Phone Not Reading New or Old SD Card


New member
Jul 20, 2014
I bought a new Sandisk 128G SD card from Amazon to replace my old 64G Sandisk SD card.

I removed the old disk from my phone and sat the tray on my desk. I transferred data from the old to the new via PC. I knocked the tray on the floor and accidentally rolled over it with my chair. I ordered a new tray from a seller from EBay.

When the new tray arrived, I tried the 128 card. Nothing. Ok, maybe it doesn't work after all, I'll put the 64 card back in. Nothing. I double checked both cards on the PC and they both have all of their data.

I've checked the forums and the only solution I can find is to keep re-inserting the card until the phone reads it. Any suggestions? I miss my music and movies.
is all of your data backed up on your computer? if so, then insert the card into the phone, then format it via the phone. I have had this issue in the past, and formatting it via the phone set it up, then I could copy all of the data back over (was a 930 I had to it with).

soft reset may help also, but worst case is format the card from the phone. just make sure all your data is backed up first.
Sounds feasible.
How do I format card from the phone?
Does your phone detect the card? From your post it seems it doesn't even show up on the phone (with or without the data). In that case, the problem could very well be with the new SD card tray you got.
To format it on the phone, it must first be read by the phone, irrespective of it being shown blank or with data.

Provided the card is detected by the phone, go to Storage within Settings, select the SD card, and then there should be 2 options at the bottom: Remove and Format.
Select 'Format' and follow the instructions.
while I had read that 128 cards be used with the 1520 & I really didn't need the space
also for SD @ Micro Center, the price point was more attractive at 64 MB
that said
format in the phone after B/U your old card
be aware that copy disk will still work in DOS, but not so happily in Win10 ...somethings will do better by copying them directly from your computer & using DOS if you must
be aware that it takes Win8.1 mobile (damn AT&T for holding up Denim update) over night to correctly recognize much of your old card (music & videos especially)
loves my 1520 :-)

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