Nice pics!
(direkt fr?n luren? ser n?stan ut som du k?rt med silver efex)
Those shots are amazing! I noticed a big spider in a web along my driveway this morning and tried to get a shot with my 920, but it came out horribly. Wish I could have gotten a shot like these!
P.S.: I love spiders, by the way. :smile:
Looks like someone's been Gambling!!! Hope you won sum $$$couple of low light pics that I took
iso 400 shutter speed 1/2s manual focus
View attachment 41633
iso 800 shutter speed 1/21s manual focus
couple of low light pics that I took
View attachment 41632
iso 400 shutter speed 1/2s manual focus
View attachment 41633
iso 800 shutter speed 1/21s manual focus