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I have had glance on from the start/auto bright/high sen, update worked for me, but I did not have issue as bad as other owners.
HK variant still waiting 😊. At least my wife's 920 (ATT flashed to Rogers) got Black last night.
I have feeling that "Touch" update fixed it ... no single mistake tap after update. I am using high sensitivity with auto brightness and double tap and glance always on (with glance background too) ...
I have feeling that "Touch" update fixed it ... no single mistake tap after update. I am using high sensitivity with auto brightness and double tap and glance always on (with glance background too) ...

I'm thinking this too. I had the problem only infrequently, but some apps were worse than others for it. Since I did the touch update, I can't get it to happen. Way to go Nokia!
I have feeling that "Touch" update fixed it ... no single mistake tap after update. I am using high sensitivity with auto brightnessand double tap and glance always on (with glance background too) ...

Did you had this issue before?
Every day i come here and reade some thread that doesnt encourage me much to buy the 1520. Has ive said, i have the Note 2 and never had problems. I want to try WP but, spend almost a month salary and then receive a bunch of problems its not that good. Some have white spots on screen, others speaker that make weird sounds, screen issues tap/swipe...
Dont know what to do. Play safe and buy Note 3 or take a chance on the 1520.
I really think that WP 8.1 will bring good things but, thats it dont know wich one to buy.
Coming here won't help you decide.
In a forum it?s normal to see more people talking about problems with their devices than talking about how marvelous are our devices...
I'm beginning to wonder if that Touch update helped too... After forcing it on my RM-840, the issue has only happened a couple of times, more of a rare occurrence vs a the most inopportune of times. One of the issues I could do is hold my finger on the keyboard, while typing a web address in, and it would start repeating the letter, doing very weird things. I had that happen once, then it abruptly stopped and didn't happen again after a retry, almost as if the phone is learning the issue, but I may be reading into this too much.

I just turned glance and double tap to wake back on, so I'm still on the fresh end of this update, but usually it's driven me crazy by this time.
Did you had this issue before?
Every day i come here and reade some thread that doesnt encourage me much to buy the 1520. Has ive said, i have the Note 2 and never had problems. I want to try WP but, spend almost a month salary and then receive a bunch of problems its not that good. Some have white spots on screen, others speaker that make weird sounds, screen issues tap/swipe...
Dont know what to do. Play safe and buy Note 3 or take a chance on the 1520.
I really think that WP 8.1 will bring good things but, thats it dont know wich one to buy.

Yeah, I had that problem too ... but it was managable ... well, it is nothing new that there is some bugs in the new generation products like Lumia 1520 - it is just the same with computer stuff, like mainboards and display adapters and even with Intel and AMD processors ... and Nokia did it pretty well, it did not take too long to have a fix ("Touch" update today) ....

Anyway, I am very very satisfied with my Lumia 1520 - it is my dream phone, well, without 41 Mpx camera and Xenon flash of Lumia 1020, but I prefer it over Lumia 1020 ...

By the way, speakers of Lumia 1520 are really great ones ... :)
Coming here won't help you decide.
In a forum it?s normal to see more people talking about problems with their devices than talking about how marvelous are our devices...

In fact i get scared of reading some of these issues with the 1520.
The way you wrote seems that you have problems to, am i right? I hope not.
In fact i get scared of reading some of these issues with the 1520.
The way you wrote seems that you have problems to, am i right? I hope not.

I think the point he's trying to get across is that you're typically going to see more complaints about a device than praise. That doesn't mean there are lots of problems with the phone, just that there may be a few problems that need ironing out.

The 1520 has only been out for about 3 months, which is a fairly short time. It's taken some time to get some things addressed, but overall, even with the touch issue out there, the really bad 1520's aren't the norm. I bought mine on day 1 of availability here in the States, and I'll be honest, the touch issue got to me, but I'm a bit anal about my technology. Even small stuff can bug me.

A squeaky wheel will always get the most attention, and this forum has a lot of wheels turning, some squeakier than others, so some of those will bring attention. Again, it doesn't mean the 1520 is a bad phone. I love mine to death, and will continue to follow the Lumia models for the foreseeable future. Hopefully Microsoft will keep quality coming.
Touch update alone didn't fix touch screen problem for me. Still waiting the firmware update for HK variant
got an update for my phone, finally! it's the malaysian variant.

i gotta say, although it has improved, accidental taps still happen. :-s
HK variant, got latest firmware but touch issues are just the same. Tempted to hard reset or may take it into Nokia to fix.
Any update on when AT&T will get the touch fix, this issue is makes a fantastic device very frustrating.

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