(Official) What WP needs to succeed

I actually have a Note 3 but have been intrigued by Windows Phone. I snagged a cheap Lumia 925 and is interesting, especially its low light photography. A couple things I noticed though that make it very difficult for me to jump ship officially:

1. Lack of Google Apps. Just an example, though I do like MyTube as an alternative, I need to pay to unlock it's unlimited playback. I shouldn't need to pay for a service like Youtube.

2. Pop up SMS. There's no way to respond to a message in a popup Window so that you don't have to leave the app you are currently in. Only Android can do that with a 3rd party app. IOS can do it but only if it's jailbroken. I haven't seen anyway to do this on Windows Phone at at and it's pretty frustrating when you receive countless texts each day.

3. Apps. Let's get real folks, I'd love to see Windows Phone succeed as much as any of you here, I really do. But the app selection is simply sub par. Not only are there not as many apps, but a a significant portion of them are low quality garbage apps, the same thing Windows fans use against Android when they say "we don't need 100 different fart apps." At least Android has all the quality apps in addition to the garbage. Windows Phone us missing a lot of the quality apps. Even Android doesn't match up with regards to quality when compared to IOS. Apps will bring users. If that isn't changed then I can't see how Windows Phone succeeds.

4. More OEMs. Windows Phone is pretty much Nokia. And now with the mobile acquisition, Windows Phone is Microsoft. There needs to be a bigger variety amongst manufacturers. Android and Windows Phone are not Apple. Don't get me wrong though I absolutely love the Nokia designs and think the Icon/930 is gorgeous. But I can't be waiting for only one company producing a device who knows when every year and being disappointed when a feature I was hoping would be present is absent.

5. Customization. This is the reason I left IOS and went to Android 2 years ago. Programs such as Wanam Exposed allow me to customize virtually every aspect of the OS. I changed certain apps that had no full screen mode to full screen. I changed the duration of long press for the keyboard. I changed the DPI for certain apps so that they look smaller on screen and more info fits. I can go on.

Those reasons are pretty much why I can't quite yet jump ship officially to this platform. If they do one day appear on Windows I'll be happy to come over. But, as of right now, I'd be losing all that functionality and that just doesn't make sense to do.
Windows phone 8.1 list of items to work on
1. Lock screen needs to be more expressive / Functional (more notification icons, , music controls on the lock screen with artist album and song labels ( we don’t need the album art like kitkat offers as the background).
2. Lock screen lock options needed (ie picture password, voice unlock, face unlock, pattern unlock and pin).
3. Actionable notification icons on lock screen option (double tap an icon will open the respective app.
4. Battery percentage on lock screen
5. Actionable Toast notifications mock up see attached pic.
6. Action Center Toggles should be on and off switches not take you to the settings menu for wifi.
7. Action Center Toggles should be at least 6 or more scrollable like Samsung does theirs.
8. A toggle for Ring mode (Ring , Ring and Vibrate, Silent, vibrate).
9. Action center notifications should be able to swipe left or right to dismiss them.
10. Action Center notifications should auto collapse as more notifications come in (expandable and contractible ala android).
11. Settings Menu can do with a tiled icon view as well as the current list view would be nice.
12. When one taps phone we should have the option to go right into the dialer or the recent call screen. (I would prefer a sliding interface so from the dialer slide left for recent calls)
13. An all programs grid view would be nice.
14. When you launch Cortina she should expect me to speak or preferably a hello cortana would launch cortana from anywhere and she would be already listening to what I have to say.
15. Folders should be built into the os not a nokia app.
16. Make app resume and refresh time instantaneous or allow apps to periodically refresh in the background (ie getting a notification on fb messenger is faster than on my s4 but the apps has to resume then refresh to be up to date this should be seamless like on android. Maybe as a notification comes in the app refreshes and moves to a not suspended state for at least a minute so going into the app feels faster??? idk just saying MS).
17. More BIG Name APPS that are coded properly with Full Feature set as ANDRIOD or IOS counterpart (I.E PAY DEVLOPERS TO BUILD AND UPDATE APPS FASTER KIND OF LIKE WHAT BLACKBERRY IS DOING.) Faster App updates (yes you Instagram lazy arse and others).
18. Natively coded Facebook app please also chat heads or chat tile support would be nice for FB messenger.
19. Power intensive apps native or not need to be refined
20. More options under the camera UI settings menu I mean android and even BB have more options
21. Notification light Support for non Nokia or devices not supporting glance screen (or an option to blink the windows key alone if notifications come in).
22. Missing apps I need …. drop box, pulse news, oovoo, swarm ( foursquares replacement), google apps (youtube, google search, google+ etc), sound hound pro, and others
23. IR blaster support??
24. Keyboard is good … well done android phones I usually have to change for that but I have gripes. Do like LG or even Fleksy for android adjustable key size would be nice, add or remove certain keys would be nice, flick to the left would be good to delete works when swype is off, manually enter words into dictionary would be nice. Would love it if Windows would allow at least fleksy to integrate its keyboard into the phone as a replacement or if yall work with fleksy and integrate some of its features.
25. Option to 3rd party keyboards maybe
26. Option to separate ringtone and notification volume toggles.
27. The X on an app in the task switcher should be a red Square with a white X in it stay true to windows please lol.
28. Weather clock tile would be nice (I.E give the weather tile the option to show the clock on it too with options as to how you would like information displayed on the tile).
29. Camera should show resolution options grouped under 16:9 wide or 4:3 for have resolutions to choose from and more options on the stock windows phone app

