Phone ramdomly chimes


New member
May 24, 2013
Hi guys has anyone experienced a random chiming sound from there Nokia Lumia devices? It happens when my screen turns on when i manually unlock my phone as well as when I get a notification and sometimes while on a phone call it will be silently chiming in my ear.
It's also possible you have an app running in the background and is set to make a sound when it updates? This was the issue a friend of mine had on his phone.
Lol no its not an alarm I wish it was that simple. It's no sound that is an option on my phone any where. It evens happens while I type or just touch the screen just keeps doing a "rewind" until I stop touching, then it just plays out. It's proper random sometimes it happens constantly for days then suddenly it wont happen for weeks/months and it will come back.

Yes I do have NFC enabled. Will turn it off and see if that help
did this ever get solved?

I had it happen on all of my phones> 920>925>930 and now 950 with W10M. what the *$@* is it!!!?

I though it was something to do with Wi-Fi sharing and contacts but its not....

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