HTC's reply:
I apologize for the inconvenience you're experiencing with WIFI signal and connection, audio during calls, network reception, disappearing keyboard on the HTC Titan. I will be more than happy to assist you with these issues. Due to the issues on the device, I would first recommend to perform a soft reset. This is done by powering down the phone, remove the battery for at least 30 seconds, replace it and restart the phone. This will clear the cache on the device.
Make sure you are not using a task killer on your phone. These can interfere with the processes that the phone needs to connect to the network. They are also known to cause instability to the UI on HTC devices, causing the phones to behave abnormally. If you use a task killer, we strongly suggest that you uninstall it.
Also, if you have a case of any type on the phone we recommend to remove it. Cases will often impede proper reception and functionality of the phone.
The availability and strength of the WIFI signal will vary depending on objects, such as buildings or simply a wall between rooms, the WIFI signal has to pass through. Try moving to different areas of the building to see if there is better reception on one side or another.
Make sure you are not in a basement, or surrounded by either a lot of concrete, or large electrical devices such as furnaces, air conditioners, and microwaves. All electrical devices emit electro-magnetic interference to some degree. If there is a lot of it in the building, then this can disrupt the signals.
Have you tried adjusting the audio levels on the Titan, when using Bing or changing songs?
When you are holding the phone, do so with the edges of the device, making sure to leave some space between the palm of your hand and the back of the phone. Again, this allows the best reception of cell signals. Contact your provider and see if they are having any connectivity issues in your area. They may also be able to refresh your connection to their network.
Lastly I would recommend to perform a factory data reset on the phone. A factory data reset removes all information from your device and returns it to a state just like it has never been used before. All contacts, messages, emails, third-party applications, etc. will need to be reinstalled after performing a factory data reset. To perform a factory data reset, Applications list > Settings > About > Reset your phone > Follow the onscreen instructions.
In the interim we will pass along your comments and feedback to our developers on your behalf. All constructive suggestions are evaluated on their own merit and are used by our developers when deciding what new features to offer in upcoming models, to improve existing features and functions, to find out what things that our customers are looking for in their device, or find areas that could be improved with future models of HTC devices.
We do apologise for any inconvenience this may cause and we hope the suggestions we have provided can resolve this important issue for you. We deeply regret if this issue has caused you any dissatisfaction with your phone or with HTC, and we hope that it will not detract from your overall use and enjoyment of the Titan. We thank you for your patience while we work to resolve this important issue.
Keep in mind that we are here to answer any technical questions or concerns you may have between 6am to 1am EDST, 7 days a week for your convenience, or by phone at 1-866-449-8358.
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