Pictures / Video taken with your 1020

Nice pics!
(direkt fr?n luren? ser n?stan ut som du k?rt med silver efex)

You're right! Haha, I don't live in the 1920's, so I gotta edit the color a bit to get the desired effect. Bruce is black with white, meaning the picture with color would have hidden all of the detail from his face, seeing as how he's much darker than the surrounding shot. Once the colors were removed, you can add more clarity to the focused area, catching the viewers eye and getting that detailed shot. Had this shot been colored, it would not give the similar effect.
Those shots are amazing! I noticed a big spider in a web along my driveway this morning and tried to get a shot with my 920, but it came out horribly. Wish I could have gotten a shot like these!

P.S.: I love spiders, by the way. :smile:

Thanks, I like em too :smile: They are a pain to photograph though. The camera always wants to bring the background in focus, even on the big ones. I had to use manual focus and take a bunch to get a really sharp one, like the side view. The bottom view was just a tad out of focus, but was the best of several taken, for sharpness. Luckily spiders don't tend to run away, like most wildlife. I have been trying to get a hummingbird that comes by regularly, but can't manage it.
Hey everyone, sorry for the late reply. Nothing fancy, it's a Stowa Flieger.

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couple of low light pics that I took
iso 400 shutter speed 1/2s manual focus

iso 800 shutter speed 1/21s manual focus

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