actionalbe notifications mockup but i guess ios beat us to that smh and bb beat ios to it

hope this not to picky
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um ok, since my thread was closed I can't reply to all those commenting on it and a link pointing me here was provided:
I did not mean to insult anyone or anybody but i just felt I had to write down what I was feeling.
Ok it was four things not three and I even forgot the fact that podcasts are nonexistent on WP 8.1. Any android user who has ever used BeyondPod on a regular basis like I do with my tablet will know what it means to try and deal with podcasts on WP.
Secretly I am still hoping WP will get better but the problem I see esp with what I was pointing out was that it is not the sophisticated things WP get wrong but things users like to think of as simple.
As for a new phone I might give the Nokia Android device a try but I could not get a hand on it in any store....
There is another thread that is discussing how WP is becoming more like Android. Is that necessarily a bad thing? For WP to succeed Microsoft (MSFT) needs to do a few things.

1. Be unique (yup done!) The WP look and feel is significantly different compared to Android and iOS. It's customizable enough to keep from looking haphazard like Android; and MSFT actually listens to its user base unlike Apple with its, "here you go, just what we want you to have" approach.

2. Cater to business. MSFT did VERY well (and still doing well) in its ability to sell server OS and desktop OS to businesses. It also is extremely successful with its Office suite of apps. What it did was market Office and Windows to business and educational institutions, then offered discounts for employees (HUP) and students. Enough of a discount to make it worth while. This is what MSFT needs to do with both its smartphone lines and Surface tablet lines. Offer it to businesses and educational institutions; and then create some form of HUP style program for employees and students. Enough to make the jump worth while financially. *** Pro Tip: Check with your organization and see if it has a Microsoft HUP licensing program (your chief information officer (IT guy) should know). If it does you can get Office Professional 2013 for about $10.00 ($20.00 if you order a DVD). ***

3. Keep evolving WP to make it more palatable to Android users. Right now, Android is the currently market leader for smartphone OS world wide. Also, 90% of iOS users will stick with iPhone and iPad. So the trick is to lure Android users into the WP fold (such as myself). Eventually, if you lure enough Android users then you'll start seeing more iOS users take note and start migrating.

4. Significantly improve the integration between WP8.x devices and Windows 8.x devices. Right now, Apple is in the lead when it comes to integration between different platforms. Improving inter-device integration will target the iOS/Mac OS users.

5. I think this is probably the most important and the hardest to do. Make MSFT devices cheap. Ultimately, it is the cost of the device (or service) that drives people's purchasing decisions. Show how MSFT's devices (and services) are superior to the competition then sell it at a price point to make it worthwhile to jump from another ecosystem. What makes it complicated is that it's not just MSFT selling MSFT powered devices. It has to be done in such a way that MSFT profits from its own brand name devices, but not undercut its partners that use MSFT services and software on their devices.

Unfortunately for MSFT, it is (right now) seen as a "jonnie come lately" to the mobile market, even though it was one of its pioneers (remember Windows CE power smartphones and PDAs and the first HP tablets in the early 2000's? ). Ballmer tried to ride the PC/Laptop wave for as long as he could and now MSFT is paying the price for it.

