(Official) What WP needs to succeed

Re: app store

Instead of randomly complaining on your 5 posts on this forum, have you considered asking for help? Have you thought about exchanging your phone if you happened to get a bad one? etc.

We don't mind talking about pluses AND minuses of the OS, but try adding something to the conversation. 3 of your 5 posts are basically the same saying the 928 freezes twice a day....
Re: app store

Ok the games and apps for the windows phone 8 are absolutely horrible in every way. If the store even has some of the good apps that come free on ios or android devices they cost money! All the games in the store suck, they constantly freeze and have numerous other problems. And just because the app store has some kind off app that was thrown together in a couple of minutes and the name is changed around doesn't mean its the same as the actual app that is on ios or android devices.

Sounds like your not using the correct apps. Cos I mean, minus the game selections, I've had no issues with any apps.
Re: Can Microsoft really work harder?!

I agree with the fact letting be able to read write file for respective apps and possibility of attaching multiple files from sd card and otherwise in emails.
So basically what i would want is already mentioned i guess
1.orientation lock
2.ability to save files to sd card (it may be accessed thru relative app).
coz just only music would not the major thing.
3.like to have usb otg.
5.change the font colour(a fancy requirement),just not able to read white on amber or yellow.
6.volume control separate.
1. Notification Center.

2. Volume control.

3 . Access to Audio and Video library for 3 party app.

4. File Manager/ explorer/My files
2 - Separate volume control
3 - To be able to move the song with your finger and not just be able to Play and Pause!!
4- File explorer
5- To be able to save the app data on sd card (if not the whole app)
6- Kids corner shouldnt need a password!
7- Cortana should be available and fully functional
8 - Apps should open FAST! its amazing how every single app needs time to load!
9 - WP8 should be faster on devices with 512 mb of Ram like my Lumia 720
11- a Microphone option in the keyboard, so u can speak instead of typing,life saver
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I would actually prefer some "stupid" updates than those which everyone else want.
Example..support for MUCH MUCH MORE file types. I'm talking nearly every popular file type.
Changing of the "theme" used by the phone completely - custom background, custom font (color, style, size..everything), tiles also.. everything!
If they do that Ma Rio and put customisation first then it'll go the way of Android and lag up the system unless you buy a phone with expensive internals and legacy phones will have trouble with support....believe me running stock Android is drastically faster than with all the customisations
All the things I can think off:

1) Notification Center
2) Ability to share any song, file, document from anywhere within the OS and by any 1st & 3rd party app by mail, Bluetooth and NFC
3) Less restricted acces to the MicroSD card for 3rd party apps
4) Ability to install apps on MicroSD cards
4) Fast Resume for ALL apps a requirement
5) Double Wide tiles for every WP8 device
6) Ability to toggle the extra row with GDR3+ installed: 3 normal tiles for 4.5"+, 2 normal+1 small tile for 4.3" and normal 2 tiles for under 4.3" devices
7) Different music and sound volumes
8) Choice of more colors for the background of the phone : More than just Black or White
9) Every app needs to be build FIRST on 512 MB devices then upscaled and expanded (if needed) for 1 GB and 2 GB devices.
10) Every app needs to be built to run on 512 MB devices as BEST as they can anyways, even if that means a bit of lost functionality.
11) The ability for tiles to be refreshed in UNDER 30 minutes with options: 1-5-10 minutes etc.
12) Cortana would be awesome (the concept itself, not necessarily the name)
13) Skype integration in People Hub
14) Better Facebook integration (maybe)
15) The keyboard need to be smaller or at least adjustable. See the gigantic keyboard on the Lumia 1520.
16) More usability improvements for big screens. Multitasking a la Windows 8 while in landscape maybe?
17) Internet Explorer 11, at least on WP, should support all the necessary standards that Google demands, so they'll have no more excuses in providing an official YT app.
18) More timely app releases (obviously)
19) Some sort of File Explorer
20) (Dunno about this one) If 2G network could work faster for apps
21) EXTREMELY IMPORTANT: Support the app at least as LONG as the OS itself is supported. WP7.x support ends in September 2014? If you can add any more features, do it. It will be still be officially supported for another year. Why shouldn't the apps be up to date? The same rule applies to WP8, whenever that time will come.
- When sharing a picture, the Bluetooth option should be present even if BT is off.
- Change song with volume long press
- Volume to snooze the alarm / turn down to snooze the alarm - More alarm options
- Using volume up and down to move the cursor when texting
Read through some of the thread and agree with everything. One thing I didn't see though was to not be so bound 2 (pun intended) your computer. I don't wanna have to use my computer to do a simple stuff as change the name of a song. Or to create a playlist. I also wanna be able to create photo albums on my phone and move my photos to different albums. The OS feels very unfinished overall. Symbian was way better. Only reason I even bought a Windows Phone was because of Nokia. Only had Nokia my whole life, but next year I will have to say goodbye.
how could some apps like UC BROWSER, mobile9 etc could save audio files especially to RINGTONES directory :P and apps like whatsapp, hike miss this feature??
so I feel this is definitely not the problem with Windows Phone :(
how could some apps like UC BROWSER, mobile9 etc could save audio files especially to RINGTONES directory :P and apps like whatsapp, hike miss this feature??
so I feel this is definitely not the problem with Windows Phone :(
You want whatsapp to save ringtones to your phone?
nooooo I want whatsapp to save to Musics :shocked:
I meant that even apps have access to Ringtones directory then why not Musics directory??

why would one want WhatsApp to save music to the music folder? I don't think you can do that on any other platform.....
I wait for 8.1.If those **** cant still provide what is actually a 'requirement' for a phone to be smart,never ever buying a WP.So,beware M$,either make 8.1 at least what the 'majority' want,or collapse.nobody wants ur effing phone.
I think someone should find a way to 'hell break' my phone.At least,i could 'create playlist' myself without a PC
I'm sure everyone has heard these complaints a thousand times, but some of the little things about my 822 just bug the crap out of me. I really like the fluidity of the OS, and I've found alternatives to missing apps that I use. These things really bother me:

1 - Separate volumes. This needs to be addressed. Currently, there are two: in call volume, and everything else combined. It's annoying to have to turn down media volume, then forget to turn it back up so you can hear calls. I'd be happy if they just made the ringer volume independent, also.

2 - "Settings" menu is not alphabetized. This is extremely annoying. I don't know why they didn't do this when they made the app list alphabetical.

3 - No separators, headers, or any kind of grouping for the start screen. I know this was by design, for simplicity's sake, but after about 20 apps, you start forgetting where things are. I've found a work around for this by using the "HeaderTiles" app. Great little app, and it should be incorporated into the OS, in my opinion. Check it out if you don't know about it.

4 - No ability to toggle the status bar at the top permanent.

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