Ordered my Imagio!


New member
Apr 14, 2007
Just got done ordering my Imagio from Verizon online to replace my XV6800. I like to get the $100 off online with no mail-in rebate needed. Never used the slide-out keyboard on the 6800, so I picked the Imagio over the TP2(which I notice is listed as sold-out on their webpage). I'll probably try the media-flo TV service. I hope it's better than MobiTV which I cancelled because it was so bad. But if it turns out the GPS is crippled...the Imagio is going back.
FedEx lady just brought me a present:

Is GPS Cripped?

GPS is not crippled. It works fine. Bing and Google maps have worked great. Haven't tried anything else. I did have a problem the first day with getting the gps to work right. Turns out besides setting the obvious gps app to "on" you also have to go into the phone app and: Menu/Options/CDMA services/Location setting (Get settings) and make sure to highlight "location on" (it's off by default - it's only set to 911.)
What apps are going to try on the Imagio? I am curious to see how Skype/Slingbox and Skifire work (the letter of the day: S)...
What a nice looking device I would consider one if I didnt use the qwerty on the TP2 so much
It's the Verizon version. Some differences between ATT's Pure and Europe TD II.

Thanks, Muirwoody,
Congrats for getting your Imagio.
You got the imagio because you are a verizon guy or because there is a significant difference with the At&T or other carriers?
What a nice looking device I would consider one if I didnt use the qwerty on the TP2 so much

Yes, it really is. I have both currently. THe Imagio will be returned on Monday. Cant beat the KB on the TP2. But I did like the look of the phone. Everyone thought I had an Iphone though lol.
Thanks, Muirwoody,
Congrats for getting your Imagio.
You got the imagio because you are a verizon guy or because there is a significant difference with the At&T or other carriers?

The AT&T Pure has a smaller 3.2" screen compared to the imagio's 3.6". IT's only 0.4 inches but makes a huge difference when looking at the devices.
Imagio has 3.5mm audio port, Pure requires addition cable dongle for that.
Pure is $50 cheap though, but verizion has much better 3G coveraged.
Thanks, Muirwoody,
Congrats for getting your Imagio.
You got the imagio because you are a verizon guy or because there is a significant difference with the At&T or other carriers?

Just because I'm on Verizon and have the best coverage with them.
Personal opinion from watching and reading the reviews I think you got the better of the 2 devices.
I just made a little discovery that doesn't seem to be in the manual as near as I can tell. One of the little touches the Imagio has is that when it goes into sleep mode, it locks, so that every time you want to start it you have to swipe the unlock button. Nice to prevent butt-calling, but just a step that slows me down. As near as I can tell, if you remove the stylus first, the phone turns right on and by-passes the lock screen. Makes sense really - the phone figures if you are getting the stylus out you are serious about getting started and not butt-calling, so it counts that as an unlock swipe. I wonder if this behavior is the same on other recent HTC devices?
I've had my Imagio now for a few days. It's my first smart phone and first windows based device. I'm really enjoying it and hope to share lessons learned and experiences with some folks here.

Muirwoody- that's a great find. I played with that after reading your post. Thanks for sharing.
I'm looking into getting a new smartphone and it's looking to be the HTC Imagio. I have the BlackBerry Tour right now and I can't stand the trackball. It wont go where I want it to go basically lol. I've messed with other BB trackballs and they all work fine, but this one just annoys me. I was going to wait out for the Storm2, but I'm ready for a new line of smartphones...RIM has had there chances with me with both the Storm and Tour.

My question is, how is the Facebook on the Imagio? I have a lot more questions, but videos on youtube have been good at answering them for me. Thanks in advance!
I'm not a facebook guy but I believe Facebook integration is one of the more touted features of the phone.
"My question is, how is the Facebook on the Imagio? I have a lot more questions, but videos on youtube have been good at answering them for me. Thanks in advance!"

I rarely use a mobile Facebook client. If I do now, I'm using the one in Kinoma Play only because I happen to have KP and it's fine. I haven't tried the free Microsoft Facebook app that can be downloaded from Marketplace.
I just ordered the same (Verizon ) it should be here tomorrow,which applications should I download,any inputs??
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MyPhone, a web based backup
AP, a great news app
Twikini, good for Twitter
Palringo an IM app
Amaze a free turn by turn GPS

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