I think MSFT's new CEO understands this very well with is "Mobile First, Cloud First" strategy. If Nadella can make it through these next couple years, I think MSFT will be back on top again within a decade.
We seam to get a lot of threads about why an Android/iPhone user doesn't like Windows Phone. From Windows Phone users that are messing features from their old OS. These threads have the same theme and the same content so here is the Official thread for these types of posts. Warning if you don't like the content of this thread please skip it. This thread will be monitored unnecessary content will be removed.

If you can't post in a civil manner or if you insist on making post that are in violation of the forum rules (arguing) don't bother to post in this thread. Infractions will be handed out when necessary.

It is my hope that this community can have a civil debate of the facts good and bad in WP8. Maybe if we show our common concern of missing features in Windows Phone 8 we can help give Microsoft a roadmap of the features this community wants.

Why PART 2? Because part one became a mess filled with unwanted content that did not represent the nature of the WPC community. We will do better this time.

Do you have some good things to say about WP8 join us in this thread to talk about those positives:


Why does it say posted in 1999?
Persistent problems that I feel need addressed ASAP.

First of all let me start off by saying every since my Samsung Focus with the new incarnation of Microsoft's mobile platform I have been in love with where Microsoft is wanting to go with things. But unfortunately there are many obstacles ahead for them. I have owned all the top mobile operating systems (Android, Blackberry, IOS, and Windows Phone), and they all have their pros' and cons'. I could go on about what I love and loathe from each, but instead I want to RANT about the shortcomings of the mobile operating system I love and want to use...

1. A very huge, and probably the most irritating problem I have with my phone that Microsoft has the ability to solve, is Internet Explorer. I realize that it is the browser of this OS and I'm perfectly fine with that. But what bothers me, and has to bother many dedicated WP users is that I come from IOS, and the browser on IOS is so fluid, smooth, and literally takes the need away from using a computer for browsing the internet away from me. Internet Explorer is a very solid mobile browser. Fast, feature-rich, and very capable. But it's almost as if this is an unfinished part of the operating system. It is very jerky, zooming in and out is clunky, pages load half ***, pages hang for no reason, and it's (in my opinion) a overlooked, very important part of the mobile experience. IOS Safari may lack in certain areas, but coming from IOS, internet browsing to me and I'm sure many, many, MANY other people is 1 of the 3 main reasons I have my phone. Mobile browsing for me has replaced my laptop for the most part, and that's what I want. I want to be able to carry the functionality of a computer in my pocket and not have the need to grab my PC because my mobile lacks in that department. I felt that way (mostly) with IOS, I don't feel that way with WP, yet.

2. Bing vs. Google. I know this is such a irrational thing to bring up on a site dedicated to WP, but for me this topic is important. I use Bing, I like Bing, Bing works, but Google is what I want. I don't care what you say, when it comes to searching for anything, Google hardly lets you down. I wouldn't have an issue with it, if Bing met the EXPECTATIONS that I have come to EXPECT from Google. For example, hitting the search key brings me into Bing's playground figuratively speaking, and I know this is nitpicking but image searching is huge for me, it allows me to express things not easily explained in words in a world of texting, emailing, social networking and etc. Bing image search at least on mobile is so irritating, half the time the pictures don't always load, and if I'm forced to use Bing (whether Google's participation on the WP platform is solely in the hands of Google or not) then I should not have a limit as to how many photos in able to load in a search query, and damnit it should strive to out-do Google. Its YOUR product on YOUR platform Microsoft.

3. The constant instability of downloaded OR baked in applications is extremely frustrating. I cannot began to tell you how many times applications crash for whatever reason. I know that is not always avoidable but come on, once again I come from IOS, I shouldn't feel spoiled by an OS that I don't even want to use. I'm not saying that IOS is mind boggling stable, I'm saying its far more reliable. I shouldn't be trying to talk friends into a Windows device, comparing what I can do that they can't, and my apps either freeze, lock up, start off fast and then slow to a halt, or give me error messages that I have been accustomed too, and not just on one WP device or WP software version.

