrestling match, Touch Flo 3D, and capacity to possibly be upgraded to WinMo 6.5, boy I would I be lucky to become one someday.

Picture attached, I couldn't figure out how to embed it becuase I'm a phone and robots have yet to take over the world, yet...

(I've made a couple other attempts in this thread, not really understanding how to win. I hope this makes sense to more than just me and gives me a shot, just to be clear that is my co-workers Pro, not mine.)
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Verizon Touch Pro give away

Thanks Phil for sending the masses to the forums keep the posts coming. Lots of members have stopped by to start threads hoping to get there hands on this:

Fall freebies: Original Verizon Touch Pro

I am combining the threads here just to keep the forums clean. Keep the great posts coming if you have a chance drop a line in any of the other threads ask a question or if you can help someone by answering one. Enjoy the forums everyone. :D:D:D

Dave :cool:
Win a Verizon HTC TP

Just write a message on the forum to participate in this contest to win an HTC touch Pro.:rolleyes:
Hello!!!! where is everyone?

So few people interested...
That's fine, I think I have great odds to win this Touch Pro. A year ago people killed to get one. Now... Just leave a message and you can get one.

Do it now!!! you just have 45 minutes to do it. ( I will win anyway)
So few people interested...
That's fine, I think I have great odds to win this Touch Pro. A year ago people killed to get one. Now... Just leave a message and you can get one.

Do it now!!! you just have 45 minutes to do it. ( I will win anyway)

What makes you so confident?

24 minutes! Is the winner the going to be annnoucened in this thread?
And is it 5 CT time for deadline?
Did anyone get an email or pm? Do I still have a chance? I'm glad I tried, surprised by the effort too.
Verizon TP!!!

:D I really could use the Verizon Touch Pro that you are offering. I'm a reformed Treo 700p user and have bought into Windows Mobile big time. I Love mu Omnia but have a very hard time typing without a hard key pad. I use the phone for everything from all personal and professional e-mail, calendar, task management, podcasts - particularly WMExperts as well as MP3's, Google Maps, Kinoma, GPSweather and keeping up on all the sports scores... Yeah I love the functionality but have a difficult time, like I said, with a virtual key board.:censored:

I thought I could make the adjustment (Dieter said on a podcast give it a month or so and you can get use to any QWERTY) but its just not as good as the Treo QWERTY. Thanks and I look forward to the next Podcast (already downloaded on Omnia for my listening pleasure) and great new smart phones. I love that I'm more knowledgeable than the folks in Verizon Support. :thumbsup:
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According to the WMExperts twitter feed Phil says he will announce the winner early Tuesday. So watch the articles page for an announcement some time today
Congratulations to our winner Teckels and now that the contest is over I am going to close this thread. Teckels stop by and post up your review once you have had a chance to play around with it.
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