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@ iliramove Have you had any problems with your scrolling since you updated? Here's to hoping that issue is now solved :orly:

No issues with scrolling so far. Everything is working as expected too. I noticed that signal is holding up well with 4G on all the time. No unexpected reboots (I would know since I set SIM PIN on) and battery life has been the same,for the past two days.

Sent from my RM-937_eu_belarus_russia_205 using Tapatalk
I don't know why I still check this site but I think im addicted to the info :?)

I was just informed by navifirm plus of a new firmware for 937 and got all excited only to find ...

nokia just realised - Nokia Lumia 1520 (rm-937): - 1028.3534.1343.0001
I think its more obscure variants or providers

Does not bode well for other 937 users :?(

Back to lurking cya

ps might just be a navifirm buggly
Just checked and received the 1402 firmware OTA, UK CV GB RM-937, fingers crossed the issue with screen sensitivity is now solved, Time will tell, Check for updates and hope you get yours through.
Has any other info come out about what its changed? did hear screen, some speed improvements, few bugs....any info to add??
Finnish country variants are getting this too. I can't tell what has been fixed or changed, since I didn't have any problems before.
It just came up as Nokia Update, Screen has improved significantly so that's all I cared about.
Just checked and received the 1402 firmware OTA, UK CV GB RM-937, fingers crossed the issue with screen sensitivity is a now solved, Time will tell, Check for updates and hope you get yours through.

Sorry for the questions but im novice on WP. Is you 1520 model a factory unlocked version? Did you had problems with the reeboot and wifi issues? Speaker weird sounds? Droped calls?
And now every thing is solved? Do you put ON the wifi even when ithe screen is locked? I really like the 1520 but where i live does not have Nokia assistance. So if i have any problem i must send it back and stay without phone until god knows when.
Wich country variant/version has received this update? From wich country should i buy?
If you are from UK, do you think the Clove strore is a good online stote?
Please i need a little push from WP users to trade my Note 2 but i have to be secure that im not going to regret.
Yes I have an unlocked UK RM-937, had no other issues apart from screen sensitivity where it would register a tap rather than a swipe etc, Now seems to have been resolved with latest update, Have never used Clove but have heard they are good, I got mine from Carphone warehouse on contract but was supplied an unlocked handset, I cannot fault it and highly recommend you at least try one out if you can and then decide, Best of luck.

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