4. The attention to the small details. This is HUGE. Seriously, it may not seem like it, but a lot of tiny things from competitors operating systems are still missing in WP. E.g., something as small as adding an OS level flashlight toggle that instantly works when touched and doesn't require an app to be opened first, that's a huge tiny detail to a lot of people. Security. Why don't I have fine controls over what is openly accessible and what is password protected on my phone when I hand it off to a friend to play with or use, like the biggest thing on that subject (for me) is the blocked call/text list. Why can't I block numbers and password protect that part of my phone so no one can just open the "Messages App", tap the 3 dots at the bottom, and potentially see or undo changes that I don't want seen or undone with no roadblock. Another small detail, GPS navigation, I have not owned a dedicated GPS device since the arrival of GPS navigation on mobile phones. Why can't I use navigation and then lock my screen or turn off the display and have it light up while its navigating me and I need to see the road or path it is taking me on or too. There are many more small detail type things that makes me wonder if Microsoft employees have set down with competing OS's and played with them and seen little stuff like this and thought to themselves, why doesn't our mobile platform have this.

5. I get it Microsoft, you're playing catch-up and you have huge plans for your vision, I see those plans forming and I'm enthralled as to what your future holds, but Microsoft, you're sooo massive of a company, why are these feature, updates, this catch-up work of yours taking so very long to happen? You don't have time to sit and release updates at the pace in which you are currently doing so. I personally will only use 1 of 2 mobile operating systems and that is either WP or IOS, I have patience for the issues to be addressed but others do not. I know how hard it is to pull away from a mobile OS ecosystem once you have one that works, and works like you want it too. I have gotten rid of every windows phone I've ever owned and went back to an iPhone over the past few years because of features and most importantly, RELIABILITY. I want to love WP, Microsoft. But its hard sometimes. I know things are changing, I know that Microsoft is trying to fix the problems, and I know that they have made so much progress in the right direction to be competitive, but it's time to stop being competitive and be innovative! Worlds biggest software development company and you're third on the mobile front. How? You've been making software for years, you should know how to get this right, you should know what needs to be done to dominate!

I hope my rant isn't too much, and I hope nobody is seriously at the end of this post with itchy pissed off fingers waiting to type up how I'm wrong, lol. I wrote this on my beloved WP and it is of my own opinion, right or wrong, fact or perception, I'm entitled. Anyways, if you've read this long, LONG post, sound off and let me know if you feel the same way. Or if you really feel it necessary, on the internet, tell me how horrendous my thoughts and opinions are!

By the way, I love WPCentral, you guys are my NUMBER 1 go to (too many) times per day source for Windows Phone news and updates!
Microsoft needs to work on connectivity and integration

Now, that WP is up to par, feature-wise, with Android and iOS, I think its about time Microsoft started working on connectivity. Windows has a 90%+ market-share and owns PC Gaming. Xbox (360 and One) is one of the most popular game consoles series, and Skype will always be a favorite. Yet, none of these really work well together. After reading up on OS X 10.10 Yosemite, I have to admit, even though I'll probably never own an Apple device: it's pretty cool. There's one problem that the most amazing feature of 10.10 faces though. Not many people are fully invested in the Apple ecosystem. Mainly, because no one uses a Mac(book). So, this incredible connectivity between iOS and OS X 10.10 is useless. I was thinking: Microsoft has a much better chance of pulling this off. Windows Phone has an incredibly small market-share, but if they can pull this off, it may just be the accelerator Microsoft has been looking for. I really hope Apple, with their unveiling of OS X 10.10 and iOS 8, has just given Microsoft the wake-up call they've needed to stay relevant in the "Post-PC World".

EDIT: Why was this merged? It isn't about WP specifically.
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Re: Microsoft needs to work on connectivity and integration

Now, that WP is up to par, feature-wise, with Android and iOS, I think its about time Microsoft started working on connectivity. Windows has a 90%+ market-share and owns PC Gaming. Xbox (360 and One) is one of the most popular game consoles series, and Skype will always be a favorite. Yet, none of these really work well together. After reading up on OS X 10.10 Yosemite, I have to admit, even though I'll probably never own an Apple device: it's pretty cool. There's one problem that the most amazing feature of 10.10 faces though. Not many people are fully invested in the Apple ecosystem. Mainly, because no one uses a Mac(book). So, this incredible connectivity between iOS and OS X 10.10 is useless. I was thinking: Microsoft has a much better chance of pulling this off. Windows Phone has an incredibly small market-share, but if they can pull this off, it may just be the accelerator Microsoft has been looking for. I really hope Apple, with their unveiling of OS X 10.10 and iOS 8, has just given Microsoft the wake-up call they've needed to stay relevant in the "Post-PC World".

EDIT: Why was this merged? It isn't about WP specifically.

