(Official) What WP needs to succeed

"What WP needs to succeed"

I guess that depends of what you mean by succeed. If Microsoft want to get a massive market share like Android then they should unlock all the restrictions on the operating system and let the development community embrace it and enhance it.

To my mind the biggest boost to Android's success has been through the development community taking each version and customizing it and rooting it and just generally hacking it about a bit. Most android users don't install these customized builds though, but the resulting buzz in the development world means that there are lots of developers out there who're keen to write top notch software for the Android platform.

I guess the risk with that approach would be that malware might get onto the platform and Microsoft might miss out on some of their 30% cut for every transaction on the store, but in return they could boost their user base massively, which in return will increase the sale potential of the app store (which is the aim of the game anyway

Maybe it's not the aim to be the most popular mobile OS and maybe they're trying to reach a smaller audience that are more discerning about software quality and security, so in which case it seems as though they are heading in the right direction. Blackberry have done (emphasis on have) very well targeting the Business market for many years, so maybe that's where Microsoft see the future of the Windows Phone Platform. It would make sense, as they have the office offering and all the enterprise security stuff from the windows back end.

Either way I think Microsoft are reaching a crossroads where they need to decide what Windows Phone is for and where they want it to be. Ticking away at 3-10% of market share every year is all very well for a while, but it can't sustain itself forever
Re: Don't get Mad: WP8.1 Sucks ...Period, divert your hate towards MS

I will be going back to an iPhone in the mean time and I hope that others follow so that MS' Mobile ambitions dive a fast death. It's the only way to get them to realize how bad they are. No excuses, if Rudy can make great apps, there's no reason why they can't, when they obviously have more than 1 person on the team.

Hello iPhone!

While your rant is valid and some good points were raised, IF you decide to return to Windows be sure to test your number isn't locked to that iMessage...and if it is have fun, i've been dealing with it for two weeks and it blows. And the iTunes music player is crap on iOS7, have fun being tied to iTunes, Siri is by far much worse than Cortana ("Sorry, i cant do that for you right now"...get ready for this 40% of the time in areas with full data signal...its very heavy dependent on Apple servers, and even when available cries constantly), No data toggle in quick menu (airplane mode avaliable in both WP8.1 and iOS7) and at least wP8.1 is customizable and i hardly ever see this "Resuming..." especially when going back to an app that ive opened already on my 1020 is practically instant.

All im saying is while 8.1 needs fixes, iOS7 is far from perfect...dont even get me started on the flaky Wifi signals and over-praised average camera on the 5S.
Re: Don't get Mad: WP8.1 Sucks ...Period, divert your hate towards MS

well i do not know but the true thing is the resuming stuff i do not like that,should microsoft start to learn how to keep in background applications without put in suspension or pause also in IOS itunes is awful when comes in audio set up the equalizers make sounds so artificial the music even with the original earphones and just is not perfect OS , Android use a huge amount of resources and deal with app not responding close? in IOS lack of connectivity and stuck with i tunes to sync a folder with mp3 files.

Also it would be an error that microsoft made full access to developers to improve would risk to malware and viruses to wp, and we could be using anti viruses which would suck battery like mad in fact many are switching to windows phone exactly by the strong security in their marketplace and just i think should microsoft start to survey us what we want and how would get better.
videocall network should be implemented, Skype, Viber or other applications like this have internet and does anyone have these applications installed.
videocall network should be implemented, Skype, Viber or other applications like this have internet and does anyone have these applications installed.

Vibratiing in caller in many many future plzzz
All I want is...

1. a brightness slider
2. for the keyboard to remember my email address (jeez) or at least give us snippet shortcuts
3. audio controls in the notification center (can't stand having to hit the volume button)
4. a few more independent volume controls for bluetooth etc.

