I don't think it was marketing success. Just a solid product. Microsoft's marketing has been better but the proof was in the pudding, the SP3 is a fantastic device that finally matches the marketing idea that's been pitched for 3+ years.
No, no, no my friend one of the first things we're taught in business is that a product/service is only as good as its marketing. We've seen amazingly marketed products of poor quality sell like hotcakes, yet no one has ever seen a quality product sell without marketing. Marketing is half the battle in the product development process, if the consumer doesn't know about it then the quality is simply irrelevant.
1.) You need a solid product
2.) You need to know who your target market is
3.) You need to introduce, educate, persuade and remind the consumer of your product(s).
Apple and Android are currently in the "remind" phase of the development cycle because their product growth is at what we marketers call the "maturity stage" which means their brand is well established and all that's needed is steady reminder marketing.
Microsoft is still at the introductory phase of the product cycle with Windows Phone, I mean honestly you have no idea how many people don't know about Windows Phone. I wish I had a penny for every time someone asked me if my Nokia was an Android. Alot of people have the perception that there's Apple iPhones and everything else that doesn't bare the Apple logo is "an Android".
Marketing is everything, good marketing also creates word of mouth advertising and good marketing creates a cult following and fashion statement of sorts for the brand. Apple inc is what they are today because they're arguably the most brilliantly marketed corporation in the world.
From the "1984 Ad" to the iPod Shadows to the Mac vs PC, to the countless iPhone ads. Apple has outdone Microsoft at the turn of the century because of MARKETING, both firms made quality products but one was just so so much better at marketing.
See the whole Zune music player debacle. Not only was MSFT late to the game (like they are now) but the Zune marketing campaign just couldn't hold a candle to Apple's iPod campaign. This despite the Zune being every bit as solidly built as the iPods of the time.The original Xbox gaming console might have suffered the same fate as Zune up against the juggernauts of Sony and Nintendo had it not been for the world class excellency of the Xbox exclusive games, primarily Bungie's Halo series (you may have heard of it).