It isn't up to par, that's the problem. There are still features not present in WP that the other OSs have.
One thing that still bugs me is IE. Simple sites (like pxlnv.com) don't display properly, and video playback often crashes the whole device. I appreciate I'm on wp 8.1 and that's in beta still, but my 4 year old iPod touch gives a much smoother browsing experience by comparison, and that just seems wrong. Haven't found a third party browser that can match Safari on iOS either.
One thing that still bugs me is IE. Simple sites (like pxlnv.com) don't display properly, and video playback often crashes the whole device. I appreciate I'm on wp 8.1 and that's in beta still, but my 4 year old iPod touch gives a much smoother browsing experience by comparison, and that just seems wrong. Haven't found a third party browser that can match Safari on iOS either.

It also doesn't load certain pages the way I see them loaded on my Android phone. Google Images for example looks like it's from 2008 on IE but the format in mobile Chrome is much better. It would also be nice to be able to minimize the URL bar off screen for a full screen browsing experience.
I am so close to leaving Windows Phone.

I've had 8.1 on my 1520 since it came out. Keeping an organized music collection is a headache and the metadata is almost always a problem. Nokia Mix Radio is the only player that's decent and sometimes it's slow and buggy but I do still like their live tile.

But recently I discovered that my newer photos are duplicating for no reason. This just makes me angry as hell, because I deleted the duplicated and I lost the photos altogether. This is seriously a headache trying to keep things organized.

I have AT&T Next Gen so I can get a different phone in February...Windows Phone is going to have to fix their problems before then or they've lost me! And that's if I don't cave before that and get a Sony Xperia Z2.
Re: I am so close to leaving Windows Phone.

How do you mean they are duplicating? Do you have 2 of the same photo in your camera roll? Cant deny that the music apps are suffering since wp8 I think everybody that used it would love Zune back even if they just used Zune software and just called it xbox music. As for xperia x2 if you want things coming up on screen like "sorry your camera has stopped" when like my wife trying to get a photo of the kids. Z2 is a real treat to use when it cant run a simple task of turning on the camera when you want it.
I don't know if it needs this to succeed but for me to Bo back to windows phone I want one with a proper qwerty keyboard. I had a LG windows 7 phone with a proper keyboard which broke, tried an android phone and hated it. Next I bought a Lumina 520 which I liked alot but still hated typing on the stupid screen so I put the Lumina away for backup and bought a blackberry Q10. The blackberry is amazing and when it kicks the bucket I can only hope to either find another Q10 or hope there is a qwerty windows phone out. My girlfriend is in the same boat except she has 3 of those LG windows 7 phones laying around for parts, hoping to never have to switch back to a phone with a screen keyboard.
you sound like me a few years ago. I held out for a long time with my Nokia n900 mainly because I wanted a real keyboard... then I realized it wasn't going to happen. I Buckled down and got a lumia 920, 925, and now waiting on a 1520... so far so good and I got used to the onscreen keyboard. I still would rather have a regular querty slide out keyboard. I WAS faster that way until windows phone 8.1 came out with the slide thingy. Now that is the fastest thing I have ever typed on and I love it.
This is a long thread and I don't know if network sharing and NAS integration was already suggested. Anyway, this is just to emphasize the importance of it. Since mobile devices have limited storage capacities, it is important that it should have a capability to connect seamlessly to remote storage other than OneDrive. For business people who uses their phones for emails and other correspondence, WP should have the capability to share files with PCs and laptops where you can easily attach a document from a PC or laptops hard drive through network sharing. When we, say, want to attach a file to an email (not just photos) or upload a file to a website, there should be an option where to get those files either from local storage, NAS, other PCs or OneDrive.
Below is a screenshot of attachment options from an android device running Jelly Bean.


As you can see, when you click attach from an android device, it will ask you where the file you want to attach is stored. The "QFile" in one of the options refer to my NAS.

If android can do it, Windows should be able to do it better.

One of the most common phrases seen in the media is "Available on IOS and Android Phone." Millions of people see it repeated every hour when GolfNow advertises during golf tournaments. Millions more see it when watching DirecTV commercials. Millions more see it when they view or read about the latest electronic gismo that can be controlled by cell phones.

Every time a person hears that famous phrase, they think (maybe subconsciously) don't buy a windows phone.

So, three out of every hundred phones sold is a Windows phone because Microsoft has allowed this to happen.

It could have been, and still can be prevented. Microsoft: Get those apps written!

If you don't know how then ask me and I will tell you how.

Dean Blakely

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