I'd be a happy camper with these.
I think this question fits into the thread. I have used WP since the beginning of 7 and I am in a predicament.... my upgrade is next month and I have an 8x, which has been a decent phone but surely it aged quick especially without a cover and with 8.1 looks crammed. I am contemplating getting the icon or m8, but have been very disappointed in Microsofts ability to get new applications that simply should be here already. First example would be Yahoo fantasy football app. For the love of god I had this on my blackberry 8330. The knock off versions for this app and many others are just plain pathetic, I appreciate the effort to make a bad situation better by creating these knock off apps, but they are sooooo unreliable, and frankly look cheap. The hardware is good on both and "apples to apples" Microsoft has skydrive, versions of office that work just fine on android, and most times a first party app... like Skype work better on android. With android being lees laggy, more reliable, and often making exciting changes to there software I feel an urge to switch. That was long and filled with grammatical errors but wanted to hear your thoughts on this.
I think this question fits into the thread. I have used WP since the beginning of 7 and I am in a predicament.... my upgrade is next month and I have an 8x, which has been a decent phone but surely it aged quick especially without a cover and with 8.1 looks crammed. I am contemplating getting the icon or m8, but have been very disappointed in Microsofts ability to get new applications that simply should be here already. First example would be Yahoo fantasy football app. For the love of god I had this on my blackberry 8330. The knock off versions for this app and many others are just plain pathetic, I appreciate the effort to make a bad situation better by creating these knock off apps, but they are sooooo unreliable, and frankly look cheap. The hardware is good on both and "apples to apples" Microsoft has skydrive, versions of office that work just fine on android, and most times a first party app... like Skype work better on android. With android being lees laggy, more reliable, and often making exciting changes to there software I feel an urge to switch. That was long and filled with grammatical errors but wanted to hear your thoughts on this.

Just go with the M8. You didnt mention a single thing you really like about WP over Android, if it doesnt exist and your concern is app quality then go over to Android. WP will always be catching up to Android/iOS, if you havent been pleased with your WP as of late make the change. Thats my 2 cents.
Let developers make wp8 apps on Windows 7. There are a lot of people that just hate Windows 8, or can't be bothered to upgrade their pc.
Let developers make wp8 apps on Windows 7. There are a lot of people that just hate Windows 8, or can't be bothered to upgrade their pc.

This. Right when Microsoft should've been making WP development as enticing as possible, they actually set up extra hurdles instead. Let's say an iOS developer wrote his or her app on a MacBook Pro that had also Windows 7 running under Parallels Desktop for WP7 development. When WP8 SDK arrived, that virtual machine became useless. First it needed to be upgraded to Windows 8, but still you wouldn't be able to run the WP8 emulator as it requires Hyper-V support and (at least the last time I checked) Parallels Desktop doesn't provide that support. The developer in question would also need to switch their virtualization platform to VMware Fusion and then toy around with config files to enable experimental Hyper-V support. At this point pretty you can't really blame the developer if they first look at the necessary hoops to jump through, then look at the WP8 market share and say "Screw this." and keep developing only for iOS and Android.
This. Right when Microsoft should've been making WP development as enticing as possible, they actually set up extra hurdles instead. Let's say an iOS developer wrote his or her app on a MacBook Pro that had also Windows 7 running under Parallels Desktop for WP7 development. When WP8 SDK arrived, that virtual machine became useless. First it needed to be upgraded to Windows 8, but still you wouldn't be able to run the WP8 emulator as it requires Hyper-V support and (at least the last time I checked) Parallels Desktop doesn't provide that support. The developer in question would also need to switch their virtualization platform to VMware Fusion and then toy around with config files to enable experimental Hyper-V support. At this point pretty you can't really blame the developer if they first look at the necessary hoops to jump through, then look at the WP8 market share and say "Screw this." and keep developing only for iOS and Android.
I've read many excellent posts on this thread. Unless I missed it somewhere, the most obvious answer is - more users. Don't matter if there's 2.8 jigamillion apps if no one's using them.
All I want is...

1. a brightness slider
2. for the keyboard to remember my email address (jeez) or at least give us snippet shortcuts
3. audio controls in the notification center (can't stand having to hit the volume button)
4. a few more independent volume controls for bluetooth etc.

I'd be a happy camper with these.

You have Bluetooth volume already, separate. I'd like to add OTG for mouse /keyboard and maybe controller. Heaven forbid we have a MS phone with an MS controller. Bluetooth in addition to OTG would also be nice. Those ppl with 1520's need this. Tired of ppl babbling about 1520 vs Note 3 not having any peripheral input (which is true). I think 1520 is more for entertainment /media, but ppl keep comparing the two cause of size. They point out office, so what, all WP have that. Still, even with the support, WP would be slammed for something else.

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