Pictures / Video taken with your 1020

Here are a few from this morning.



edited with creative studio


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Can L1020 connect to TV via HDMI to play video on TV screen??

My old Nokia N8-00 had a TV-Out to HDMI, I wonder L1020 can do the same??
Can L1020 connect to TV via HDMI to play video on TV screen??

My old Nokia N8-00 had a TV-Out to HDMI, I wonder L1020 can do the same??

Bascially no, not in the way you mention. You can connect it via USB to a smart TV and play picture or video files from the phone on the TV.
Here is a side by side comparison of my Lumia 1020 and Canon s95. Most shots were taken in auto mode using physical camera button on 1020, however a couple of pics have fixed ISOs (same for both s95 / 1020) or I chose the focal point, but most are completely on auto.

In bright daylight shots s95 has a habit of over exposing and resulting in colours that are a little washed out whereas the 1020 does the opposite and can under expose or over saturate. The truth is generally somewhere in the middle of the two for bright daylight and wish the shots were closer to that, but If I had to pick between the two I would say I prefer the 1020 shots in dayight. For low light shots the bigger sensor of the 1020 wins out over the s95 which was considered top of the range for pocket cameras a few years ago in low light! I'll upload more low light shots from the 1020 but I don't have s95 counterparts hence why they aren't in this album.

Tip for viewing the album. Make sure it is ordered by Name (option at top right). I named the files nicely to state which camera it was but it seems filenames aren't very prominent when viewing skydrive albums. Anyway, when viewed by name first two pics in each location are 1020 shots (5 megapixel then full res) and third pic is s95!2324
4 second exposure, phone leaning on crumpled pack of cigarellos towards the sky. Ran through clarity filter to make clearer. It's difficult to take pics of stars, I've tried lots of times before. I barely needed to put any effort into this. I am happy :smile:

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1st - taken through my car window at Taco Bell drive-thru at like 11pm, there was a car behind me so light from that vehicle's headlights casting the shadows.

2nd - me lounging - lots of different colors and textures going on, with fairly flat light (we have no lighting in this room other than the windows and big fish tank)

Two of my favorite pictures, I took them over the weekend at the Point Place Boat Club, Regatta party.




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Surprise! I went on another walk! This time I saw a great sunflower. I had to turn down the exposure value, though, so the petals wouldn't look completely blown out.


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