hey everyone, just got a hd7 and it won't boot up, i've tried erasing everything, pulling the battery and hooking it up to the computer. has this happened to anyone else? coming from a palm pre and all its problems, not this.. smh
Never have had this happen. What does it actually do? How far it the process does it go? Mine goes HTC screen, Tmo screen, Windows phone screen, then Tiles. Where does yours stop?
I did mess up my phone a bit via a registry hack which I was fortuantely able to repair. Have you done anything to your phone or is it stock with only official marketplace apps?
If you just got it within the last 30 days or so you can probably do a simple exchange for a new device. If it is outside of the 30 days then regular warranty would apply or you could try reflashing the ROM if you wish to go that route.