Our best bet is to contact HTC/AT&T

Finally saw an issue - was listening to a podcast when I accidentally hit the Bing button and the quality of the sound completely changed.

Also, was playing that shuffleboard game and saw the chugginess, which was fixed by turning off SRS.
AT&T had me fill out this long survey, probably took about 15 minutes to finish. Some of the questions were about AT&T's network but most were about my experience with the Titan so far. I made sure to give them a laundry list of complaints including poor network performance.
The quicker we contact HTC and AT&T about the numerous problems with the Titan the faster someone will get around to fixing them. Here is the list I sent. Hopefully I described the problems accurately.

Weak wifi antenna... YES
Randomly dropping wifi connection ... YES. This is horrible in 5 days I have already use a quarter of my data.
No audio during phone calls.. Nope
Audio pops during songs... havent notice it.
Music distorts while using Bing search... haven't notice it
Unusually slow network speeds.. sometimes it's a little bit slow.. but this is still faster than Sprint
Vertical tile tearing.. haven't notice it
Disappearing keyboard.. YES!! it has been happening the last 3-4 days
No activity even with 4G/wifi connected.. YES! the browser doesnt do anything, and Bing search just freezes.
SRS causes video and game stuttering...... YES, i just turned it off.
One week after owning the Titan, I really like WP UI, but i feel disappointed to have these problems with the phone. Really disappointing. I think I might have to pay more for data and a warranty plan. That's at least $20 more on my phone. I have 3 Titans!!!
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I don't think that this is a Titan-specific issue. I think it's AT&Ts 4g Hspa+ in general.

I don't know, the iphone 4s and the skyrocket (my other 2 options before the Titan), they are running faster on 4g HSPA+ (New York City)
When I was looking at WP7 and I was comparing the Focus S and the Titan
I took them off the WiFi and onto 4G only the S was getting faster load up times. On google.com

Sent from my SGH-i937 using Board Express
Now that I think about it, the Atrix I had before was initially slower than advertised, but an update fixed it. Maybe this issue can be similarly corrected.

i had that same problem with the atrix i had. really disappointed with that phone and the way it performed. and im not talking about just the network speed. the overall system was laggy. it was a revelation when i got my focus.
I posted the problems on the Microsoft Answer forums and I just got a reply from a moderator.

Thank you for this list. I have the Titan as well and have some of these issues as well.

I will escalate this within these forums.

Not much in the way of answers but at least he (or someone) is looking into the issue.

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